Chapter 33

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I woke up slowly, eyes groggy and mouth dry like dust. My hand moved towards my head and I felt the dried up blood from where I had been rendered unconscious. Everything was silent and I was very unaware of myself or my surroundings. All I knew was that my head hurt and something bad had happened. I strained to hear but I couldn't make out a sound. My eyelids began to close again and I felt the cold, wet stone beneath my cheek and remembered.

"I was taken off guard and I am in trouble," my mind said to me.

"I have to get up, I have to make sure Fillip is okay...tell the others," I tried to pull myself up but couldn't and fell to the ground with a thud unable to open my eyes fighting to stay awake.

I realized after that I had said this out loud because someone shakily pulled me onto their lap. I managed to open one eye and saw Fillip barely awake and breathing heavily. I could hear his breathing and it worried me, the troubled intakes of breath and heartbeat that pounded in his chest.

"I'm right here, get your rest," he said softly gently stroking my hair," got ya good did they?"

"Your alive?"

"Get your rest."
I smiled at his voice.
"I'm glad."

"Get rest we can talk later," he said and I allowed myself to rest.
-----hours later-----
I woke up with Fillip's hand resting on my back and I looked up to see him asleep. He was sweaty and had shaky breaths because of the berries he had eaten before. The affects didn't seem to be fatal and I was sure he could pull out of it. I didn't want to wake him so I laid there for a few more moments staring at the metal tray that had been shoved carelessly into the cell. There was a bowl with something in it that I couldn't see from my height and two waters in mugs. I yawned and squirmed from Fillip, dry mouth craving water. He stirred and eyes opened as I brought the tray over and took a drink of water after making sure it was okay. To do this I smelled the water and chose it should be alright. I had a good drink from the mug before I tipped the mug down and saw Fillip looking at me.

"Morning," I said slowly and held his mug to his lips tipping a fair bit of water in his mouth," sorry I woke you, tried my best not to."

I moved from him and placed the mug back on the tray and sat down beside him resting on the metal bars. He cleared his throat then looked at me closely.

"You should have been more concerned with yourself than with me," he said quietly in almost a whisper.

I was taken back," I thought you where unconscious?"

"No, I could make out what was going on," he answered," why would you do that?"

"You where in danger," I said simply looking at him to meet his eyes,"It infuriated me that I was only able to stand there."

"Your life is more important than mine is. If you hadn't been so focused on me you wouldn't be here right now. You could have gotten away," He said looking at the cell we were both in now then back at me.

"I would never have left you to be taken, your too important to me to ever consider that. Your life matters just as much as my own," I said quietly then looked up at him.

He smiled kindly at the words and tilted his head and words came from his mouth quickly," I love you Jade."

I found myself to be smiling at him, ear to ear and he moved forwards and kissed me. I was so shocked at how badly I wanted this. A sweet kiss that lingered. Slowly we pulled away and both chuckled and smiled at each other. Emotion of joy brightening up the cell and for a moment I forgot where I was. All I saw was Fillip before me and the only thing I felt was the racing of my heart. Yet I couldn't bring myself to say I love you back. As much as I tried the words wouldn't come out, I believe I feared the power they had but I did truly think I felt this way for Fillip. The words just wouldn't come out.

I hugged Fillip and then moved from him quickly as a guard came to the cell and unlocked the door. He looked from me to Fillip and grinned sickly. My stomach churned upset at the expression. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the cell without explanation leaving Fillip very pissed off cursing at him. I mouthed the words It's okay as I was led out.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Fillip was standing up now leaning against the bars clasping them,"tell me!"

I struggled kicking the man in the knee then he used his arm to hit me hard on the spine and I collapsed. Sight blurry for a time then I was yanked up by the jail keeper. The original guard barked angrily at this,shocked, I looked at him closely now. Dirty blonde hair hidden by a helmet and covered head to toe in armor. The eyes met mine and I screamed on the inside, I had a feeling I knew who this was. The guard pushed me forwards forcibly and headed towards the stairs steering me by my shoulders. Fillip banged at the bars again but I couldn't see him anymore and the guard kept on in silence. I heard the jail keeper chuckling at Fillip then he banged on the cell bars, I heard Fillip attempt to muffle an exclaim of pain. This made my mind race and I tried to pull away from the guard shouting at the jail keep to leave Fillip alone.

"Keep a move on!" The jail keep snarled at me," or I will do worse!"

The stair case was long and tiresome for me to handle at the moment. I had been surged with energy moments before and the last of it lingered on my lips. I found my fingertips unconsciously travelling upwards to my lips and stopped them. For now I had to focus on the present situation I was in. The guard said nothing, only pushed me up the stairs being pretty gentle for a guard. When we came to a landing with two other guards and a staff he had stopped. I looked at him curiously and he then shoved me forwards yelling to hurry up. The other guards laughed and pointed taunting me and cheering their fellow guard on. When we passed them it was silent again and the guard kept his distance.

After we reached the summit of the dreary staircase the guard stopped abruptly yanking me to a halt.

"What is going on?"

The guard pulled off the helmet and took a breath," don't recognize me?"

My mouth hung open," Micheal? How did you get here, we just spoke earlier."

He scrunched his nose," that's the first thing that pops into your mind? No thank you?" He said sarcastically.

"Haha," I said,"Seriously tho how are you here?"

"It's a long story but long story short follow me if you want to escape," He whispered putting the helmet back on," you will figure the situation out soon enough."

"What about Fillip?" I whispered leaning against the cool stone,"he is poisoned with some berries he ate at the creek."

"Thinsle berries? Pea sized blue colour from there isn't life threatening. Let's just say you should be happy your not there when he is hurling his guts out," Micheal made a face.

I scrunched my nose at that," let's go, but someone has to come back for Fillip."

I thought I saw Micheal stiffen at my behaviour and caught him staring at me quizzically.

"Hmm," he nodded after a minute of odd silence that he himself was oblivious to," right lets go."

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