Chapter 19

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I forced myself from the tepee, much against Fillip's wishes, and held the thin fabric to my body. It was chilly and damp outside but my continued confusion drove me forward. I could faintly hear Fillip calling after me. My bare feet dug into the earth as I saw Alexa with Flea. They're fingers were entwined and Flea was laughing. The pair was sitting behind a tepee on a log. Although lesbianism was becoming more commonly known I was hurt. I approached the pair slowly observing, i pinched myself at the thoughts Fillip planted into my mind. Alexa was my friend, and, regardless of standard Catholic opinions, I believed that love was not specific to sex, age, or size.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Alexa stiffened, her shoulders straightening, but stood and faced me. Flea suddenly appeared stressed, as if any knowledge of their relationship being known was catastrophic. Alexa spoke something quiet yo her and Flea relaxed slightly. Alexa completely dismissed the fact that I was only clothed in underclothes and a sheet.

"Flea can you give us a minute?"

"Sure," her concerned brown eyes flickered to me, a glint of amusement in her eyes at my behavior I was sure.

I pressed my hand stronger on the sheet as I heard Fillip's voice come near. Alexis cursed under her breath and led me to the opposite side of the tepee. We waited for Fillip to pass, I most certainly didn't want him to see me in the sheet running about like a small child. We broke down in laughter when he had long gone.

"I'm not mad at you because of you and Flea. I am upset because you didn't feel you could tell me."

Alexa's eyes widened in surprise,"really?"

"I am not as religious as Fillip. Still if God created us then he gave us the emotion "love" If you feel in such a way towards Flea I can accept but you must know it is still odd to me."

Alexa's eyes whelmed with tears and she bit her lip," thank you Jade."

We hugged each other and I promised to try keep Fillip silent on the matter. If the churches found out about them Alexa and Flea would be forced to run and hide forever. I consider myself to be a loyal person. I wasn't about to sell out one of my best friends.

Rain began to drizzle down to us. I shivered as it seeped through the fabric and chilled my bones. I hated being injured and feeling weak. Stubborn as I was, I stayed with Alexa for awhile longer. Flea stayed away but within earshot. Her stance was ready to pounce, as if a single upset tear from Alexa would cause rash action.

"You okay?" Flea asked slowly, her minimal knowledge of English evident in her pronunciation.

Most people in the tribes knew English and could speak it well. Others that had few interactions with English-speaking people spoke it but it was slow and required thought.

I wonder if Alexa is learning the language?

"Yes," Alexa said hugging Flea.

Flea outstretched her hand and i shook it. The appreciation was unspoken but pure.

I left Alexa and Flea in the dewy grass behind the tepee. The smell of rain filled my lungs. I hurriedly picked my way back. I slipped out of sight, weaving in and out from objects like a rabbit.


My footsteps quickened and I dashed to the tepee. Shivering I rung out the cloth and my hair. I pulled on a thick dress Alexa had left by the mat. Deciding a corset would be imposible, I left it tucked into a brown cloth satchel. The long grey dress hung only an inch from the ground. I admired the lilac flower design around the chest. I pulled the sleeves over my bare arms. The thick wool warmed my near-numb body. I twisted to put on the stockings and fell, not used to such material and lengh. My side flamed angrily at the fall.

"I've had worse," I say clenching my fists and pulling myself onto my feet.


I turn slowly, careful not to fall. Fillip had changed; his brown clothes had been exchanged for thicker cloth and light armor. His stance was strange. He had one foot towards the exit and another facing me. I tilted my head and questioned why he was here. Colder than I had wanted.

"I have news of my brother and your family and friend..."

"Jocelyn. Yes?"

"The enemy they had faced proved, proved to strong and pushed past them into the kingdom. Word was just given to us."

He spoke fast trying to explain the events as I paced twirling a piece of wet hair.

"The group who delivered the news had comw bloody and injured. Their expressions either hollow or saddened," he placed a firm hand on my shoulder and shut his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek," your father was killed."

I froze completely. It was as if time froze around me. I allowed the memories to come. Bittersweet. Him holding me in the air pretending I could fly on a warm Spring day. Burning the chicken in the stove. That charred smell had remained in the house for days...


I took a deep breath and fell forward. I hadn't been breathing.

"Woah!" A pause as he steadies me," I'm sorry for your loss."

I lift my eyes to him. My face was drenched in tears and my throat was tight. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. Fillip stood strongly but softened as i rested my head on his chest. I soon felt his strong grip on my back.

It was like that for awhile.

"How is Ryan? Jocelyn? Your brother?"

I had said, arms still around him, as he rested his chin atop my head. He took a moment to respond. If I was more focused I would say he was debating to lie or speak truthfully. I repeated my questions.

"Your brother is back in the kingdom attempting to save his wife. Jocelyn and Henry are yet to be-"

"Fillip! Jade! Come at once!" I heard my sister shout from outside," Its Jocelyn and Henry!"

Fillip kissed my head and pulled me out the teepee. I snatched my cloak and covered my shoulders. The bitter-sharp wind nipped at us but I was numb to it.We hurried past the cluster of teepees, over the small creek, and past the lone tree.

"Henry!" Fillip was shouting.

"Jocelyn?!" I asked almost not believing she was before me.

As we continued to run I kicked myself at not proposing to get a horse. That would have been faster.

"Bring a horse!" I shouted back to Sasha who was readying the medical area.

I couldn't hear what she had shouted because the wind was traveling behind us.

I suddenly became very aware of the pain in my side. I gasped at the pain, hand clutching my side. Fillip looked worriedly at me but pressed forward.

"Almost there."

I nodded but my pace slowed and Fillip slowed with me. He was fighting with himself not to bolt forwards to his brother. I felt a wave of guilt.

"Go see if they are okay," i said panting.

His brown eyes had filled with mixed emotions.


He nodded, knowing I would be fine, and bolted forwards. He was soon right in front of his brother. I saw the pair hug and Henry wore a weak smile. I began to jog forward eager to speak with Jocelyn. Wind rushed past my ears and i heard the thud of her body hit the ground.

"No," I bolted to her," no, no,no!"

Her pink dress was torn, faded and bloody. I looked at her messy blonde hair cacked with blood and sweat. Her face was ghostly pale. I knelt beside her and wrapped my cloak around her body. She was breathing but it was labored.

"Stay with me Jocelyn. Just a little while longer and you will be alright."

Henry had knelt beside me kissed my friend on her head.

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