Chapter 23

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I had gone  the long way to get to the spot, hoping to see Fillip riding up. He had seen where I had gone and I hoped that would be enough. When i did finally get to where i was suppose to be Mint and Kiara who had both already arrived at our spot. The yells of the attack still heard. The sounds of clashing metal on metal rising to to the wind and rushing to this spot. It was almost eerie, the beauty and peace at this place whereas a moments ride away was fighting, bloodshed, and death. I sat beside Mint but said nothing looking for Fillip to come ridding.

"Cougar wouldnt leave."

Now we were hidden in the brush at the edge of the forest. A stream passed us by as we rested. I looked back at Kiara now, drugged by Mint, she was sleeping in the soft moss. I knew she was worried for Cougar and the others.

I was silent to Mint's comment.

"Last I heard most were trying to run away in groups," he continued, " Fillip and Sparrow were leading the deffence. They probably were forced to run soon after I left."

I lowered my gaze at their names.

Mint silenced after that, allowing the sounds of the stream and wildlife to fill the void. Smells of thick smoke drifted towards us. Coloring the winds, creating faded swirls. It was almost captivating, the smoke swirling around our bodies. Its eerieness and presence upsetting our souls. They would all burn, the dead masses, the teepees and grass.

Kiara stired awake and once she understood the smell she rushed to her feet. I bit my lip.

"How could you?!"

Mint stood, his stance protective," you cant go back."

"Yes I can!"

She hoisted herself onto a horse and clicked her tongue. I shook my head frustrated. Tears threatened my eyes, i felt guilty for running but it was a survival choice.

"Kiara," Mint placed a hand on her leg.

"Mint, Im sorry but I cant live with myself knowing I didnt try."

All three of us stayed quiet until it grew dark. The sinking sun fell behind the trees as we slowly started up. I kicked myself for letting Fillip stay. He should have been right behind me, minutes behind me.

A tear ran down my cheek. He could be dead, I couldnt handle another death. I just couldn't.

I re focused on my surroundings aware we were getting closer to the camp. A single hill blocked out view of the camp. Kiara rushed up the hill and dissappeared on the other side. Mint was angrily whisper-yelling her name. I clicked my tongue and Ginger galloped over the hill.

The scene was horrific; bodies littered the area, smoke rose into the sky from teepees and structures, a woman was sobbing. Fire licked at the edge of the dusty soil.

"Fillip?" I whispered.

I looked twice to make sure the enemy was gone then bolted forwards on the horse. Kiara had the same idea and soon Mint was far behind shouting at us to slow down and think.

"I dont need to think, I need to see him!" Kiara shouted at him, then quietly she said," i need to..."

I shot a sympathetic look at her and she nodded.

"Here, Ginger you stay and be good."

I left Ginger a fair distance from the flames which had begun to simmer. Kiara and I split up.

"Hey!" Mint was shouting at us, voice becoming hoarse," be careful!"

"Try my best!" I responded simply,mind set on the task ahead.

I pulled out my sword and held it low.

"Fillip?! Sparrow?! Cougar?! Anybody?!"


I kept shouting their names and walking around the camp. I came to the edge that was privy to all the fighting and stopped. I sickly looked at the bodies pilled up. I thought I saw a leg twitch.


The same leg moved again.

I started forwad slowly," are you on my side?"

The body suddenly gained all motion and plowed its way from under two bodies. The bloody hair mated covered up most of his face. It took me a minute to revognize him.

"Oh my god Cougar!" I grinned happily and hugged him ," Kiara! Kiara! He is okay! Come here! Kiara!"

"I'm coming, where are you?!"

"The edge where the fighting happened!"

Soon she appeared and the pair laughed so happy to see each other. Kiara ran into Cougar's arms and they kissed, long and slow.

"I need to find Fillip and Sparrow any ideas?"

Cougar broke away from the kiss and his face turned pale.

He licked his lips," Fillip and Sparrow?"


"Sparrow should be alright I mean I saw him leading some stragglers away from the fighting. Fillip had started off east," he pointed to where we had come from.

"He didnt show up at the spot," Kiara spoke now slowly letting the facts seep into my mind.

We walked away from the ugly scene and walked forwards, deeper into camp. The woman began to wail again.

"I will go see," Kiara said sensing Cougar hadnt finished his story.

"Yeah," i said distracted," in a minute. Cougar?"

"I saw a firetipped arrow fly and strike Fillip."

My eyes widened," you couldnt of told me that in the first place?!"

I ran to the medicine tent and grabbed some cloth, alcohol, a bucket and medicines meant for something. I didnt bother wasting time to read them.

Soon i was ridding on Ginger going to where Cougar had told me.

"Past the hill, bear the lone tree and around a few stones."

I saw what appeared to be the right spot and started yelling.

"Here," it was so faint.

I slid off Ginger, dress trailing and ran. Ginger followed after me then grazed on the grass a few feet behind the large stone. My dress hem swished against the crisp grass.

"Here," The voice said from behind the stone.

I twitched nervously and walked around the stone unsure who was speaking. The voice was so very ragged. Yet it sounded female. Her body was bloody and her dress was torn to pieces like a dog had gotten to her. Her one eye was sealed shut and the other was cut at the corner. She turned her hair and her long brown hair revealed a familiar face.


"In the flesh," she then added crimly," what's left of it at least...ah!"

She had moved and something had hurt.

"One minute Flea, Stay awake!"

I called Ginger and she galloped back to me. The items i needed were hung on her side. I pulled out a water bottle and grabbed some of the pills which werent really proper pills just herbs and medicines held together in odd ball shapes.

"Here," i said tipping the water to her lips and letting her drink it. After Flea had finished I waited patiently and tried my best to wrap her wounds.

"Now, where is Alexis?"

"With Fillip," she groaned," the soldiers had decided to bring back some hostages... Fillip was ridding from the smoking village...I was taken, Alexa!...she came and saved me with Fillip's help but...there were too many!"

Flea was in full tears now, a mixture of blood and tears melted down her face.

"-They were taken."

I gasped," where?"

"Heard they were heading to France, cant be sure though."


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