Chapter 3

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When I woke the next morning I heard voices downstairs. Quickly I got dressed into a purple dress with black flowers embroidered on the sides. I brushed my hair and pinned it back from my face. Today I kept a small dagger hidden, holding onto my belt. I had a second hidden in my short black boots. Best to be cautious than caught off guard.

Ryan and Saralee were downstairs chatting with Sasha. I wondered why I hadn't been woken. Many voices rose up the stairs. Some out of place and some familiar. Alexa and Kiara were downstairs. I heard Sparrow talking in a hushed voice. My father wasn't there. Slowly, as not to draw attention to myself, I walked down to the kitchen.

"Hello everyone! Why didnt you wake me?"I say entering swinging through the kitchen doors.

"Oh Jade, its been too long!" Alexa exclaims. She had her black hair done up in a modern style. Her black dress clung to her sides in a flattering manner. At the end it flared out like a mermaid's tail. She had her signature cross around her neck. A look of absolute dismay was placed across her face.
"It was suppose to be a surprise!"

"You've forgotten how early I rise," I laugh and make my way over to the group.

I hug my brother and his wife. Sparrow watched unsure of what to do. He hasn't seen or spoken directly to his old friend in along time. I gently nudge Saralee and she looks from her husband to Sparrow then winks discretely to me.

"Ryan and Sparrow why don't you both go have some more of those adventures I'm always hearing about?" Saralee says in her thick Scottish accent.

Ryan looks to his wife quizzically for a moment. I nudge him to go and he looks to Sparrow. The two race outside like boys towards the forest. Saralee laughs happily at their childish nature. Old friends acting in such a manner was nostalgic to me.

"He is such a young spirit," she says but moves to leave" if you don't mind I think I will visit some friends of mine."

"Off course, go right ahead," I nod towards the door. We don't have anything in common to talk about considering the age difference. She is five years my junior with many young friends I'm certain are more fun to chat with.

Alexa and Kiara wave me over and we chat about the town. Gossip appears to be a significant ploy in her business. Alexa's seamstress life is serving her well. Her young brothers and sisters are either married or off travelling. Her youngest sister has started to do simple crafts to add extra money to the family income.

After the conversation concluded about Alexa, it was Kiara's turn to speak. Kiara informs Alexa of her relationship with Cougar. I winced at the response Alexa choses to speak.

"Wow that is...nice," Alexa says.

"Nice?" Asks Kiara.

"Oh dear," I think then speak out loud," Alexa and Kiara please don't fight."

Kiara clicks her tongue in response.

A voice at the door breaks me from my further thoughts. I answer the door and find an old friend standing there.

"Syms? Oh its been to long!" I exclaim hugging her tightly.

"I just dropped by, I am on my way to the market, could you accompany me?"

I look to my friends who nod for me to go. They move to gather their belongings. I wave the pair over and introdyce Syms to them.

"Yes I can," I say to her," would you mind if Alexa came? She has a business in town."

"Of course," she smiled warmly.

The market is busy since it is Monday. Alexa branched off from us when we reached Elm street. At the marketplace itself many people were present. The stone walls that enclosed the area had been long since filled with moss. I catch the eye of some mice running at the base of the walls. Nasty little things, you could be dead easily with them around.

"Worse than war," mother always said.

We wandered through clothing boutiques and fresh goods. A handsewn weddings caught Syms' attention. I noticed she was humming a wedding tune as she looked through their trinkets.

"Syms what are you humming?"

"Ah, a tune," she says dreamily examining a cake topper.

I roll my eyes knowingly but ask anyway ," what tune?"

She tosses her blond hair around her slender shoulder and nods. Her light pink and white dress snagged on the end of a cart. I hurriedly un-stick it before she fusses. With her petit figure I am concerned she may not find a husband as she always wishes. Men wanted women to have child-rearing hips and to have wide girth, Syms had neither. I was just about to ask what she was here for when we stopped at an apple cart and she bought six red apples. Because I was hungry I bought a green one. After she collected bread and splurged on a bottle of wine we left.

We chatted whilst we left the market. She spoke of her family and a man she fancied. I spoke of Ginger and her love of apples. I'd saved half my apple for her. When we arrived back at Elm street we said goodbye. I turned to see her head to Alexa's boutique. They would surely have plenty to gossip about I am certain.
Eager to change into comfy clothing I hurried home. I had decided upon rising that I wanted to travel into the mountains today. When I arrived home I went to my room and changed into my blue and black dress and slipped in my sword. No sign of anyone else at the house. Quickly I went to my horse and swung onto its blanketed back. I fed it the remainder of my apple, saddled Ginger, and rode off to the mountains. It was a five minute run to the base of one mountain. I chose not to rush, with the sun on my shoulders I bathed in it's warmth.

When I did arrive I swung off the saddle and left my horse tied to a long rope to graze on the grass. Ginger was content to snack in solitude. I climbed halfway up the mountain and stopped pausing.

I'd heard something.

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