Chapter 43

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We rode out with the day still young. A calming wind carried itself through the rolling hills. We would arrive by mid afternoon and set the plan in motion. It had been deliberated by my friends and I. We had settled on this plan weeks ago. Lady Trinity's assistance and loyalty was depended on. A letter had arrived last night assuring us the plan was underway. The Princess' feast would be held outside the castle walls near Zoëland. We were to attack the southerners there. Their leader Lenöch was to be in attendance. His death or, extremely unlikely, surrender was the goal.

When we were to finally arrive in sight of the town of Zoëland the feast would soon be well underway. Henry and Fillip had rode the length of the journey nearest each other. They spoke of past battles and some humour filled adventures they had taken part in together. Once they had been running short on money and so; they made a makeshift guitar, out of small wooden crates and some string, to play music. Apparently the ladies swooned over Henry's tickling of the chords. I saw Jocelyn blush and confirm. We all laughed. It was as if we had decided to take a stroll as friends. The grumblings of two men behind me brought my mind back to reality. After awhile of silence I moved off to ride alone.
I looked around at the army we raised. The guilt I would feel about the deaths that would occur made me fearful. We enlisted these men, they could've left, yet they chose to stay. I found myself deeply humbled by their decision. Despite the odd... immature fellow... these were all brave people. Everyone was in the best armour they could manage. My eyes wandered to see some familiar faces ride over. Kiara and Hark moved over to me, I'm not certain how long I'd ridden in silence.

Hark's attention was occuring on the thoughts in his mind. He sat straight looking forward to what he imagines will occur shortly, at least I believed that to be true. You never really know what anyone else is thinking. In truth this plan has a lot of gears to turn; it wouldn't be set in motion for a while now. Enough time for the mind to cause intense worry. I tried not to think about it and focused on the present instead of worrying over the outcome. We have arrived at the hill and I watched as Fillip took the lead and began the first step of our plan.

"We can't go over that hill," I overheard the scout we'd sent out say to Fillip and Henry," they will surely see us."

"Aye true," Henry responded.

"Lady Trinity gave me this sac," the boy said alternating weight on either foot. His nerves were evident. I looked at him closely: he was short and thin, built like a poor farmer whose familiarity with the sun left speckles on his body.

Fillip waved me over. My body acted under simple instruction. I got off Ginger, walked to the boy, and took the sac from him. I ignored the gaze of so many pairs of eyes.

"Just like the Lady said, we have our servant disguises," I looked through the sac," three can go, any more it'd be noticeable."

I clicked my tongue and led Ginger away by patting her side. My eyes searched for a secure location to leave her. She wouldn't be able to go into battle with me. I draped the cloak over her saddle and searched for a secure spot. Once I found a nice spot, not far off by a tree, I tied her up loosely.

"Should anything happen, I'd like for you not to starve stuck to this tree,"I said softly

I pulled off the servant's cloak from her back. The Lady also included three special rings that servant's wore to ensure they were good to their word. I thought back to the plan, rehearsing it through my mind like a song. We wanted to take the southerners by surprise but not allow the Princess to be harmed. She was priceless in terms of our kingdom's redemption. The monarchy of neighboring kingdoms would respect her bravery. They would be far less inclined to listen to a peasant if we were to somehow choose one to lead us.

I walked back to the group of around 200 men. I frowned slightly realizing our numbers had shrunk. Fifty cowards had fled in the night. The ones remaining were the true heroes. My eyes looked around at the small groups of men standing or sitting in circles. Time allows people to be alone with their thoughts. At the brink of war that is a near curse.

"I'm going with you," Kiara says then nudges at Hark who nods.

"Hmph," I say thrusting my sword fowards. They do the same and we do a cheer. My spirits raise in the company of my friends.

"For our Kingdom!"

I turn from our circle and see Fillip looking on perplexed. Hark must've noticed too because he nudges me with his elbow softly. I walk over to Fillip and stand in front of him.

"I wanted to go with you," he says, looking away from me.

"You're needed here," I say taking his hands in mine.

"Yes well," his eyes flicker to me then he sighs with words unspoken. I knew how he felt, he didnt need to say it. My mind ran through the worst outcomes for me personally. That seems selfish but with Fillip I will be selfish without ill reflection.

"I love you," I say and kiss his cheek.

"You tease you," he says with a grin.

"Oh?" I say swaying and stand on my tip toes.

"Aye," he says and dips me then places a kiss on my lips. My laughter breaks the kiss and he returns me to a standing position. With greed for him I kiss him I place my hands on either side of his head. I toy with the floppy mess of brown hair again then bring my lips to his.

"I just!" He says elated momentarily, making me laugh. I feel his breath on my neck as he whispers to me," I love you," I hear Kiara whistle loudly behind me and smile.

"I love you, yet I must go now," I say and our hands reluctantly slip apart as I turn away. A chill goes through my spine as I face Zoëland. I take a step and then another and another. I knew what we planned for through and through.

"Ready?" Hark asks me.

"Ready," I say and look to Kiara.

"We got this!" She stands proudly and her determination raises my spirits.

"Then lets go!" It is Hark who exclaims this and we move off to follow the directions of the messenger.

"He snuck in so we can too," I say pulling my servant's hood over my head in one swoosh.

"Aye," my companions agree and we head off to Zoëland.

Our goal was to get close to the Princess and get to her within two hours. The first hour was to get to the location of the feast and the second was to get to the Princess. If possible one of us was to assasinate Lenöch. Alot rested on this plan. The rest of our army would be declaring battle by breaking into Zoeland. Henry believed that the element of suprise wpuld be enough to shock the Southerners. In this moment of haze the Princess was to declare a people and crown's war on the Southerners. My job was to ensure the Princess was safe and to 'kidnap' her from Lenöch. Without the Monarch the respect from our allies would dissappear completely.

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