Chapter 24

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"Two for a pence! Two fine Chickens for a pence!!..."

The filthy merchants crowded around us showing products into our faces. Their yellow teeth and maggot breath hurt my nose. A scent one can only experience if one is there presently.

"A fine jewel necklace for a fine girl," a woman held it to my face snickering.

"We dont have no money!!" Henry shouted and turned his pockets inside out revealing empty pockets.

The lot groaned and some backed off. The unmoved stayed and watched us, shouting deals from time to time.

As the sun rose

Henry, Jocelyn, Flea and Myself dismounted our horses. We led them to a creek for some water and to graze among the rolling green hills. Our compass pointed us in the right direction and we mounted again. Sore behinds from the long journey soon made me miserable.

At high sun we dismounted and guided our horses through a small town. This town was a farming town with one bar and five small shops. The charming wooden buildings were filled with a warm glow of souls enjoying each other's company. I saw a woman leave a pie on her windowsill to cool. My mouth watered. It had been a week and we still hadnt located Fillip and Alexa. We had a lead, a former spy for England had responded to our urgent mailings. Sir Smithers Smite. He lived just outside France now and claimed to have the information we needed.

"We need a break," Jocelyn groaned," lets stop here tonight," Kyle's house isnt for another day's ride."

Kyle and Sasha had left our Kingdom after it all went sour. They fled to Kyle's home and hadn't spoken to anyone but me since. I had been the one to send the letter to Sasha and she had responded: come, but be quiet about it, dont want to upset the neighbors.

In secret I assumed she meant she suspected them as spies.

My mind travelled back to a conversation I had with Michael before he had died. He was telling me all about France. I can imagine the smell of lillies in the field where we spoke. My mind imagining the places he described. He told me of where he and his family had stayed.
"My aunt Deliah, she lived just outside of a small town near France itself, her home has a straw roof. She always waters the ivy that climbs the walls. The house has a stable in the back. I miss the lady, she speaks good english and her black hair had been grayed by our visit I'm sure," Michael had laughed.

Micheal had also said France was wonderful, with charming wooden homes, bakeries along eacg street and a funny language.

"They stretch the vowels and some tend to spit alot!" He had said.

My footsteps became wobbly now. Breathing was jagged as the memory faded and i knew it was only that. Just a memory. It seemed as hard as I tried I would never forget him, and how he made me feel.

"Perhaps it is better this way," i thought," that I can still have a piece of him."

I felt someone touch my forearm and gasped.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," I said looking and seeing it was Flea," just tired."

"Alright, lets stop in at that homestead," Henry said mounting his horse," see if they will give us a place to rest."

Jocelyn clapped her hands happily," great!"

The rest of us mounted our horses and followed Henry towards the house. It had a straw roof on a large plot of land. Ivy climbed the walls and a stable was seen out back. There, on the porch, was a woman with black hair watering the ivy.

"Is she watering the ivy?" Flea giggled," crazy chàka."

I stopped riding and slipped off my horse. This caught Flea's attention and she rode back to me.

"What is it?"


"What's wrong Jade?"

I looked at her and then the others who had stopped. On high alert looking into the brush.

"I know who she is," i managed.

"Who is she? How?" Jocelyn now asked.

"M-Micheal tol-told me about her, she is his aunt."

Everyone was silent except for Henry'shirse who scrapped the ground impatiently at the noise.

"We have to go talk to her," Henry said," we need a place to stay."

I nodded and took a breath. I hated myself for this weakness I had. I always hated to meet the family.

"What am i suppose to say to her? Hey I knew your son. I was with him when he was blown up. Blame me, he was only there because of me. What?" I asked aloud to anyone who would answer," what if she doesnt know?"

We rode up to the house and the woman cried out waving her arms and nit looking at us as we spoke.

"She is blind," Flea whispered.

I dismounted and walked up to her placing a kind hand on her bony shoulder.

"We dont mean harm Deliah, we knew your nephew Micheal. Well I did. My friends and I are looking for a place to stay."

"Oh? Oh!" She smiled revealing little teeth," surely, sure no problem dearie. What is your name?"

"Jade," the woman smiled bigger.

"Did you say yes?" She clapped her hands," did you say yes to him?"


She took my hand and felt my bare fingers," you said no? My poor Micheal!"

"Said no? Micheal?"

The woman was crying now.

"Deliah he hasnt asked me that sort of question. To marry him?"

She laughed fool heartedly," oops, cats out of the bag! Thats what the kids say now a days isnt it?"

My eyes opened wide and I fell backwards. Everything began to spin madly around me.

"Woah! Woah! What did she say?" Henry said catching me.

"He, he was going to propose."

I heard Flea and Jocelyn gasp as i became limp and my eyes closed shut.

The woman touched my shoulder gently," so sorry dear to have upset you. Ruined the surprise yeah?"

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