Chapter 39

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"What happened?" I asked looking from Henry to Mint.

"The southerners killed the royal family...apart from the princess," Mint said walking towards me and placing his hands on my shoulders. His green eyes fierce only softened by the thin layer water in his eyes.

They found the royal family!

"Your brother saved the princess," Mint said slowly," he provided us with a true chance to regain the kingdom. The princess has grown since your father saved her last. Old enough to lead the kingdom as she wishes to."
Mint let his arms hang limp by his sides. His eyes staring deep into the soul of a single white flower.

Somehow Fillip knew to step forward and support me because the next words Mint said broke me. My hands flew up to my damp cheeks and my knees wobbled. I screamed at him for being wrong, for lying to me. My head rolled back and I slid helplessly into the support of Fillip's arm. His figure accompanying me to the earth, to my pool of tears that now watered the white flower.

"Your brother-your brother died saving the princess."

My face was tear stained and I took shaky breaths. The southerners took my father and now my brother from me. My mind raced making me feel utterly exhausted. Fillip moved to kneel in front of me now but I barely noticed him. I was shaking and my vision was blurry. He cupped my face soothing me like a small child until I ran out of tears. Nobody else knew what to do with themselves. I forgot they were in front of me for a long while. For a long while it was just me with my grief.

"I will kill them," I whispered,"the southerners will never set foot in this land again if they wish their heads!"

Fillip held me in tight embrace and I came back to realize my friends were around me. I looked up to Jocelyn still sobbing.

"Why are you still crying?" I asked her, voice hoarse trying to keep my words level.

"That's not all the news," Henry said wiping away a tear from her face.

Fillip broke away from me now angrily moving towards his brother. Hark shifted towards me uncertain of my companions whose weary eyes beaded down upon him. Hark awkwardly attempted a bow, of respect i assume, in my direction. Fillip forcibly led Henry away by his arm and spoke to him quietly. Enraged by the newfound knowledge he kicked the soil and knelt down covering his face with his hands. This image only broke me further as I watched him pound his fist into the earth until he exhausted himself. Then he was silent. He sat still staring into nothingness. Henry left him alone and walked back to me, heavy on his feet. I step up now and painfully keep gaze on Fillip who seemed as broken as I.

"He doesn't want me to tell you," I could see the unspoken words behind Henry's eyes but instead he gently pushed Mint forward and led Jocelyn away.

"Hey," I mumbled to Mint finding reassurance in simple conversation.

"Its good to see your okay," he says and I say the same and give him a hug.

He tilted his head and a grin appeared on his face but it quickly disappeared. He clasped his hands together over mine in a moment of closeness before the words he spoke.

"More has occurred than just your brother's death. The Southerners have taken hostages to force the princess out of hiding. If she goes to them they will likely kill her. The hostages however would be freed. Jade the hostages... They've taken our friends."

My sadness turned to fury at this news. My pulse slowed in fright then boiled in anger. I felt this emotion building up inside me to a near burst.

"Nobody," I said clenching my fists," can do these atrocities to my friends! My family! and pray get away with it!"

"They won't," said Fillip coming up to my side, " I won't let them get away with what they've done to you, to the people in the Kingdom. One way or another we end this!"

Hark like a loyal pup came to my side and nodded. Fillip threw his fist in the air and shouted his decision to fight. Henry followed suit and soon everyone was chanting and a sea of shaking fists created waves above my head. From small villages of farmers to once busy streets of prominent cities we gathered people who chanted and made our sea of fighters larger. In 2 weeks we had gathered an army and in four everyone was armed and ready to fight. Henry, Fillip, Mint, and myself taught the basics of fighting; how to hold a sword, to dodge fatal blows, to deal with multiple attackers. I met with the Princess in secret in the confessions at church. Princess was fair and wise. She was ready to fight to protect the Kingdom. Every war needs a political head and this war had her. She was brilliant in her conversations with the Southerners. Her ability to gather the leaders in her castle walls was astonishing. The bravery she portrayed in the face of such companions was shocking. Her cooks kept the Southerners happy and full with their wondrous meals and treats. The Princess arranged the final meeting over land conversation in the form of a grand party. Her youthful charm kept the men captivated and their quest was slowed by her hospitality and dare I say striking red gown.

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