Chapter 42

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The crisp fall air came to wake me from deep sleep.Battle cries of the aboriginal tribe shook the valley. I looked to see the morning sun had risen, just barely, over the earth. Bird calls warned their own of what was to come. Today we made action to our plans.

I yawned and stretched out in bed. Sleep dust begging me to return to the realm of peace. I slipped out of bed and dressed myself in a men's small pants and long sleeve shirt. These had been picked out for me by Fillip earlier this week. A claim that there was no place for a dress on the battlefield. Only because they may target a woman. These men have gained an unsavoury reputation in that regard. I felt the fabric hanging loosely around my frame and frowned. It took moments until I was fully awake to process what had occurred prior.

Did I really get engaged? My heart skipped a beat. The memory played in my mind. I certainly was beaming with joy.

"Best get our armour on and all that. Today is the day!" Kiara says and pokes her head in my tent door.

A playful grin pasted across her face. Those who knew her as well as I would know her truth. She feared losing those she cares about. A cheer comes from my lips but she knows me better than to believe the false wall i built.

"Jade?" She says walking into the room,"what is it?"

Truthfully I'm worried sick who I may lose next, but I say nothing of the kind. This was war and everyone had to be strong.

"Oh it's nothing," I say then realize the moment that occurred yesterday.

I fondle with the gem on the ring that hasn't left my finger.

"Just this little thing," I say presenting my hand to her.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" She squeals so loudly it would be better described as high pitched shouting.

I'm absolutely certain that for a moment I couldn't hear a thing. In all honesty that was a blessing as Kiara had been speaking so loudly and fast it'd of hurt my head to process her words. She stayed with me awhile longer until Cougar came. She left speaking of a double wedding much to Cougar's dismay at the scale of it. The person it should really be affecting is her father. Her dowry would have to be the like of four wealthy ladies...she had to be kidding, right?

"Would you mind checking on Ginger, Fillip was meant to do it but I believe he is likely too busy," I say.

"Not a problem we are going to xhexk on all the horses anyways. Oh and congratulations," Cougar said as he and Kiara head out the door," Fillip is speaking to the new fighters about our plan in basic terms. Dont want any snitches," he turns to leave again but hesitates and turns back. Cougar eyes Fillip's choice of clothing," not to be rude but you near look like a man."

We laugh at this. Those who witness my vigor and skill will be mightily suprised to see the face of a woman at their peril.

"Thank you, and god be with you, " I say nodding to them individually.

"And to you," he says and they leave me.

I sit on my bed and tie up my boots. I must retrieve my armour from Fillip when he is free. I decide to place my hair up in a pony tail. The new-fangled term amuses me so. It's as if the royals wished to style themselves like my Ginger!

"Fillip?!" I say finding myself near the make-shift kitchen.

"Hey pretty lady-man!" I hear an obnoxious voice call out followed by a series of laughter.

"Easier for you to move in that? You mire limber?" I turn to face the pugnacious man now snickering.

"It is more flexible," I say raising my nose and gesturing for him to stand.

"What little lady, you gonna show me?" He says laughing and his pals join in.

"Yeah I'm gonna show ya," I say taking a step from him then sailing my leg up into his crotch," you bastard," I say spitting at him while he groans on the ground.

"Now listen here you-"

I cut him off by swiftly holding my dagger across his throat.

"Shut up."

His pals were beyond themselves at the spectacle. Their fat-assed pig of a man lay sprawled across the ground. I pulled away and walked from the group. It wasn't until I was across the entire eating area that I made eye contact with a group of onlookers. They nodded respectfully towards me.

"Jade!" I heard and truned to see Fillip jogging up to me. The clanging of his metal armour accompanying his gate.

"Hey," I replied then tipped an imaginary hat at the group.

Fillip showed a look of mixed concern and amusement. I studied his features, suddenly fearful of losing another loved one. A silly mess of brown hair sat atop his head like a mop. Driven by urge my hand played with a piece of it. It was soft.

"You okay?" he asked but cleared his throat instead of waiting for an answer,"with war on the horizon I suppose nobody is truly alright."

"Definetly not that guy Jade kicked where the sun dont shine!" Hark said clamping his hand down on Fillip's shoulder in a brotherly way.

"She what?"

I laughed and looked from Hark to Fillip and shrugged.

"He deserved it," I said simply causing Hark to laugh hard.

"I wouldnt dare say otherwise, he was quite rude," Hark said with a chuckle that raised an upset look on Fillip.

"What did he say?" His voice was flat.

"Dont worry about it," I say amused as I saw the pig man had gone.

Hark cleared his throat and I saw Fillip's jaw muscle shift.

"Hey," I said softly," it wasn't anything I couldnt handle."

He nodded but seemed deep in thought. After a moment our eyes locked.

"There's nothing you can't do," he said and I smiled.

"Well, I best get into some armour," Hark said and I agreed I must too.

"Jade?" I had said goodbye to Fillip with a kiss and heard Hark calling my name.


"Can we talk?"

"Sure," I jogged over to him and saw him knelt. He was sharpening a sword.

"You know we are going into war," he started with a huff," I heard you got engaged."

His odd change of subject suprised me but I nodded anyways.

"I've learned it's not best to-to trust people. At the very least caring can be a weakness. I just dont wanna see you get hurt. I've come to see you as a sister and well-"

"Caring is a strength Hark," I say kneeling next to him," love is something that doesnt come easy and you have to fight to keep. Now little brother, give your sister a hug."

My chest is tight with worry but our hug lessens it.

"See you on the battlefield. May god be with you," Hark says.

"May god be with us all."

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