Chapter 20

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|I don't normally do author notes but I wanted to do one for the 20th chapter: Loving the feedback for this book. I love reading your comments and knowing that you enjoy my writting is a great feeling. Arh its so hard to explain how thankful I am to my readers and the Wattpad community. I feel my writting and confidence has risen because of all the positive feedback :) I love writting Historical Fiction. Please share this story and enjoy this chapter!|

Sasha pulled Jocelyn on the horse and reached her hand out to Henry. He refused saying it would be faster with just the two. He was physically trembling as Jocelyn's eyes flickered open. They immediately locked eyes yet,the moment was crisp, her eyelids dropped heavily, ber breathing was weak.

I looked at him and saw his concern,"be swift,"His expression was laced with worry. Sasha saw it too and nodded urging the horse forwards. Before she left Henry had fixed the cloak around Jocelyn so it wouldn't fall.

"I sent Alexa, Mint, and Flea to get horses!" Sasha shouted back to us as her horse began to gallop.

"Thank you!" Fillip shouted back to her.

The icy wind blew angrily past us. My ears had become red and ice cold. We hunkered down low to the ground. It was an open field with no shelter nearby. I wrapped my arms around my chest and my damp hair covered my face.

Fillip was the only dry one, Henry had been soaked to the waist. He had fallen into a stream on Jocelyn and his way here. My teeth chattered loudly as we all waited. Our triangle our only shelter.

"They're coming," I heard Fillip say.

I looked next to me and saw he was looking straight at me. I gave a weak smile and blew into my hands. He pulled his from his gloves and held his warm hands to my face. The touch warmed my ears, and, a piece of my shattered heart. I looked into his eyes happily then rested my head on his shoulder.

"Some love over here guys?" Henry whined jokingly.

My head jerked up and guilt washed over me. I shouldnt be allowed to be happy, I didnt deserve it. I have hurt lives and taken lives away.

Am I a murderer?

Does a person like me deserve love?

Does a person like me deserve someone like Fillip?

My mind was racing faster than my heart. I zoned back into reality and focused on Henry. He had one arm draped around Fillip. The pair joked around like brothers- which i guess- is what they are. The two where family to each other. I let myself relax as i focused on a story Henry was reciting.

"Remember when we caught that big trout in that river up in England. Those dumb soldiers came at up- couldnt strike us with an arrow. They used like twenty each, wow!" Henry and Fillip laughed.

I chuckled at the story," all that trouble over a trout?"

"Yeah but you see in England it's not just a trout okay? It's the King's trout!" Henry chuckled and everyone joined in.

I noticed I was alright now, some humor lightened my mood and Henry's. I heard galloping behind me. The soft thuds caused me to spring upwards. My thick dress twisted ,again, and i wavered backwards. This time i didnt fall, Fillip's strong hands kept me upright. I straightened out and mouthed him a thank you.

We mounted the horses and rode back to camp. Alexa, Flea, and Mint came to get us. Alexa had me take the reins , knowing I was a more skilled rider, and let me gallop. I thanked her at once. The white mane matched the rest of the beautiful horse. A misty cloud rolled in low to the ground. I wasn't sure what it was called but it reminded me of an eerie harbor that I had seen once when I had acompanied father to trade.

We had taken a horse and left Mother, Ryan and Sasha back at home. At this time we had all lived together. It was nice, especially at the holidays-Thanksgiving and Christmas- the hearth was warm and everyone was friendly. Granddad came over from Scotland with his ale. He had passed two years ago from an infection. We had all travelled a week to reach his funeral in Edinburgh.

Scotland was beautiful in my 16-year-old eyes. The rolling grassy hills rose around you. Small creeks reached throughout the place like veins on one's neck.

"Oh for the love of Chri-" Mint cut me off with a grunt.

I bit my tongue," I said that out loud didn't I?

Mint nodded and his green eyes looked away from me. Flea was with Fillip and they rode a silver horse with dusty eyes. He was strong and scarred along his legs. Flea rode him without reins or saddle. All the horses here didn't have a saddle but the other two had reins. In the big cities they have a piece of metal- a bit- in they're mouths but not here. They had come in a hurry.

Henry was with Mint and I saw the friction as he mounted. Mint glared down at Henry when he reached for the reins. I shot Henry a warning glance. Mint always rode his horse, it was his strange habit I guess. His horse, Willy (short for Willow Tree), was agile and his friend. So valued because his mother had given it to him before she had passed. A small colt she had been, weak and feeble. Nobody in Mint's village would look at her twice. Mint was just a boy then, 13 he says, and Willy was his hobby. A distraction from his abusive father. Nobody else except me and Sparrow knowsthis, I am sure of it. I had the unfortunate sense to pay Willy a visit with Ginger when I had overheard.

I hopped onto Ginger clumsily and rose to find Sparrow. I knew Kiara, Sparrow and Mint since I was a girl. We had all been really close knit. I wondered of them often as we had slowly drifted apart. Like ice melting during springtime.

"Lets go," I am not sure who said it but I left my thoughts and urged the white horse forward.

The mist had become thick but we stayed together shouting names or making bird sounds. It was tedious to stay together. Being safe was often hard. least it seemed for me.

At last we arrived at camp, our horses slick with sweat. I slipped from mine and hitched it to a log next to a single painted horse. I had been faster than the others but I knew Henry was close behind. I didn't even need to look. I looked around first and gathered my thoughts. Since I had only been out a few times I didn't know where things were at.

"Fillip?!" I shouted," Sasha where are you?!"

"Woah!" I turned and saw Fillip slow his horse, he then proceeded to hitch it up on the same log. Henry had left his in the hands of Mint, whom he had ridden with, almost immediately. He was slightly frantic spinning around hazily. Mint was annoyed but masked it well to anyone who hadn't known him for awhile.

"Sasha took 'er in there," Alexa said pointing to a beige teepee.

"I'm gonna go check on Kiara," Mint said slowly.


"Well she was injured badly, the ground blew near her and she is slipping in and out of consciousness," Mint said and looked to Fillip," didn't anyone say?"

Fillip stepped forward to me and apologized. Saying how I was so hurt by my fathers death he simply couldnt get the words out. I shoot my head at him and turned to Alexa," come and get me if Jocelyn is asking or worse?"

She looked at Fillip then to me but agreed. Before I left with Mint she whispered into my ear words that made my heart stop.

"Don't push him away when he has done nothing wrong but care for your feelings."

"Ready to go?" Mint asked.

One last look at Alexa and Fillip then I nodded," yeah lets go."

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