Chapter 22

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"Out this way, hurry up!"

I led Mint and Kiara out from the boxes. Mint pulled out a dagger from his waist. Kiara was following behind us, though the excursion was painful. She kept up to my set pace well.

"I need to duck into my tent and get my sword," i said," we best split up here. Mint take Kiara and hurry out of here. We will meet up by the stream at the edge of the forest."

Mint's eyes flickered to Kiara as she frowned.

"I am not leaving without Cougar!"

She took a shaky step to the right and turned around.

"Then find him and bring him," I sighed.

Mint nodded to Kiara and she went around to look. Mint looked at me with such annoyance I felt his eyes would burst. We both knew Cougar would stay and fight. We both knew he would be ad stubborn as ever and stay by Sparrow's side. Even if Kiara could sway him Cougar would stay because of Sparrow.

I turned from Mint and walked a few feet to a marsh area. I searched for a green weed. My eyes quickly fell upon it and I knelt down and plucked it. I kept it away from my nose.

"Here," I said passing it to Mint," anyone who smells this falls into a sleep."

Mint nodded firmly, and grimly put the weed in his waistline. He left and I watched him walk to a tent. He armored himself and Kiara with weapons and set forward again.

I jogged into my tent and pulled my sword out from its hidding place. I fixed my hair quickly and left the blanket on my bed with my haste.

I ran out and found myself into the main area of attack. My eyes fell upon Fillip who was fighting two attackers at once. My legs pushed me forwards to him. I felt the wind rushing past my ears and heard the cries as echoes. This was all wrong, nothing was right anymore.

I clashed swords with an attacker of ferocious build. He was stronger and pushed me backwards. I ripped my dress on a stone and felt the fabric tear. The tear rose high up my thigh. The man stood back for a second, obviously surprised at the fact I wasnt wearing long underclothes. My legs had been exposed. I frowned at him and swung my sword high around my head. It struck his skull with a sickly blow. I tore the rest of the fabric in a curved line leaving me with a dress that barely reached my knees.

I turned sharply and weaved my way through the fighting and fallen. A blade etched across my cheek. I tyrned to face my opponent and gasped.


His eyes went wide," thought you were some kind of..." he glanced at my legs and rubbed his face with one hand whilst glashing swords with a man behind him," a whore."

"Wow thanks Kyle," I shook my head and looked at his opponent staring at me.

"Now you," I said catching the man off-guard and plunged my sword into his side," mustn't stare."

Kyle shot me a grin and then waved to someone behind me: Sasha. She was mouthing to come with a very exasperated expression on her face.

"You better go Kyle," I say quietly," but be discrete about it."

He tipped and imaginary hat and took off. Silent as a mouse and swift as a fox. His long legs carried him into Sasha's arms. I looked away as they kissed and noticed Fillip. He had his black vest over top of his beige shirt. His boots were cacked with dirt and his belt was loosening from his waist.

I went to Fillip quickly. He glanced at my legs and frowned.

"Who did that? Are you alright?"

My eyebrows scrunched together in momentary confusion.

Fillip swung his sword in his hand waiting for an answer. His stance was protective. While his attention was on me he was also fighting with a tall, lean man.

"Oh," I said understanding what he thought had happened," oh, no It just tore in a fight and my face: well that was Kyle, accident."

Fillip relaxed his shoulders and returned to pay full attention to his opponent. One swift clash and the sword was out of his hand.

"We have to go Fillip," I touched his forearm gently.

He softened at the touch but shook his head a firm no came from his lips.

"What? Fillip what about your brother? Shoot where is Jocelyn? Did Alexa and Flea get out?"

"Whoa whoa!"

I shook my head and apologized. I stanced next to him and dueled with a bulky man twice my size. But I was faster. I ducked his sword and swipped mine at his ankles. He fell with a thud and crawled away before I could finish him.


Fillip chuckled at me," my brother and Jocelyn left with the first group of escapees. I'm not sure of Alexa and her...and Flea."

"There have been same sex couples since Christ, even before you know."

"Left school very young. If you remember, I ran with Charles."

I looked at my feet.

"You have to go Jade," Fillip said in haste.
A wave of attackers were tunning on foot over the hills. Their cries sewn into my mind. Our people, the farmers and soldiers. Ordinary folk met their end at their blades.


I turned and saw Sparrow fall down by the means of an arrow. He fell backwards and hit his head on a rock.

"Sparrow!" I screamed eyes blazing, no, no, no!"

Fillip was coacing me and somehow I was walking, then running. I felt his protective arm around my waist. He looked backwards multiple times. I became deaf for moments, unable to make out any words. I snapped back into reality after Fillio had brought me to Ginger. He had been shaking my shoulders.

"I'm going back for Sparrow, he is alive just knocked out bad."

"Your coming with me!" I shouted at him almost pleading.

"I will be right behind you, just go please. Run. I dont want you to be killed Jade. I cant protect you against all of them."

He placed his hand on my face and i rested my forehead against his.

"Okay," I said softly," meet me by the creek near the edge of the forest."

He kisses my forehead gently then slowly walks off. I swing onto Ginger and ride off.

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