Chapter 17

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We were out numbered. The larger and more skilled men from the south grinned devilishly. Our army was set in four lines in the middle and two smaller groups of archers hung waiting in the tree. The people on animal's backs would go in after the archers took down as many as they could.

As my gaze fell upon the many enemies I began to waver in my trust for the plan. Nervously I played with Ginger's hair and kept my expression stone. Fillip eyed me, a look of concerned flickered in his eyes. He trotted to my side and tentatively put his hand over my own. I froze, stiffening at first then relaxing as I took a deep breath. Fillip took back his hand and nodded. There was no reassurance he could provide that could fully calm anybody fighting for our kingdom today. He opened his mouth as if to speak but closed it with a groan.

The sound of a horn blasted through the ragged field to our ears. Fillip turned away from me towards the people.

"Remember why you fight today! If you fall God will welcome you with open arms," Fillip spoke.

Sounds of battle cries came from our enemies.

I raised my sword high and shouted," attack!"

The archers fired their arrows high in the morning sky. Our enemy was shocked. Our archers had hidden well in the shrubbery. But the shock was short. The arrows carved through the front line piercing a handful of men in the second line. Outraged the army's leader roared a cry and they charged forward.

"Forward!" I shouted behind me.

An uproar, hearty and strong, pushed me forward. The battle cries bounced around my skull. Focusing was difficult. As i saw the charging men begin to come forward i noticed they slowed near the middle. As our army advanced forward an image flashed through my mind.

Micheal. He was very important to me and he had been taken.The land mines.

I raised my hand up realising," Halt!"

The army slowed and looked at me annoyed," Why?" A man shouted and others grumbled.

"Its mined."

Fillip galloped to me, having moved away as we had advanced, and leaped from his sturdy horse. He picked up a stone and looked up to me asking where the mines would be. Surely the mines woupd have to be a few hundred feet from where the army had stopped. I pointed to where i thought and toyed with Ginger's hair again.

Fillip threw the stone straight onto the spot i had pointed to. I heard a click and felt myself stiffen.

Micheal. I had been pushing away his memory. Selfish to save myself from the pain. The pain, anger, longing and saddness threatened to crawl into my mind once more as the land mine exploded.

A whimper escaped my lips. My face drained of color. Nobody noticed, except one person.

"Throw more rocks at that area," Fillip barked," archers shoot!"

The near-silent wizzes of arrows shot overhead as Fillip walked his horse over to mine.

"You okay?" Fillip asked.

"Why wouldn't I be," I straightened.

He jumped onto his horse unconvinced.

"Because," he said slowly coming close," your crying," Fillip's thumb brushed a tear from my cheek.

I blinked and touched my face. Wet with silent tears I couldn't feel. Fillip pulled at his ear unsurely. I pulled the reins and tugged Ginger away from him.

"I'm fine," I lied. I most certainly wasn't.

After many more stones had been thrown the army understood we knew about the mines. They advanced anyway. Their knowledge of the placement of mines keeping most of their men from being blown up. We moved forwards. I slashed and stabbed many men from atop Ginger. As i reeled to attack another set I was thrown off Ginger. I landed painfully on my back. A tear opened my side as someone plunged a dagger into my side. I saw him beong pulled off by Fillip. Gasping I took in air. I crawled to a large stone, clutching my side. The side i had been stabbed in by Quil. Warm blood oozed from my side.

At the battle our army was being overwhelmed. The only thing keeping us from being destroyed was Fillip. His horse was gone but he had taken a new, glossy white, one. He rounded the people together. His efforts alone couldn't keep the offending army at bay for long. Helplessnes washed over me but i pushed the thought away and ripped cloth from my sleeve. Tying that aroubd my waist I pulled myself up. I swayed slightly to the side but i could focus.

I clashed swords with a tall man. His once beige shirt stained red. His own blood soon joined. It was exhausting and thrilling at the same time. Fillip looked over at me many times as i fought. I can't lie. I shot a few glances at him.

"Bawkaw! Bawkaw!" A native call came from behind me.

I smilled ear to ear and struck my enemy in the heart. Sparrow was leading the attack with a hundred or so others. Alexa sat on a speckled horse riding very close to a woman her age whom I believe is Flea. Kiara was racing towards me with Cougar on a horse ahead of her shooting arrows at the farthest of our enemy's men. Mint had joined him along with another man I didnt know.

Whooping of the remaining people in our army was heard as they too noticed the help. I had managed to stay and fight on foot but was relieved when Kiara had pulled me onto her horse. Together the two groups pushed the handful of remaining Southerners back by later midday. As i joined with with my friends at the make-shift camp i warmed my hands by the fire. Alexa was looking at my wound.

"Its not as deep as the first, didnt damage anything important," she said," we will have to stitch it of course."

I nodded knowingly.

"Come on then, lets fix you up again."

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