Chapter 41

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The camp was bustling and men trained in groups for swordplay, defence, and archery. Bemused I watched a man slip on the wet ground. His friends surrounded him and laughed heartily. I watched Mint push through the increasing crowd and help the man up. The man dressed in brown ratty clothes graciously thanked him. I watched silently as Mint hurried off quickly weaving through the crowd so swiftly I lost sight of him.

I slid off Ginger and walked through the camp. It was situated about three hours by foot from the castle. Less by horse or donkey. I passed by the normal folk we had turned into soldiers. Finding myself at the far end of town I began to wonder where Mint had rushed off. Fillip hadn't greeted me so I assumed he was busy. My sudden heavyness of heart at his absence surprised me. I shook it off and continued on.

I spotted Joy nibbling on some grass beside Hark's small tented area. I guide Ginger to a water trough and tie her there. Hark hasn't noticed me yet. I walk over to him and say hi but he is silent. I realize he is sleeping with his hat pulled over his eyes. He holds a book in his hand woth scribbled words on it. My eyes wander along the page and the words formed a poem about our camp.

"Hello?" I repeat louder, shaking his one shoulder.

He jumps in his chair causing his hat to fly from his head. I barely stifle my laughter in time.

"Huh? Wha- Jade?" He says groggily fixing his hair with one rub through.

"You becoming a troubadour?"

"Oh! No course not I've just," he says getting visibly embarassed about his poem.

"Sorry I don't mean anything by it," I said softly then sat next to him," its a good poem, nice flow."

"Thanks," he grins then turns stern," dont tell a soul."

"You have my word," I say then change the subject," where are the others. Fillip-"

"-is with them. They are all at his tent," Hark said flatly avoiding my eyes.

"They didnt invite you?" I ask recognizing his tone.

"No," he says flatly once more then stands up and enters his tent.

I'm unsure what to act or say on his behaviour. Fillip had never trusted Hark fully and I suppose that wasn't going to change anytime soon. Hark was a runner to Fillip. In his eyes Hark was a boy who ran when things got difficult but this I know is false. His leaving was brave and him helping us, strangers to him, was noble and kind. I shake my head and stand up smoothing my dress.

"Fillip?" I say when i enter his tent a few moments later.

I find him half dressed and hair damp. He is turned away from me washing his hair in a large bowl. Immediately I recoil into myself with embarrassment. He flips his hair up and points to something next to me. I see it is a towel on a chair.

"Thanks," he says catching the towel I've tossed over. He rubs his dark hair with it until a handful of curls have shown themselves atop his head. I laugh quietly at the sight.

"What?" He says with a cute grin.

I walk over to him and touch one of his curls. His gaze is on me now and I let go. Face feeling hot with worry of his response.

"Sorry I-that," I stumble moving back.

"Everything is alright Jade," he says but I stand still.

His face immediately turns to worry, I assume, at my behaviour. He walks to his bed and slips on a simple cotton shirt. I watch unsure what to do with myself. I'd forgotten the reason I'd come was to speak with him.

"The Princess promises land from the traitors to any recruits in our rebellion," I say and he nods.

"I had a meeting in here moments before you caught me freshening up," he says with a half smile," I know you are probably upset Hark wasnt invited."

I gape at him," how did you know I already knew?"

"I saw you with Hark. I'd poped out earlier to get water and I saw the pair of you talking," he pauses unsure of his next words but speaks them anyway," I heard the conversation."

I tilted my head thinking through my response quickly.

"Did you hear the part about a troubadour?"

"No?" He says then laughs," yeah sorry I did."

I walk up to him and hold his collar playfully," dont tell anyone, I made him a promise."

I see him begin to appear what i could only describe as nervous. I couldnt tell if it was small water droplets or sweat that had built up on his forehead.

"You okay? I was only teasing you know," I say releasing him.

"Yeah I'm alright love," he says and the use of the word happily suprises me.

"Love?" I say smiling and he takes my hands in his amd lowers himself to a kneel.

"I love you Jade," he says and takes something from his pocket.

I find myself somehow being able to stand while my heart felt as though it would burst from my chest. He opened a small box that housed a ring. A beautiful ring with a purple gem in its center.

"Will you promise to spend the rest of your life with me? As my wife?" He says managing to keep his voice steady.

A small happy laugh escapes me and I nod profusely.

"I promise," I say and he places the ring on my finger.

I hug him where he kneels. I place a quick kiss om his lips. As our lips brush for the second time I whisper back to him.

"I love you too."

Eyes closed and hearts filled with happiness I forgot we where at war. The memories of sadness and loss disappeared as the emotions of love overtook them. Fillip is with me and he makes me feel safe and happy. In this moment I suppose tears of joy came. As the tender moment ended I found myself smiling uncontrollably ear to ear.

He turns to open a drawer behind him, playfully and with dramatic care, takes out two filled cups of wine.

"To our future as husband and wife," he says as our cups clink in cheers.

"To our promise!" I say with laughter and we drink our wine.

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