Chapter 28

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"Lets get you back to the barn," Fillip said letting go of me.

I wipped my tears away suddenly annoyed that Fillip saw me crying. I walked past him putting up my shield to block emotions. I guess i had been to slow to equip it before. I looked forward to the barn as I walked. Comcentrating on each step I took to occupy my mind. Trying to surpress a thought only makes it more adamant to be focused on again. It doesnt work well. I sighed in relief when I touched the barn doors. Slowly I pushed the large door to the side. Rolling it along its path, like a train on tracks, to see the people inside. Flea was helping Dehlia relax. Jocelyn was tending to Henry who was bandaged up on his side. Alexa was munching on an apple. She stood near Flea but there was still space between them. When the door fully opened all eyes fell on me. It was moments before anyone so much as uttered a sound.

"You look like crap," Flea said.

"Hey thanks Flea," I said sarcastically.

Dehlia rose to her feet and came up to me. He torn up lilac dress clinging to her body. Bandaged hand reaching towards me.Suddenly she was hugging me tightly. I was startled by the gesture I stepped back a foot. Dehlia started crying into my shoulder saying how happy she was to see me. I just hurt her nephew's heart, I didnt deserve her concern and I couldnt handle it.

"Micheal is alive," I blurted out, my mouth planted itself quickly on my mouth.

"What if Micheal didnt want anybody to know right now?" I wondered.

She froze," what? Thats a rotten joke child!"

I said nothing my solemn look making her silence and I ignored her questions and demands. I pushed past her and sat against a post. At least only Flea and Alexa heard what I had said to Dehlia. Everyone else seemed to be resuming whatever they where doing before I came. The couple that had been renting a room began to bicker. The maids where playing a game with string. Henry and Jocelyn nodded to me saying how they where glad I was okay. I had thanked them for the help then went to sit down, leaning against a post.

The crunching of straw cause me to look up," He really is alive?"

"Yeah," I said without looking. I knew this was Flea. More crunching of straw followed: Alexa.

"How are you feeling about that? You look upset," Alexa said quietly.

I frowned at this," I dont want to explain it all again. I just moved on and that hurt his feelings."

Flea seemed to sigh at that answer," you moved on?"

"Yeah," I said groaning," that so difficult to get?"

"You grieved and now your done, I get it. Just don't let yourself be alone because your scared this will happen again," Alexa placed her hand on my shoulder," Okay?"

I took a deep breath," fine."

"Good. Look we need to talk with Henry and the others to make a plan," Flea said," so focus because all the crap that has gone down might just be the beggining."

I rose to my feet at that and marched to Henry. Fillip and Jocelyn hovered over him like hawks. They worriedly glanced to each other. I hurried my pace and came to stand beside them. Henry was very pale and he was very quiet as he slept.

"What happened to him?"

"He got injured by the new weapons they had," Fillip said," Nobody knows how to help him."

"Did the metal ball go through him?" I asked.

"Yeah," Fillip answered,"clear through the left side. Jocelyn says nothing is broken. His ribs are in tact and all but the metal was large. Caused a big hole."

"Its like an arrow but clean through," Flea chriped in,"he will need his rest and some nutrition."

Dehlia began to sob hysterically behind us. Gasps came from the maids and cook.

"Micheal!" She sniffed her nose and I turned to see her hug him tightly. He hugged her back allowing her to sob into his shirt.

"Oh my goodness," Alexa gasped," he really is alive."

Fillip moved closer to me watching my reaction but he wouldnt read anything. Honestly I was numb. My eyes met with Micheal for a moment and he frowned. I turned from the reunion and tapped on Flea's shoulder ready to begin plans.

"Your kingdom is still standing but it's a lost cause if you ask me. The military is all but gone and I heard rumors that the King is ready to flee. The allies are struggling to understand why they should help," Flea said," even if they did it'd be a hard war."

"Then we start anew," Jocelyn said," somewhere fresh."

"I am not doing that," Flea shook her head," my tribe is important to me."

"Then lets go back and see how everything stands. The Southerners seemed scared of me. They kidnapped Micheal to toy with my mind. At least we can go back to tell the kingdom what we know about Fitzgerald," I reasoned.

The discussion continued on and when Henry awoke a new perspective was announced and explained. Flea stayed out of the debate hanging around the walls listening but saying nothing. I put my ideas in but the entire conversation was exhausting. Finally we called it and I was alright with the outcome.

"We go home and see what is left of it. Tell them what we know. Help if we can but if not we leave to start anew," Jocelyn announced.

Everyone seemed to settle on this plan. I nodded to Jocelyn then left the barn. The cool air refreshed me and a looked up to the stars. Solitude was nice.

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