Chapter 9

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"Bird song lifts the forest,

From its dark,

Whilst I sit,the lark,

Sings its song."

My side has recovered more now and I am able to run again! I have short bursts of energy. The pure joy that lifts my hair from my shoulders. The sweet smell of the forest is heavenly. My brown boots take me on a journey. I travel through the forest, able to escape my imprisonment.

With my old dress stained with blood I wear a new style. The blue dress moves with me as I run. I pull the wolf skin vest tighter and stop by a mossy tree to catch my breath. I see my breath and look up at the moon casting over the forest limbs. I snuck from my family's watchful eye to finally have some privacy.

A howl rang through the forest.

On instinct I took my sword from my belt and held it in front of me. The glimmer shone from it showering the forest in blue.

"Woah," I heard a voice joke," Don't kill me."

Grinning I spoke back," Don't die."

"Hey, your my friend okay? Don't die," he said back, his voice came from behind me.

I put my sword back in my belt and spun around.

"Bonjour," he said.

In the moonlight I could only see his outline. Teasingly I curtsied.

"Learn any French customs? Sasha says they tend to bow and curtsy a lot."

"The French are strange," he said then his tone turned serious," you okay?"

"All healed up, healthy as can be," I lie and paused," what about you Michael?"

"I kept my promise, didn't die."

"I didn't know you'd be back."

"I talked to Kiara, she told me were you'd be tonight. Surprise Jade!"

I hugged him and turned to walk to a berry bush further in the forest. Michael trailed behind silently. We spoke about France and the trip. I picked berries and dropped four into his hand as I listened. I liked having a friend to listen to. Alexa was busy with her seamstress job and Kiara and Cougar had become very serious. I spoke to Kiara two days ago and she wished Cougar would kneel before her soon. I pushed my curled hair from my face and unconsciously touched my side. I truly was better but I wasn't fully recovered. A stabbing is very serious,I coughed hoarsely and collapsed onto a mossy rock.

"You okay? Don't lie Jade."

"What is wrong with lying," I said dryly and rolled my head back.

Michael unhooked a water pouch from his belt and I drank half of what was left. I touched my feverish forehead.

"Damnit," I groaned annoyingly.

Infection in this century wasn't uncommon. As Michael rubbed my back I shook my head angrily.

"Distract me, it'll pass," I whine.

Michael rubs the stubble on his chin thinking. He tells me a story about Josh and this small French girl. It was too cute! I couldn't helping grinning. After the story the worst had passed and I could stand again. I heard crashing in the bushes and swung my sword out in defense.

"Jade!" It was Kiara," I know your out here!"

Michael called her over and I kicked his shin.

"Why did you tell her!" I hissed.

"Because you need to go home Jade, your not well."

"I know that!" I screamed," Hell Michael, I'm dying!"

He was speechless," what?"

My voice was softer," I think I'm dying."

He looked at my fingertips that grazed my side and muttered angrily,"I should've done something...I should've stopped you from climbing out the window, or-"

"Stop it," I walked to a tree and rested upon it,"I'm not dead yet and I don't wanna hear it. I don't even remember that day! Why don't I remember?!"

"I can tell you," I heard Kiara coming closer," if you go home I will tell you what happened. Come on."

I nodded my head and took a shaky breath. Michael and Kiara brought me home. Michael and Kiara had ridden a horse while I had been so stubborn as to walk all the way here. Michael picked me up and I hid from the wind behind his back. Kiara rode quietly beside us on her white horse.

"What were you thinking," she asked breaking the silence.

"Who else knows I'm out here?" I ask changing the subject.

"Just me and Michael," she sighs," look Jade don't do something so reckless again," I noticed how her voice shook,"I'm not loosing you like that."

"I promise."

She sniffles and nods her head,"good. Good."

"Hey you know what we should all do?" She says after awhile," we should have a picnic. You, me,Michael, Alexa, Cougar, Mint, Sparrow..."

I smile and tune her out and listen to the wind.

"Yeah," I say airily.

Michael and Kiara exchange a look of concern. I hardly notice, I can't focus any longer.

"I'm just going to have, have a little nap," I say yawning.

"You do that," I hear Kiara say to me softly," Michael make sure she doesn't slip off."

"I will," he says and uses his spare hand to hold me on the horse.

"You guys...the best," I yawn loudly and rest my head on Michael's back. His backpack made a comfortable pillow for such a tired head to rest...

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