Chapter 15

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All of my family was safe and secure in the king's court. I looked around at the large room I stood in now. Regal tapestries hung on the walls. I sat in a servant's common room. My mind drifted to the quick events that had taken place.
Alexa had left her home and business for food before I had awoken. Kiara was unaccounted for. I was in a state or worry after Alexa didn't return from the bakery. Jocelyn had assured me a man went with her in a precaution so she must be okay. She was lying to me, I knew something ill was in the wind. My brother and father talked in hushed voices in the corner. Kyle was helping round up the maids and hide them in the castle walls, he had been given special permission. Sasha was accompanying him. Tensions were high in the main city. The Southerners had been carrying out raids everywhere. Rich or poor, high or low. Myself and Saralee had been left without a job as businesses resorted to locking down their places of work tightly. My tutoring had ceased as people chose to learn how to fight instead. I had to speak with my father quickly and speak to Jocelyn again. 

Saralee curled a piece of string in her fingers tuning me back into the present.

"Your brother wont let me do anything," Saralee chuckled," Said it'd be bad for the babe but I'm only about a month or two in."

"You're with child?" I gasped," congratulations!"

She beamed and looked at her stomach. It wasn't large yet but if you looked close you could tell. She was absolutely glowing. My excitement for a nephew was halted by the oncoming threat. I tried my best not to fret but I started to worry for the young family, barely afoot this earth. This war would have ill effects and deaths: of this I was certain. Already I'd lost a friend. I wished not to lose a family member.

I snapped out of the thought and smoothed out my dress.

"If you see my father can you let him know I am helping a friend?" I realized I would be out for some time. Making someone become perplexed is something I wish not to occur.

"Okay," Saralee smiled,"be careful."

I nodded at her, not making any promises. I picked up my dress and hurried down the stone steps of the castle. Like a smoked fox i appeared out a service door moments later. Jocelyn was waiting patiently for me but she had begun to twitch nervously at the sounds of the army's orders. Her hair was tousled and messy. Her eyes were red and puffy.

I tried not to notice.

Jocelyn laughed weakly when i walked closer," strong aren't I?"

I clicked my tongue unsure what to say.

"Maybe Ma was right, a little lady like me would break in the real world without a man or family," Jocelyn quivered and shook her head thinking about her Ma," I still miss her though. Straight and bitter she was but father always said," that's what he loved about her.""

Jocelyn's father had never returned from war two years ago. He was assumed dead. This was the same pointless war that exhausted our kingdom with taxes and anger. Our allies left our kingdom's mission in disgust. The mission was to conquer an impossible stretch of land from the me attacking us today. Although since then, our enemies have gotten tougher. Fueled by grief and anger it seems.

I open my arms to Jocelyn and form a tight smile," I am so sorry," I said when she accepted the hug," i know how it feels, to lose someone in your life."

Jocelyn nodded and let go," who? If you dont mind sharing."

"Michael, He saved my life once i will never be able to return the favor," good god I wish I could've done something. His body is still there. Scattered. Not a proper burial for a kind friend.

"Im sorry Jade," Jocelyn said and i realized I'd been shaking," we can fight for them. Make their names the heart of this battle. Give their memory meaning and power to ourselves."

"Let the enemy know it was a mistake coming here. They were stupid to think little of us!" I shout.

"Yeah!" A group has crowded us.

"We are strong people. They cannot push us down!"

"If they want a fight?!" Jocelyn shouted punching her fist in the air and making the crowd go wild.

"Then we give them a fight!" I roar

"Give them a fight Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight!" Everyone was shouting and banging and making noise.

The whole kindgom had joined in as Jocelyn and I let a group around town. Our chant reached high over the hill. The roars were mighty and true. Together our kingdom will have a chance.

"Give them a fight Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight!Give them a fight Give them a fight! Give them a fight! Give them a fight!"

"Come on! Get your weapons and prepare," Shouted a man from behind me," spread word."

"Spread the word!"

"Hurry up lads!"

A grin formed on my face. Jocelyn looked at me and threw her fist in the air once more. I joined her and we screamed. Screamed due to the excitement of it all. Screamed for the energy of the battlefield. Screamed for the chance at revenge.

And we would dish out revenge. Bloody and brilliant revenge.

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