Chapter 40

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The feast was to be held on Saturday and to be followed by a party. This gathering was held by none other than our Princess. Whom of which I have only now realized her actual name has been forgotten by me. She is addressed by the Kingdom as Princess and that title alone.

I have come to a different church on today, a Thursday, to meet with Princess' trusted Lady in waiting. A Lady Trinity whose own name reflects her character. She is black of skin and the third sibling in a set of triplets her mother was blessed with. Due to our conflicting colors I am fearful of any attention she may bring speaking to me at a church for whites. Although I find the behaviour towards foreign people such as Lady Trinity to be cruel and unjustified I have to abide by society's peculiar ways, at least for the duration of our meeting. I chose to wear a fancy dress in the hopes people would assume Lady Trinity to be my maid. She is to come under the pretence my son's fever has gotten terribly worse. I am to cross myself, apologize for the interuption, then follow Lady Trinity to the side of the church. The entire event seemed unnecessary when it was first introduced.

"Nobody would think much of it," I recall Fillip saying," that sort of thing occurs often at church. Due to her color and yours any public meeting at a church would raise brows except this one. To visit a church is the only freedom Lady Trinity was granted by the Southerners. She goes under the pretence her daughter Anna is ill," these are the words I cannot forget Fillip saying to me. This had to go smoothly for Anna's sake and her mother's.

I enter the church and acknowledge the few glances at my entry. I look to the image of Jesus and cross myself. My behaviour is that if a typical Christian. My actions are seemingly accepted and the few people turn back to their prayers or rosemary. I walk up to a pew near the entry and hold my hands together in prayer. The visit itself felt like betrayal to the Lord so I speak to him in prayer.

"Dear Lord, I apologize for my visit as it's intentiom is not towards you but towards a great cause here. I have lost many in this war and they have joined heaven earlier than I would ever want. I hope you are with us stronger than ever. Amen," I pray in my mind.

I hear the large church door swing open then slam shut. Everyone turns around to look.

"Quiet now this is a church!" One woman shouts angrily.

I see it is Lady Trinity. She has taken the liberty to purchase or procure a maid's attire.

"My sincere-st apologies," she hurries over to me after this," Mam his fever has gotten worse. The Doctor asked me to bring you back. Young boy doesn't fare well Mam. Ya see my young boy was sick like him and well mam God brought him back real quick," She says all the while waving her hands about.

"Pray tell. The doctor believes him to pass?"

Lady Trinity looks apologetically at her feet then nods.

"I believe so mam. You must return home at once."

"God save him!" I wail in my most distressed voice.

"God save him. We shall pray for your boy," the people said to me as I left with my face buried in a hankercheif.

We left the church and rounded a corner into the Alley behind it. Lady Trinity changed swiftly with the cover of a groundskeeper's shed.

"What is the news?" I ask her.

"The plan is still on but I cannot visit again. The southerners will grow too suspicious," she says quietly like there are spies all around us.

"I see," the Southerners have the kingdom prisoner. They've taken over but not on a legal standpoint. There is still a chance the kingdom could survive this. A chance, sadly, not too many people are risking.

"What news of the forces," she asks so quietly I barely made out her words.

"Strong enough. Around 300 good fighters," I say," We got 5 more this morning. A family who's farm was burned by the southerners."

"Aye," she clicks her tongue," they've grown more violent."

I sense something hidden behind her response but dont press her. I can only imagine what it would be like to live with those sorts of people.

"Amything else?" I ask her

"The Princess is prepared for the rebellion and says that anyone who joins your forces will be given free land from those who deserted this kingdom," Lady trinity says coming from behind the shed, fully clothed in her proper attire.

"That is kind of her majesty," I say yet i was confused with the legalities of the matter. I assume a frown had formed on my face because the Lady huffed at me.

A dark expression formed on her face as she spoke.

"I will provide you with disguises to infultrate the feast. Traitors to the kingdom have no sympathy from me nor her majesty."

"Aye," I nod embarrased at my momentary disbelief in her majesty's abilities. Lady Trinity holds my gaze studying me closely. I stand straight and the moment passes without further reproach.

Lady Trinity turns on her heels and faces the stone wall of the church. The sudden movement would startle me if not for my experience in combat. She stands with her hands in prayer and speaks so soft not a mouse could mirror her. I sympathize with her concern,  those she holds dear are surely threatened, however she must be off. Luckily for my conscious she says amen swiftly and we part ways.

I leave first taking a left down a side street and pass by many homes I recognize. My path takes me past Alexa's home and shop. I think of my friends taken as hostages. Supposedly they had Sparrow, Alexa and Saralee amongst others. I felt myself becoming angry with each step. The names of those lost to me forever repeated in my head. I was becoming unsteady and i knew I had to fight this sudden wave of emotions. My goal now is to return to our camp outside of town shortly after mid-day. Gingerly I ran my fingers against a farmer's barn door. I retrieved Ginger and trotted out of town riding sideways with my dress over hanging one side. When I was finally out of town I rode like a man does and Ginger sped up.

"We will be back at camp soon," I say mostly to myself but Ginger's ears move at my voice.

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