Chapter 34

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"This is the place that held me captive. I made a few friends here but less friends than enemies I'm afraid. I have been working here undercover trying to find information on Josh's whereabouts. I can get you out of here but you have to trust me," he finished scouting ahead.

"You didn't have to be so rough about it," I said rubbing my head and shoulders.

"I had to make it look believable when I was taking a prisoner away, the guards are rough here."

We walked in silence out from a deserted hallway.

"Hurry up Jade," Micheal hissed through the doorframe.

He had led me to a dressing room and left me there confused at his plan. I wandered around quickly scanning the room then flash-backed to what he had said.

"Put one on," Micheal said hurriedly," be quick and change you hair up. I will be outside."

Before I could protest he had shut the door and left me confused.
Perhaps this was to better hide who I was? I thought about that idea now and it made some sense but dressing up in someone else's clothes was awkward. Regardless of the plan I was reluctant to change fully so I took off my belt and undressed to my undergarments. I chose a simple navy blue dress and a satchel that hung over my shoulder. To accompany the look I chose a thick green cloak. I hid my belt under a matching cloak dress and slid my dagger there since it was the only weapon I had. They had taken my sword. They hadnt inspected me close enough to find the small dagger. I looked around for items to disguise myself with and paused at an item then muttered to myself.

"Not like they need this..."

I tied a simple chain around my neck and fixed my hair into a quick pony tail with pieces hanging out. Quickly fixed on my boots and ditched my dress in the corner of the room. I emerged to greet Micheal who hooked his arm with mine and walked silently into the main square of this place. We walked quickly in the shadows avoiding as many people as we could then turned left at a hay wagon. The boy tipped an imaginary hat to me and I only nodded his way to be polite. He was very shocked by what I had done and this was written across is face.

"Nobles don't address the peasants," Micheal said quietly as people began to stare. Maids and cleaners, merchants and seamstresses all lifted a brow at the scene I had unknowingly caused.

"Let's get going then," I said with a fake smile planted across my face,"now."

Micheal nodded at that and moved past the people acting in a self caring snob manner. He strode calmly, eyes fixated on a point past an alley. A soldier walked past us unknowingly and Micheal respectfully bowed his head down. I did the same and the soldier continued on whistling a tune to himself. As we approached the alley a woman was angrily shouting at a maid behind us.

"What on earth is this cheap cloth doing laying on my dressing room floor!" The sound of a hand hitting skin rung through the area.

Everyone, including Micheal and myself, turned to look at the scene. The woman was in a respectable peach dress wearing very expensive jewellery on her ears, neck and fingers. She was shaking a blue dress in the air angrily, it was my dress. I looked at Micheal worriedly and he caught my eyes and mouth opened then closed.

"Madame I haven't the slightest how such a dress got into your room," the maid cowered and rubbed her red cheek.

The Madame threw my dress into cow manure and smirked.

"Crappy dress like that is where it belongs now," she huffed," I am getting to the bottom of this. Nobody goes into my dressing room and leaves filthy clothing and on top of that a piece of jewelry is missing!"

"Madame I-"

"Shut up maid!"

The Madame now looked into the swarm of people with a sorry expression. She stood seductively tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder and bit her red lips. The maid was waved off and darted away petrified. The Madame held her hands in the air and looked only at the nobles in the swarm. Not addressing the other people in the slightest.

"So sorry for that, please continue your day," she said simply then turned sharply on her heel into a building.

The noise began to become loud again and we continued onwards.

"You stole from Madame Lecha?" Micheal asked as we walked to the courtyard by the front gates.

"Yes," I replied," not like she needed it," I added trying to justify my actions.


"Come on, tell me what your plan is," I muttered.

"This is the main area of the kingdom. The castle is behind us- that is where you had been in the jail. We travelled past the centre marketplace to this entrance courtyard if you will. There is a service gate for the maids and peasants to enter and exit. You are going to dawdle around here until I get Fillip to escort you through the main gates. Without an escort you stand out more," Micheal said given me some coins," look busy at all times and avoid making a scene if you can."

"I need my sword back," I said.

"You've grown unnaturally attatched to your sword. I must say," he responded.

I nearly kicked him for that but I decided to frown at him instead. He stifled his laughter and led me further into the courtyard.

"You will be sure to have it."

There where many shops set up and even a few simple buildings. I could see a bakery, a blacksmiths, and a fabric shop out of the 8 shops. Soldiers littered around the area walking around looking bored at their shift and lives. I tilted my head returning to look at Micheal who unhooked his arm from mine and bowed. I curtsied and we both nodded to each other.

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