Chapter 47 : Epilogue

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Fillip and I live out on gifted land from the Princess. It has been a decade since Lenöch's death and the southerners have not caused issue. That battle forced me to realize what a gift it is to live and to love. Fillip was extremely delicate in his treatment of me afterwards. He was fearful I may pull away to live the life of a nun I suppose but his touch always felt safe to me. We were married a year after his injuries healed. A June wedding amongst close family and friends at a small church near my father's home.

I never truly valued bliss until I experienced its opposite. We had a strong and caring marriage. Together we brought a small boy into the world named John whom we love dearly. He is 5 now and very curious.

Sitting on the doorway steps I think back to the many adventures, sorrows, and joys. Tomorrow is never certain so today must be enjoyed. Fillip took my hand in his and kisses it softly as we watch our boy run amongst the butterflies and rabbits tossing rocks as boys do. He called daddy to play with him and Fillip slowly made his way leaning heavily on his cane to play with his son.

"Why Mommy may feel left out son," I heard Fillip say and John looked at me.

"She doesn't like me throwing pebbles at the rabbits," he frowned crossing his arms," theyre just rabbits."

I stood and began to walk over to the pair now upset by John's behaviour.
Fillip knelt down in front of John and Kindly held the boy's shoulders.

"Why must the rabbits hurt for you to feel strong?" Fillip asked calmly.

John only shrugged.

"You my boy are strong and you will grow stronger but you must remember something very important," Fillip squeezed his arms ," do you know what that is?"

I watched John shake his head, "no father," he replied.

I came to rest my hand on John's head and listened to Fillip as he spoke.

"We must be kind," Fillip stood himself up and looked back at our home,"it really is just that simple."

"Now come," I took John's hand and Fillip's hand and led them back to the house for dinner," mommy made you and daddy a stew."

John was happy and broke from my hand to skip ahead inside the house.

"Remember to wash up!" I called after him and he yelled back that he would do just that.

I felt Fillip kiss my cheek and I turned to embrace him. After all these years and troubles his company still warmed my heart. I kissed him passionately as he reminded me this day was our 10th year together.

"Good thing I sent you out for meat so I could make us a delicious pie to celebrate," I smiled and he was taken aback.

"The berry pie I adore so much?"

"The very berries from out by Kiara's home."

"Oh my love," He led us back to the house," How you spoil me."

I laughed and we went inside to wash then eat our stew dinner and pie for dessert. Our war torn battles long behind us was a welcomed one.

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