Chapter 36

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A long time had passed before Fillip came alone into the square dressed in his same clothes from the dungeon. The sky had darkened and since the buildings were all wooden no one dared to light the streets by candle. This had proved disasterous in a neighbouring village, as I learned from Beth and Tony. This has been where they had been born.

He was in a rush evident by his expresion and his speed. I didn't notice him until I had turned around to the little boy and girl who had continued to play since I last spoke with them. They had began to play louder than normal, no doubt in a way to attract recognition. Tony had placed his woolen hat down to collect some change. Fillip saw the pair before he saw me watching. He slowed near-instantly speaking some words to the children. He then turned around cautious to lower his head as a guard passed him by.

I was standing by the blacksmith helping him with his work just to keep busy. I had wanted to tell Micheal of my new plan but I couldn't figure out how to do that. Now I saw Fillip was very much alone and that in itself worried me.

"Miss?" The blacksmith questioned then coughed.

He was hammering metal into a sword for a wealthy man who had come in two hours ago.


"Whats your name? Mine is George Harmitch."

I smiled at him kindly yet still fidgeting. I twirled a piece of fabric in my fingers. The blacksmith continued hammering and a spark near hit my cheek. I gasp, eyes following the ember through the air before it faded to cool.

"I asked your name, the polite thing to do is to answer an old crow when he caws," the blacksmith said to me with a wrinkled wink as I turned to look at him.

"J," I say simply flattening out crinkles in my dress absentmindedly," you near got an ember in my eye."

He chuckled at that," this is a blacksmith's shop miss...J"

I nodded at his recognition.

"As I said before I am George Harmitch," he said shaking my hand with his own.

The action was so sudden I faltered slightly. When the handshake ended I looked down at my hand now covered in a handprint marked by black powder. George took off his hat to reveal a balding head. He scratched it before standing up. His dirty trousers were dusted and caked in black everywhere but his arse. His stool was cleaner than nearly everything else in the place. Polished only God knows how while he sat.

"I'm gonna go home and eat some grub," George said patting his belly," me wife be waiting."

I nodded and let George Harmitch lead me from his shop. Fillip finally spotted me and came over directly. I waved goodbye to George and turned on my heal to see Fillip one inch from my nose.

"You gave me a start!" I said in a whisper-shout.

"Micheal's plan won't work. I know you trust him but I don't. We are finding another way out," Fillip informed me in hushed whispers.

"Yeah like whispering makes us not look suspicious," I said annoyed," Your suspicion is ridiculous,  he saved us remember?" I led him by the arm to the children playing and smilled.

Fillip stood close by me and I thought I felt him shiver. Absently I rubbed his arm and thought about my plan before I spoke.

"I have another way out."

"How? What is it?"

"I met a young man in town. His name is Hark and he is going to sneak us through the front gates in his cart with his other belongings. I spoke with him and I think we can trust him. The whole place knows he is leaving his home," I said.

"Why would he agree to this?"

"He is seventeen, hates his father, and thought I was pretty," I say quickly and Fillip's jaw moves.

I fill him in on the plan to meet up with Hark in this square and that he would be here soon. We watched the children as guards made their night watch switches from towers. I looked to Fillip again and he continued to shiver.
"Perhaps we should buy you a coat?" I commented.
"Stubborn you, can't you tell how badly your shaking?" I playfully hit his arm.
His lips purse and he doesn't respond, only fixes his hair and stares forward at the children. My nose scrunches and I am about to speak when someone taps twice at my shoulder. I unhook my arm from Fillip and look to see Hark. He held tightly to his chest the same book from before. Hark tips his hat respectfully to Fillip and I before speaking.
"Ready?" He outstretches his hand to me and I can sense Fillip stiffen.

Politely I curtesy to him and decline taking Fillip's hand instead and I can feel Fillip grinning wide. Hark, spirits still high, accepts the situation and points over to a small cart with a donkey to pull it. The cart was obviously handmade and it had bits and pieces of metal sticking out. The donkey itself just stood there seemingly not wanting to take a single step.

"That's our ride," he says smirking," beaut isn't it. Made the cart myself and that there is my pride and joy. Named her Joy, ha!" Hark stifled a chuckle.

Fillip whispered in my ear," this a joke?"

I shrugged at him and answered in whisper," you have a better plan?"

He sighed and we both followed Hark to the cart. In an alleyway we both climbed onto the cart and hid under the messy piles of belongings. Blankets, clothes, scientific instruments, a water supply and some food in bundles. I swear the clothes smelt like they where rotting away. The cart was so small we had to lie sideways in curled up snakes. Hark led the donkey clicking his tongue and gently leading Joy,the donkey, by a rope. The cart etched slowly to the main gate and I peeked through a crack in the wood. I could see the donkey's behind and a small section of what was ahead. Hark was waving his arms and shouting at the watcher who had dozed off.

'What is it?" He grumbled pulling himself onto his feet. His voice sounded young, he had an accent that I couldn't place.

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