Chapter 31

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"This document, did he mention its whereabouts?"

"No he didn't and I have no interest in finding it right now."

"Why is that? You are in line for the French throne," Fillip asked confused.

"My family and friends are what matter right now, not some French politics. I guess I have to be careful of our King selling me off to rpotect the Kingdom."

"Very true," he stood holding his arms up in surrender and I noticed a scar on his chest.

"What is that from?" I asked tracing the scar across his lower abs towards his stomach.

"Injury from when I served as a guard when the Roi de France had been newly chosen," he answered then put on his shirt," stab wound, when an attempt was made on the Roi's life"

"You never mentioned-"

"No I didn't," he said sharply then took a breath,"Bad memories. I will get the oatmeal and pot you start the fire."

"Maybe clean off while you can," I said lightly.

I scrunched my nose but gave him his space not wanting to poke at the wound of French solider that I had just discovered. I collected a handful of tinder and placed it on the fire pit from last night. Using the flint and steel in time the spark hit the tinder. As the flames began to lick my fingertips I blew gently so it would grow faster. When the red and orange flames where large enough I moved from them.

"Fillip?" I said standing up.

"Coming had trouble finding the oatmeal," He answered but I walked towards the horses anyway.

"Are you proper?" I asked covering my eyes with my hand.

"Wait," he chuckled then a few moments passed," okay good."

I lowered my hand and walked up to him. He was wearing brown pants with a loose brown cotton shirt and vest. His sword was at his side in its sheath and he had wet hair dangling in his face. I laughed and poked at his shoulder. He hadnt bothered to dry his hair.

"Had that bath," He grinned grabbing the glass jar of oatmeal and the pot," I can get this going while you clean up if you'd like?"

"Thanks," I said walking around him," we need to find the others. They need to be warned of our King's desperation."

"I agree," he said in all seriousness face becoming hard.

I scrunched my nose," no need to be doing that face thing," I said gathering up a large sheet to use for drying.

"What face thing?"

"The thing you did when you became all serious," I said waving my free hand at his face now confused.

He gathered the supplies in his arms and nodded. It was a different reaction that I had expected.

"Whistle if there's trouble," he said when he had gone a few meters from me.

I turned my back from him then fastened my sword onto its belt.

"Guess I stepped on a sore spot," I muttered looking straight ahead and spotted a calm spot of the river that was sheltered with a tree," there."

I looked around for people and saw nobody. A rabbit was munching on roots nearby but that was all for wildlife. I knocked off my shoes and socks and pulled my dress to my knees. I left all my items in the shade of a large stone. Then i slowly walked into the refreshing water.

I dunked under the cold water and emerged hearing the rabbit scamper off.  An armed man was approaching the river. Eyes wide at the sight I quickly swam behind the stone.

"Did you hear that?" One soldier asked.

"Probably just an animal," the other grumbled and I listened to them trot away on their horses. They where heading towards Fillip.

The soldiers had stopped at a tree a fair distance from Fillip. I peered at them and noted the uniform. It was our Kingdom's and the soldiers seemed to be looking for something. My eyes widened in realization that they where looking for me. The pair only sat there under the tree facing away from the camp site.

Quiet as i could I snatched my clothing and sword and held the lot in a mess above my head as I swam to the other side fighting the current.

"Be more careful," I muttered to myself upset at my situation, I needed to get clothed quickly.

Awkwardly I pulled myself from the water and sat in the protection of a large tree that hung over the edge of the water. I wrung out my hair and got clothed quickly. My head was throbbing but I chose to ignore it. I fastened my belt around my waist and straightened my dress. After I was clothed I carried my socks and shoes in my hand and crept along the edge of the waterside making my way to the camp site.

I saw Fillip and hissed his name. The river muffled my attempt at getting his attention. Annoyed I said his name louder and whistled. He looked around him hand ready on his sword.

"Over here!" I waved at him.

"What are you doing there?" He asked.

"Quiet there are soldiers!"

He looked around himself quickly then waved for me to come across the river. I found a shallow section just backtracking a meter or so and walked across. I pushed through the bush and was facing a sword.

"Lookey here," the one soldier said with hiccups visibly drunk.

The other one comes up behind him, sober as the sun is bright. He patted the drunk soldier on his shoulder then grabbed my wrist yanking me forward. My free hand pulled out my sword and swiftly i had the upper hand. I pressed the point on his throat, just nearly piercing the skin.

"You think it was going to be easy?" I grin," think again," I kicked the back of his knee with my heel and used the handle of my sword to render him unconscious.

His sandy blond hair was drizzled with a tiny streak of blood. I turned to the drunken one and pushed him into the bushed. He ralphed and subsequently passed out, flies instantly hovering over his terrible stench.

"Told you," I grinned.

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