Chapter 29

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We had left soon after the sun began to rise. The small girl maid I had saved brought out bowls and oatmeal from the house for us to eat. She was a very sweet girl, forward but still polite. I talked with her and listened to her stories. She told me stories about the animals around the home.
"The blue bird always sings its song at this time. He should be singing soon," she had said counting down from five on her fingers. As she had reached zero the bird had sung.

"That's amazing," I had smilled at her.

"You just have to know when to listen," She'd informed me," your Jade Maryland right?"

"What's your name?"

"Molly Hansen," she answered then continues to speak, her voice had been rushed and lowered,"My mother said you must be her. She heard the Mistress talking about you. Odd thing tho: the Mistress thinks your pretty special. If I had to guess I'd say royaly special," she had winked at me.

"I thought she was upset with me."

"No the Mistress is too happy her nephew is back. Plus I didnt say she liked you, just said she was heard calling you special in the eyes of a higher power," Molly had grinned.

Her orange hair bounced up and down when she had to run back to her Mistress' home for chores. I believe she snuck us the porridge on her break. Dehlia was very upset with me for telling her that Micheal was alive in the way I did. Still she came to say goodbye to us. Micheal was staying with her as protection.

"He thinks the Southerners will come back or some group like them. He worries," Dehlia had confessed to me.

"Good to have some protection," I had forced a smile then pulled out the paper she had given me," I no longer need this. Have Micheal read it, please Dehlia."

"Alright dear," she had accepted it and that was the end of it.

To make haste towards our Kingdom we took a shorter route through France. The route was rocky and we kept to a small animal path. Our effort for a quick journey was halted when it began to pour. The clouds stirred angrily and turned darker. Branches of yellow light came from the angry grry clouds to prod the earth. One branch struck a tree causing fire! Our horses where startled and began to neigh and whine. Their frightened faces illuminated by the yellow light that came on and off. I tried to steady myself on my horse. I heard Jocelyn sceam as her horse began to lose its footing on the path, now turned to mud. I was in the front of everyone whereas Jocelyn had been far back and on a slope. I took a sigh of relief when Henry managed to help Jocelyn off her horse then the pair pulled him up. I looked to Fillip who was shouting my name.

"Jade!" Fillip had begun to run at me.

I hadn't felt it but Ginger had become restless. My eyes widened. She lept up on her back feet and sent me to the ground with a hard smack. I landed with my head scrapping the sharp rocks. I felt warm blood coming from my head. My chest tightened and my ability to breath was knocked from me. I flailed about trying to breath. Much like a fish brought to land. To worsen things my eyesight was beggining to blurr.

"Jade!" It was Fillip's voice,"Breath damn you!" He was wrapping a a large piece of his shirt around my head.

I gauked at his words but no air came. A tear rolled down my cheek. Fillip scratched his head angry but stayed right next to me. I watched him frightened, my body couldn't take in any air. I blinked hard and looked at Fillip.

"I am so sorry I don't know what to do. I'm sorry I hurt you,it was a mistake and if-no when you pull through I will make it up to you honest," his voice became saddened.

Tears threatened my eyes but I forced the words out," I. Know."

He leaned down and kissed me. I felt the warmth of his touch as he placed his hand on my cheek. He lingered nose close to mine with tears running down his cheek. Suddenly my brain snapped on and air filled my lungs. I almost chocked on it. Fillip was covering his face with one hand and holding my hand with the other. I took my first deep breath and caught my breath. I swallowed quietly then smilled at Fillip.

"You did it," I cried," thank you!"

Fillip grinned happily. A wave of emotions washing across his face.

"Thank goodness," he said wipping my tears away," I knew you would be able to survive this. Your Jade, you did it not me."

"You helped," I tried to sit up but forgot about my head," oww!"

Fillip continued to grin at me.

"What is it?"

He became serious," why did you not want to be with Micheal?"

"I moved on," I said confused then remembered," oh I forgot I didnt tell you. And I have only time and you to thank for that," I smiled weakly becoming on the verge of unconscious," I think I am going to sleep now..."

Fillip didnt like the idea of me skeeping one bit. He shook my shoulders until I woke back up. My memory was becoming faded to me at the moment.

"Oh Fillip!" I said," you did it! Thank you!"

"Did what?"

"Saved me," I frowned," you just kissed me."

His expression became very worried," you've lost alot of blood. I need to stop the bleeding. I need to look at your injury," he turned to wave over Henry," Henry help me get her sitting, bring some cloth!"

I couldnt focus on what was spoken after Fillip said that. There was Jocelyn who waved her hand in front of my face. I yawned having a deep desire to sleep. It was hard to stay awake but they all wanted me to so I tried my best. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again there was a needle, alcohol, cloth and boiling water over a fire.

"Now you can sleep Jade just remember you want to wake up," I heard somebody tell me.

I didn't hear myself say it but I had spoken the words: this hurts. I realised as I dozzed off they where stitching my injury. I woke up to the throbbing of my skull. I opened my eyes to see a tired Fillip sitting beside me. When he saw my eyes open her brought me a water to drink and some bread in case I was hungry.

"Just like last time I got hurt," I said accepting the bread and water.

I drank the water first then slowly proceeded to munch on the bread. It tasted so good to me.

"You have been asleep for 20 hours," Fillip said," Henry and Jocelyn left to inform the King of the Fitzgerald and Southerner actions. Hopefully your memory is alright."

"Not sure try, go ahead and ask me questions," I said eating the last of the bread.

"Last night do you remember how you got hurt?"

"It was Ginger's doing because she got scared."

"What happened when you found yourself on the ground?"

"I couldnt breath and my head was bleeding," I said slowly," wait something more happened..."

The gears slowly began to turn. Clicking as they fell upon a memory.

"You where there and..." I frowned.

Fillip slipped his hand into mine causing the memory to flow back to me.

"Of course!" I said looking into Fillip's eyes," you saved me."

He wasn't satisfied with that answer," How did I save you?"

"Why is the specifics important exactly?" I countered him.

"You hit your head oretty hard and some say that it can make people forget memories," Fillip said," now tell me."

I sighed at him," I know its important, it was special between you and me," I said softly pushing through the datk parts of my mind then I smilled brightly. I leaned forward and kissed him. I could feel his muscles relax," we kissed last night. How could I forget such a moment?"

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