Chapter 16

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Clanging of metals roared throughout the far end of the kingdom. The wails of women and outranged calls of the men. They had attacked at dawn. Shielded by the fog and dim lighting. They wore this cloak as I had slept. I woke to a rapid knocking at my door and to my maid's service.

"Alexa!" A voice said urgently.

My foggy mind took a moment to comprehend what was happening.

"Be out in a minute! Call up the others!"

"Already on it!" I realized now it was Jocelyn.

The maid was petite and blonde. She looked no more than fifteen. Her crisp blue eyes trained to the floor. She spoke not a word.

"I am going to change," i told her awkwardly," stand facing the wall please."

She nodded and swiftly went to a wall. Her light pink gause dress skimmed the polished stone floors.

I slipped out of my beige nightgown. The soft cotton smooth against my skin. Brushing out my long dark hair I walked to the wardrobe. I hurriedly grabbed my fighting gown. The one I wore when I had first encountered Quil. It had been mended and fixed. Alexa's skilled hand was evident as stepped into my dress. It was more fit to work as pants at the bottom. I could lunge forward effortlessly. I tied the string tight 'round my waist. Habits of being a woman in these times.

I heard shuffling behind my door. I heard more from the window. Angry calls and orders. The maid was trying desperately to grasp her composure. I went to her instinctively. As i had done to Sasha when she was young and scared. I draped one arm aroubd her and squeezed. The girl gave a weak smile.

"Jade!" Jocelyn barged in now," they're advancing further. We need to go!"

I looked at the girl with what i hoped was an assuring expression and knelt in front of her.

"You get yourself and your family some place safe____?" I paused waiting for her to speak her name.

"Lucia," she said in her sweet voice," thank you miss."

I grinned and ran out the door with Jocelyn snatching my sword on the way. As we dashed into town i ate an apple from a wrinkled woman's stand. Jocelyn was wearing mesh chain armor on her front. Her pink dress had been changed for a darker purple and she had a gleaming,sharp ,silver sword held onto her waist. We ran into town and joined with about two hundred men. The odd woman could be seen here and there. Like speckles on a face.

Jocelyn and I took the wooden makeshift stage and met with two other leaders of this group. Fillip and Henry. Brothers. Both young, agile and strong. Their reputation of skilled hunters and builders gave them great abilities. Jocelyn had been the figure head. She was smart and young. Her beauty a desire for many men standing in the group today. Her methods for bringing them here weren't lady-like but who was I to judge? I wanted to hunt with father and brother christmas morning.

"Ready men?!"

The plan was simple but with significant and immense responsibility : defend the kingdom, push the attackers back.

I swung onto my horse Ginger, who had been kept in the royal stables. He was hearty and with ample energy. I pushed my boots into his side and clicked my tongue. We moved forwards to join the soldiers holding their ground.

To my left Jocelyn kicked and barked orders at her horse. Henry raised a brow at her behavior tho evidently amused. His wavy red hair matched that of the mark his hand left on the horse's end.

"Ai!" Jocelyn cried in shock as her sandy-colored horse darted forward.

Fillip, who sat to my right on his black horse, shot Henry a look and shook his head. Mind tasked with the significant weight on his shoulders. His clothing and hair matched his horse well. Dark. Black.

"Come on!" He roared in a scottish accent to the people behind us, some on foot and others on horse, mule or donkey," now we protect our home! Today we fight for our mothers!" He turned and everyone stopped," Our sisters! Children!"

The crowd was boisterous. Many shouting their own purposes. Names of loved ones and friends filled ears. Fillip had motivated them to fight with purpose. And with purpose, people are braver.

"Together! We will fight the rotten southerners!!" I shouted, eyes fixed on me," and together, together we will win!"

"Ya!" The crowd exploded in cheers.

Henry nodded to Jocelyn and they raised their swords," To fight!"

"To fight!" The crowd thundered.

Henry and Jocelyn led a third the group to the east of our kingdom.
They were to join with the majority of the soldiers. My brother and father would be fighting as I rode Ginger. I pray to god they still stood strong.

To distract my mind from my worries of my father and brother I thought of my mother. She'd be safe in the castle by now. Saralee talking of her babe. I let my thoughts drift...

Sasha had left the castle assumedly after helping Kyle around the castle. I had spoken to Jocelyn after the speech. Sasha, Kiara and Alexis had left together on stolen horses from the royal stables. I hadn't a sure clue on the motive begind their actions. Yet Kyle hadnt seemed to worry.

Fillip and I led the rest down towards the advancing army. I looked closely at him and squinted my eyes at the rising sun. Fillip tilted his side quizzically as he caught me looking at him. I didn't flinch at his curiosity.

"What are you doing?" Fillip pondered aloud.

I clicked my tongue," trying to figure you out."

"Oh?" The scottish roots evident.

"Your the famous Fillip Hensworth," I said in a humorous tone," what in bloody hell are you doing helping us?"

He was surprised at my use of words and despite himself laughed. His brown eyes glinting. Fillip threw his head back and a deep chuckle came from him. It was my turn to look at him quizzically.

One key thing i noticed. He didnt resemble a scottish man. His complextion was darker and his hair wasn't ginger. My mind flashed back to his brother. Same built, yet Henry did look scottish. I pulled out my sword and pointed it to Fillip's throat. The point halting the advancing army of villagers.

"Who are you? Really?"

Fillip looked at me impressed," You surprise me Jade."

I rasied an eyebrow and turned to a man on horse behind me," take them further up. I will catch up, soon."

"Yes miss," the grey haired man then turned the the others and barked his orders respectfully.

I nodded to the people as they passed by. After the last one had passed i refocused on Fillip who hadnt moved. He took steady breaths and seemed reasonably relaxed.

"He's been watching, looking out for good fighters."

My heart stops and i look at Fillip. Quil had said those exact words.

"No," i say flatly then blink twice.

"I am not him!" Fillip raised his voice," he was my rat brother. Couldnt walk around here with anyone knowing that. I lived some time in Scotland, long enough to catch the accent and gain a friend."

I lower my sword and fasten it back on my belt.

"Henry," i say.

"Yes. The "brothers" part is a lie but we do know what we are doing," Fillip becomes quiet," my brother Quil did many things to your kingdom and its people. I wanted to help."

I nod my head and snap the reins," we better go then!"

"Yes, best."

As we ride side by side and catch up to the army at the defense point Fillip is silent. I take charge and explain our plans of defense. The point has a large tree and perched high in the branches. For a second. I swear i see Michael there waving. Waving at me and mouthing two words.

"Be safe."

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