Chapter 27

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I lowered my sword slightly at him," dont you want to kill me?"

"Your more valuable alive my dear," he grinned," now be smart don't be stupid."

"You son of a-"

"Gun?" He grinned hard at his own annoying demeanor.

"You stop that," i said," i dont want to go with you. Why would I? Its a fate worse than death," I spat on his shoe.

He curled and uncurled his fists. This showed how he would much rather kill me on the spot yet wouldn't. I grinned realizung he was carrying out orders. When I made to swing my sword at him he simply moved back. Concerningly unconcerned about my actions. His twisted features slowly turned into a sly grin and he snapped his fingers. The other, conscious, men began to move forward. I was pined against a wall.

"I think you will find a past face that will brighten the trip," he pulled the man off of me so i could feel his breath creep along my neck. His hands firmly placed upon my shoulders squeezing me tightly. The only thing I could do was kick and yell.

"Night night," he grinned at me as i felt; a hard thud to the back of my head.

I heard my sword clatter to the ground. The man pressed his vile lips against mine and I heard an angered voice in the crowd. With the last of my consciousness I shoved him off and spat at his feet. Everything began to grow dark and the laughter was odd. Like sinister echos in a cave. The men roared in laughter. I slumped to the ground knocking over a chair in the process. It clattered and broke as i continued to pray for a way to stand. I blinked hard trying to stay awake but it was futile and I knew it.

My mouth was dry but I forced out," you sick man!"

A different man came rushing, yelling my name but I couldnt get a good look at him from the ground. Feet wrapped in worn cloth and held in a pair of leather boots with holes. I tried to catch my breath and calm my heart. A sudden kick to the side made me moan and roll onto my back.

"Jade? Look you will be okay alright?"

My eyes popped open as i recognized his voice. Energy from the pure shock thrust me to sit. The familiar face.  The hair, dusty but still the same, and those blue-green eyes. The dead man.

My mind was sent running at impossible speeds. He can't be here. They've poisoned me somehow. Given me something to make me think I see him. I shake my head profusely.

"How?" I said then coughed fighting the urge to close my eyes," Fillip!! Flea! Somebody! Help me!!"

"Jade?!" I heard Fillip shouting from outside.

"Help me!! House!!" I managed to get out before the man behind me slapped my face with a whip.

I cried out and reached to feel blood on my cheek. The hit knocked some awareness into me. The man I had seen die pulled me up.

"Thats Jade for ya," he said half-heartedly then recieved a jab in the side.

"I thought you were dead!" I gritted my teeth.

He hesitated before speaking.

"Nope. That was all in the plan, to make you think I was dead so that you would be distracted. Didnt you notice Dir Ki, my father, hasnt been in touch. My family is with the Southerners," Michael pulled out a gun from his vest," and you are a loose end we need to tie up."

Micheal cocked the gun slowly, near-trembling in the moment. I was absolutely mortified at his actions and what he said.

"Why would you go through all that trouble just to kill me? Micheal you saved my life once."

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