Chapter 4

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I hear my horse whining a few moments later. I scale down the mountain. Pulling out my sword I come face to face with a hooded man. I cannot see his face because of the hood and shadow. He has two medium swords held in his hands. I strike first. Using the landscape to my advantage I dodge his attacks and leap from a stone over his head. He strikes at my arm and catches me off guard. Clumsily I step back and he grins, I see him grin. I swing my sword around my head and slice the edge of his arm. He whinces and grits his teeth.

"You cut my arm,"he growls angrily.

"Your after my horse!" I accuse him.

"Your stupid horse?!" He spits on the ground," no! I'm here to recruit you, damnit!"

I squint my eyes and peer at his weapons. He puts them in his belt and sighs. I slip mine under my belt. Surveying the surrounding area for archers i decide it is safe.I move over to a stone and sit down.

"The King is putting together some fighters to attack his enemies. A group of spies and assasins if you will," the man says from under his hood.

"How did he know about me?" I ask

"He's been watching, looking out for good fighters."

That sent a shiver down my spine.

"How much?" I asked because today my family was well off but that can always change.

He held a brown pouch in his hand, he tossed it to me. It was the weight of an average sized rock. This could feed a large family through winter months meagerly with ease.

"Okay, I will join this group," I smile at my sword, the trickle of blood ran down it's fine blade," I will fight for the king."

Many would think it is un called for a woman to fight for their country. It happens often, more than you'd think. Times are changing and some rulers see that. Our king isn't stuborn, he will accept change and move forth with it. Our lands have prospered with open arms. We welcome entrepreneurs and new inventions. England's only hold back is the religious church. Deep routed in the way of God they will not accept science as they should.

"Good, mail will be left by your horse as of the whereabouts. Tell no one of this," he says turning from me.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name."

"That's because I don't want to, and you don't yet need to know it," he said grufly marching off.

I cross my arms and turn on my heel to re-climb the mountain. I pause at the top and clean my sword off with moss. 

I spend the afternoon practicing with my sword. I clash with a tree in the forest for an hour. Climbing and role-fighting, my afternoon is filled up and soon I have to return to my horse.

Ginger is drinking from the cool river. His ears prick up when I walk near.

"Good boy Ginger,"I pat his back and climb on,"let's get back home."

At home I find Sasha in the kitchen cooking with a maid. She is happily chatting in hushed voices with the maid who nods her own head. I snatch an apple from the counter and bite into its green shell. Sasha silences as I walk by her. The kitchen has a sink,wood burning stove, a lot of counter space made of a natural grey stone. I run my fingers along the smooth surface and eye the maid. Sasha returns to stirring her stew in silence. I stand next to her munching on the apple.

Finally I break the silence," I'm very sorry I've forgotten your name," I acknowledge the maid with my finger.

"Felina," she squeaks.

"I have some laundry that needs to be done," I say secretely pointing to my sister.

Felina nods her red-head and scurries upstairs. I twist my dress and look to Sasha.

"Is is Kyle?"

"Jade if you must know, yes it is Kyle. What will father think?" She says throwing her spoon down to float in the stew.

"Kyle is a nice man, father will approve I am sure," I smile reassuringly.

She faces me and surveys my face,"he knows doesn't he?"

"Yes Sasha he does, and he is okay with it. If I saw right maybe happy for you both," I say speeding up my speech as Sasha paces the room.

She stops and looks at me with shock. A crash sends window glass flying. Color drains from her face. She collapses on the ground with a thud.

"Sasha! Oh my-oh!" I dash to her and see the arrow.

A single wooden arrow was shot into my house, into my sister. The arrow had fully went through her side. I snap off the ends and pull the wood from her whilst she is still unconscious. Felina comes down the stairs with my laundry.

"Felina! Felina come here! Mind the glass," I say to her

She drops the basket and pulls a clean cloth from the kitchen. I leave Sasha in her care and race outside. A black horse is running from the house without a rider. I hear agruing from the stables. Pulling out my sword I prepare to fight.

"You aren't welcome here," I hear Kiara speaking.

"Get lost Quil!" Orders Alexa angrily

I open the barn doors and see the man from earlier today. Kiara and Alexa have him pinned to a wall. A sword is held to his throat. I see him clutch a note in his hand.

"Damn what happened here?" I asked aloud.

Quil chokes to speak but is unable. I walk to Ginger and stroke his mane. I spin my sword in a circle before eyeing my friends. Alexa was dressed in a short black dress and laced boots to match. Her black hair was tied back from her face in a bun. Kiara had her hair held back with a headband and her yellow animal skin dressed was trimmed and risen high, just a handful of inches from her rump. Alexa pushed her silver blade closer to Quil's chin.

"This idiot," Kiara groans in frustration.

Alexa places her hand on Kiara and she relaxes slightly.

"That idiot offered me a job with payment. Let him go," I frown

Alexa let's her blade slide down slowly. She gestures for me to hurry then meet Kiara and herself outside. I agree and turn to face Quil.

"Guess you know my name now," he says lightly.

I knew his name all too well. A past boyfriend of Kiara, she spoke of him often. The broke up last year due to his cheapness. I never did meet him in person.

"Yeah, I know your name," I say bitterly

"That's why I didn't speak it, you'd of refused to assist me," Quil says from beneath his hood.

'Probably true," I admit and cross my arms," I will have the note but then you must go."

Quil hands me the note and slowly walks out the back entrance of the stable.

"By the way, your horse has found its way to the mountains."

He pauses at the door for a second and seems to think. I huff and march to the front door and meet with my friends inside my home. Kiara clutches her bow upset and hurriedly apologizes to Sasha and myself. Sasha is weak and spends her night alone in her room. My friends leave near nightfall after helping clean up. Father will return in the morning so I write a note explaining myself and the window, i lie, and pin it to the door.

Tonight I'd spend my night stargazing.

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