Chapter 13

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I held my sword firmly in my hands. This trusted blade shimmered in the sunlight. The glimmer from the sun shone from it's shiny surface which was likely to ,yet again, be tainted with blood. I played with the reflection, guiding it towards the door. My body soon followed it's path. Reaching the door I paused to think, I only found more questions unanswered.


I moved towards the wall now and pressed my ear to it, keeping one eye open. The wall was thin, built of basic materials here. This thin wall is my only protection from the intruders yet it is also a block from saving those I know. I am kept from my sister, Kyle and the poor maid. There was movement coming from the other side.
I heard Kyle protesting angrily with another man. I can't be sure of his words as I was truly focusing on my sister. Sasha's voice was a painful groaning, she seemed furthest from my reaxh. The maid;however; was close, she was leaning against my wall. I heard her stifled wimpers and sobs as she shifted uneasily.

"It's okay, relax," i whispered kindly into the wall, choosing compasion over security.

The sobs ceased and I tapped smartly at the door. These men had put my lovely sister and maid through enough.

"Who is that?" A man wondered aloud, I laughed at their stupidity. This wall was protecting me from them better than I could ever dream of.

"Ain't the boss. Can't be the owner of 'de house we saw him ride off." Said another.

"Well de owner coulda-"

"Just open the bloody door you fools!" The shout of a woman sent my mind spinning.

Who are you?

Ready to pounce I stood against the wall by the door. I tapped at the door frame with my foot. A large man burst through it, weapon held loosely. I walked out to the hallway carefully after knocking the man's sword free.  It was earily quiet. I looked down the hall, Sasha, Felina, and Kyle were being dragged away to another room.

A strained "seniora?" Weeled me to face my attackers before the sword came fully down behind me.

Close call

"Go!" I shouted helplessly,"get out of here now!"

I ran to the pair dragging my friends behind and struck them down. One man was pushed off the banister in a struggle. I shouted for the group to exit the way I came in. A group of strangers flooded through the front door now. These men shouted at the attacking men but to no avail.

I had taken down four men in total. There was still so many present and more had come in. I was being circled by the remainder original three. The woman was no place to be seen.

I heard someone fumbling with the latch on the window. Then a horrific scream. Her wailing tortured my brain and caused me to be unsteady. I brought the man down filled with rage. I sliced the next man and pushed him down the stairs. He pounded his fist on the stairs in anger but was coming back up.



"We have to go," he said slightly strained," that man-he-I didnt see him coming," he said pulling at his hair," I'm so sorry-but I killed him too late."

"Oh no..."

I kneeled next to the innocent girl who nursed me when i grew sick. She is Sasha's friend and close to me. She was called Felina but her given name was unknown to me. Maids with rough backgrounds like her often change their names. My attention went back to her in the present: she was still breathing.

"Go Kyle," I looked up," take Sasha someplace safe."

"What about you?" He asked.

"Go. Kyle now."

He left through the window taking the weapon from the first man I killed," be safe."

"I'm scared," the girl whimpered.

"It'll be okay, you will be alright," I forced a smile.

Her brown eyes glinted and she took a wavering breath," my mother called me basil, prhaps I will see her again."

"That is a lovely name." I stroke her hair. I never noticed that she seemed so young. She was the age of my sister.

You cant save her, the wound is too great.

"I can't-"

"I know."

"Bless your soul, dear Basil and may you rest with the safety of our god. Say hi to your mother for me?" I said voice breaking.

Her faint smiled faded away as she took her last breath. I closed her eyelids shakily and bit my lip. I was losing the fight to keep tears from falling.

"Its too bad she had to die."

That voice

I know who it is

But it...cant be her...

"Hello Jade. Your coming with me."

Shocked I sit against the wall and look at her. Blinking hard I open my eyes and gape. Her blonde hair swaying is the last thing i recall before a blunt object hit my head and i black out.

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