Chapter 45

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Disguises in Dark Times♞

"Wine your royal highness?" I bowed deeply to the Princess of Kingdom Fleur Ridge.

Her delicate brown hair lay down her back. She wore a dress made from the finest pink silks. The copper tray I held was moved closer to her majesty. Kind, as rumoured in the city, she gave me a warm smile and nodded politely. Her hand shook ever so slightly as she raised the glass from my tray.

Princess then faced the large man with furs whom I was told is Lenöch. His features were rough and scars lined his arms. The blond hair atop his head and sun-burnt skin made him a sore sight to see. He carried himself highly as shown through his mannerisms. Lenöch made the loudest noises as he ate and managed to clear his plate in a mere matter of moments. The Princess tried her best to hide the distaste he caused her. It was unfortunate to see such an endearing princess thrust in his company.

"I hope not to over step my boundaries your graciousness," I bow deeply not making eye contact while Lenöch licks his last bone clean," I was hopeful to serve Lady Trinity this evening, she is so generous with the church you see."

The Princess looks saddened at my mentioning of the Lady. She takes out a fan and beats a small wind at herself. Lenöch grumbles annoyed to speak to a mere servant girl. He refused to look past his plate to acknowledge me. I nearly turn to leave when he replies.

"I'm afraid the Lady is not well," Lenöch says and stands, chair screeching it's place back from the table. His heavy steps head towards me. I feel the darkness of his shadow looming over me.

"She was a fun plump spirit, the Lady, albeit a bit...aged," he said at last and I saw the Princess flinch.

The chatting became quiet as eyes focused on Lenöch and I. I was able to hear a nervous maid drop some cutlery. My breathing was steady and I suprised myself at my own composure. As this lack of cowardice went fully noticed Lenöch's face grew askew.

He lifted my chin up and forced me to look at his dead eyes.

"How on earth can the Princess hold back her distaste?" I think to myself.

"What a pretty little face," he says flashing a wicked smile," but I've already endulged in one too many," he clicks his tongue looking for a word," exotic desserts."

It takes all of my energy not to slice his throat. It was too big of a risk for the Princess. A tense unrest hovered in the air of the dining hall. Flames danced angrily at Lenöch's every word. My mind blanked him out as I grew furious. He must have Kiara, with her caramel skin and green eyes she certainly stood out. I lick my lips instead of drawing my sword and pull away from him.
Turning from Lenöch to the Princess I bow then return with my empty tray of wine to the Kitchen. My chest is tight and I need to take a moment to breathe.

"You are so brave," I hear a young girl say.

I turn to see a group forming around me. Young maids curtsied at me in respect. An old woman was fiddling with her apron. Another was sorting cutlery from the floor with the aid of Hark. I had taken the table they all dreaded. As the unknown help the least favourable task fell upon my shoulders it would seem. Such was Lady Trinity's plan.

"He is a sick man, simply put," I say lifting my head," He must have my friend and-and I believe he hurt Lady Trinity but I can't be sure."

A sob escapes from one of the girls and I spin around to see she is behind me. The glimmer of a familiar green gem catches my eye. The daughter of Lady Trinity. She is openly upset now and a some child maids rush over to her. Flocking like birds to their mother.

"I'm so sorry," I say and take a sharp breath," I must get back to work. You must stay away from Lenöch. I will try my best to discover what has happened."

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