Chapter 6

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1 week later...

The warm summer air was beginning to cool. Running alongside the river felt so childish but nobody could see me since it was so dark. I kicked a small stone into the river with my barefoot and grin. I was being told to grow up and I didn't want that life, I liked my current ways of things. Everything that comes with change and growing is mortifying. I sigh but clear my thoughts with a firm shake of my head. Tonight in solitude I was happy, I knew that the sun would rise eventually but I had never truly savoured the moment and I was determined to try it. I took a deep breath and I tasted it. The winds were thick with the change of the future. I outstretch my arms and grin.

"Not tonight."

I sit against a cool rock and pull my thick cloak's hood over my head. Shivering I decided stubbornly to stay. I couldn't start a fire and it was getting dark. Fear ran down my spine as I realized I am easy prey out here. I rub my hands together warming them and look up at the moon in the sky. It never had to change really, or maybe it did and I never noticed. The rustling shakes me back to reality and I peer at the opposite side of the river. A figure moved in on me and grinned sickly like Quil had.

"Damnit," I groaned angrily.

Quil, Jamie, and Lester have been watching me for the past few days. Mostly Quil who's grey eyes taunt me with danger.

I knew it was them, the way Ginger reacted to the shadows, the times I felt the hair on my neck stick upright. Earlier today Father had invited Michael and his family over. It turned into a huge business meeting and I slipped outside undetected.

"Hey," puffed Michael, he was jogging from the house," mind if I join you?"

"Not into the whole business-during-supper thing either," I chuckle

"Nah, cant stand the things."

We walk to the stable and I feel it. Those cold grey eyes stalking me. I spin around and look to a patch of grass that had once stood tall and proud. Michael notices my tension and follows my gaze.

"Something wrong?"

I turn back to the stable doors avoiding his gaze,"no,no,everything is fine," I force a weak laugh and walk into the stable as quickly as I can without running. I turn and see Michael looking out to where I had been looking. His eyes catch sight of something and he comes into the stables frowning.

"Don't lie," then he silently walked out.

I was left in the stable mouth agape and concerned.

"What will he do? What will he say?" I wondered.

I took my sword and wielded it around my head in case of arrows. Moonlight shone from my sword like magic and I was taken back by its beauty. My sword seemed to glow! A splash in the water causes me to re-focus on my situation. I heard shouting from the river and ran towards it. Quil was in the calm part of the river fighting another man. The man wore a brown shirt and black pants, a belt at his waist held a small dagger. In his hand was a knife. He had a thin black cloak.The man was wielding his gleaming sword and shouting angrily.

"What were you trying to do? Huh?! I saw you today, watching her," My eyes go wide.

"Michael?!" I realize

Michael expertly dodges Quil's attacks and fights his opponent with careful moves. Michael swings his sword aroubd his head teasingly. A quick-tempered Quil fumes. Angry, he trips in the water trying to gain ground and Michael pulls him up out of the water with his all of his strength. Gasping for air Quil scrapes Michael's arms desperately. I cant let Michael do this, Quil's face would haunt him into the ends of his days.

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