Chapter 2

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Kiara, Cougar, Mint, and Sparrow were lying in a field. I made a bird call and they rose up happily. Kiara's blond-brown hair blew as the winds picked up. Cougar was taller than last time. He wore paint on his neck and held Kiara's hand happily. Mint was his thin self and gave me a hug. His green eyes followed a young woman in the center of their tribe. I waved him off to her.

"Go on Mint, Its great to see you," I said.

Sparrow wore a feather in his dark hair. His tanned face was still home to the long scar that ran down his right cheek to his neck. My brother would like to be here with Sparrow today. The two fought together. Ryan and Sparrow saved the tribe from an attack from the far tribe to the east. Sparrow earned his scar there. I gingerly touched the mark.

"My brother does miss you Sparrow, he tells Sarlee about your adventures," I say, "he wishes to visit soon when business slows."

"Tell your brother I say he is a lucky man and tell Sarlee I hope to meet one day," he says as his feather tucked behind his ear stays put.

The wind whistles through the grass. Sparrow goes to check on Mint and leaves Kiara, Cougar and me alone. I rest my hand atop my sword handle and lean against the single willow tree. Kiara and Cougar sit together under the shade.

"Cougar and I are a couple now," Kiara says and I nod.

Cougar pushes his long thick braid from his shoulder and rests his heavy hand on Kiara's shoulder.

"Since when?" I ask, I like the two as a couple and I always knew they'd end up together.

"We've liked each other for awhile," Cougar says to me as if I was unaware,"I asked her out to hunt and it turned into a date."

Kiara smilled happily," enough about my life. How is yours? How is Alexa?"

"I am good. Still practicing in the forest and tudoring. Sasha is seeing a French man as of today." I pause and Kiara raises an eyebrow," Alexa is...well Alexa is still a seamstress."

"You haven't spoken?" Kiara's voice rises," what happened?"

"Nothing I've just been busy," I say because I have been and trying to avoid that part of town.

That part of town was home to people my age. Except they were in relationships and boasted about it. It was rather annoying and got on my nerves. Alexa was too busy to drop by my place so I hadnt seen her in a week.

"You must go visit her soon Jade. Don't forget who your friends are," she scolds and waves a finger.

"Yes, yes. I better go now," I say and wave bye as I walk to my horse.

Mint is sheepishly speaking to the woman he was pursuing before. I secretly give him an encouraging thumbs up sign. He nods and returns to focus on the woman. I don't see Sparrow but he could be with the warriors training or out hunting. I swing onto my horse and ride back to my house.

"Come on Ginger let's get you cleaned up and fed."

By the time Ginger is cleaned, fed, given water and left in his stable the sun is falling. I start to think of stories to cover Sasha's dissapearance at the table when I see Sir Ki's son walking up the front way.

"What's wrong?" I ask nervous," what happened?"

"Your father sent me to get you two, he was invited by my father to supper," he says then looks at my dress," what are you wearing? Is that a sword?"

"My dress," I say stupidly, then pull out my sword and point it at him," don't tell my father about this."

He nods but a small laugh escapes him. I shoot him a look and he apologizes.

"Hurry up now and get your sister," he grins," I will wait at the steps."

I look closely at his attire. A white shirt with a black vest, he wore simple black pants and shoes. I hurried inside and changed into a simple blue dress with a tight waist and long sleeves. It was chilly outside and I wore my tall black boots. Sir Ki's son laced up my boots while I pretended to call for Sasha.

"We have to go, your sister will have to miss supper," he says.

"I realize I don't know your name," I say as he finishes lacing my boots.

"Call me Michael," he answered.

"Okay," I say the roll the name off my tongue," Michael."

We hurry down the road and go into town. I follow him past Alexa's shop and turn right heading towards the river. His house is a two story stone house with a wooden roof. A small boy runs around in the garden making me laugh. He is wearing tall boots like mine except his had thinner soles. His brown pants were dirty and his beige shirt had once been white. Michael sighs and hurriedly tells his brother to change his top before father sees. The boy nods his head and goes inside to his room tracking in mud. I laugh and pat Michael's shoulder. He is taken back my the touch but nods his head slowly.

"Okay. Um, inside here," he says showing me indoors.

While supper progresses I learn more of the family. I learn the little boy is called Josh. Their mother is a decent cook and the meal is very nice. After supper I go home with father. He is happy and full.

"Good deal?"

"Yes. Great family too, I have a business agreement and can count on selling my furs to them," father grins.

"That great father," I say to him.

"Where is your sister?" He asks looking at me, I fail to hold his gaze.

"Riding a horse," I say truthfully," at least she was last time I saw her."

He nods slowly," with whom?"

I shift my feet as we stop at our house gate," a"

He sighs upset," who?"

"Father you don't have to-"

"Tell me Jade!"

"Kyle! Alright?"

"Kyle Killian?" He asks rubbing his chin, "the French man?"

"Yes, him."

"Alright, that'll be okay," he says after a moment.

"Okay," I say fumed, I had cracked and would hear about it from Sasha.

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