Chapter 21

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Mint left Willy, his horse, outside the teepee nibbling on a grassy patch. Mint's expression was blank, lost in thought. I was ashamed and worried, ashamed I hadn't come earlier and worried about her health.

I hurried into the room. The teepee had only two people inside but could easily house six. Six mats lay on the floor, two stained with blood. The shimmer of a silver necklace caught my attention. A soldier would've been sleeping there.

Some soldiers did join us with the villagers. These soldiers were newly trained or in training. The King thought it best they assisted our small force. These soldiers had come from stables or farms. No more than fifteen had joined us.

Cougar was sitting tiredly beside Kiara. His black sooty hands held a piece of wood ready to watm the fire. I felt Mint's breath on my neck. He allowed me to soak in the scene for another moment then moved to relieve Cougar and tend to the fire.

Kiara had been washed up and tended to. She had stitches on her arm and cheek. Her leg was wrapped in cloth and gew oozed out. I forced myself to kneel beside her. She was calm in her state of sleep. Someone-likely Cougar- had undressed her and left her on a soft mat half naked. Her chest was wrapped lightly with a clean cloth. She had a warmed cloth covering her middle for warmth and I saw a bead of sweat in her forehead. Instinctively i reached for the water bucket and dapped her forehead with the cool water.

"How? I missed this?" My voice shook slightly.

"Must've passed out or been busy. It was a battle Jade," Mint placed a hand on my shoulder," Kiara, she," a sigh," had gotten from her horse and began to fight on foot-"

"It was bad luck but could've been worse. A man stepped on a piece of earth and he was blown apart. Like hell had been blasting a cannon upwards. Kiara was atacking him and had been close enough to be hit by, by the pieces. Both human and metal," Cougar said then winced as he stood, Mint fixated on Kiara.

Kiara's eyes fluttered open and she licked her lips. I stopped dabbing and moved fron her view for Cougar. He clasped his hands around her left one. She grinned but quickly dropped her expression. The pain in her cheek noticeable. Kiara asked softly for water and Mint offered to get it for her. Cougar thanked him in their native language, it was two words I knew:


Mint shrugged it off and stole a glance at Kiara before leaving. When he left through the skin door sunlight shone in. I realised it must me midday.

"Kiara..." I turned to see Cougar petting her hair," I thought I had lost you..."

His eyes were watery and his words sang to her heart. Kiara placed her hand on his cheek. She was hurt but okay.

"You can't lose me that easy," Kiara kissed his forehead as he came closer.

I looked away respectfully as they kissed. I had begun to wish it was me who had gone for drinking water. Mint's hurried offer to get the water tang in my ears. He seemed desperate to leave, yet he was worried for Kiara. My gaze looked around and fell upon the fireplace. The pile beside it was nearly bare. I moved to place another log on the fire but Mint came in and stopped me.

Thanks Mint, I was trying to busy myself.

Now i watched Mint give Kiara the skin bottle filled with water. My brain searched for the animal it was from. The appearance and assumed texture was tough but at one point had been soft. The area of this kingdom was harsh winters and many forests and streams. I looked back at the way the bottle was made. The shape of a smoothed river stone with a top and cap.

Deer or elk?

Cougar and Mint's voiced drew me back to focus. They had been debating who was to get the wood for the fire. The strange mist clung to the fabric of the teepee and had turned to water. It dripped through the smoke opening into the fire.Fizz.

Cougar began to stand up and he kissed Kiara gently on her head. She sighed and closed her eyes. I had turned around completely no and was watching the exchange. Cougar very slowly stepped backwards from Kiara, she chuckled at his behavior. He grinned at her and ducked out of the teepee.

"Hey Jade." A moment of silence," Jade?"


"Well I am awake now, reckon you've been anxious to see my eyes open."

My heart thuds, she didn't know I only just arrived. How could she? She had been asleep and unable to hear.

"So you can hear now?"

Kiara rolled her eyes at me," no duh!"

I sat down, resting my chin on my knees. A clamouring of metal echoed in the teepee. I shot up to my feet and gasped. A painful pull on my side made my skin crawl. I gritted my teeth and groaned.

Kiara's eyes widdened and she began to move forward but stopped herself. I shook my head at her," its nothing."

She nodded at me but looked towards the teepee door. The clamouring of metals began to ring in my ears. Men began to shout angrily. My eyes opened wide at the sound of a musket fire.

"We're under attack!" Mint Strode into the room and picked Kiara up over his shoulder in one swift motion.

I pucked up the hem of my dress and followed him out. I had left my sword in my teepee and my hopes of retrieving it safely were slim. The scene was bloody and unjuts. We were doomed to stay and fight. This group was overwhelming to say the least. Their men mounted on mighty steads and covered in metals. An army built for the wealthiest of kings.

We slipped behind boxes and teepees avoiding contact. Winning this fight was futile. The only option was to escape.

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