VD: (Male) Robin x Reader

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It was the evening before Valentine's Day, you were sitting at the cafeteria table, eating and writing your diary.

Dear Diary,
Today seems like a boring day... Hopefully it'll change.. And tomorrow is Valentine's Day... My least favorite holiday, watching everybody else get presents from either their boyfriends or girlfriends, awhile I sit here..... Watching all of the action happen right in front of me. I wonder if anybody would be my Valentine, ehhhhh... I don't know...

You looked up and notice a 'certain' fighter sitting at another table. You started to get this fuzzy feeling growing inside, as you were staring at Robin. Next thing you knew, he looked around and notice your beautiful figure. Robin smiled and waved at you, of course, you waved back. Then he turned around and went back to whatever he was doing, you started writing in your book again.

The best thing just happened! That dreamy Tactation Magician just waved at me! And his smile... Ooohh, his smile is just so magnificent!

"Hey (name!)" You immediately looked up and saw Robin.
"O-Oh! H-Hey R-Robin! How are you d-doing?"

He sat down on the chair that was right next to you,
"I'm doing great! What about you?"
"I'm doing fantastic!" You told him and he smiled,
"That's good to hear (name!) Do you know what tomorrow is?" She tired to hide her face,
"It's... V-Valentine's Day"
In the corner of your eye, you saw Robin's face getting pink,
"Y-Yeah, it's actually my favorite holiday! Tied with Christmas"
You felt your face heating up,
"I-Indeed!" You grabbed your book before Robin would notice.
"What's that book your reading?"

You shook your head, you knew if you told him it was a diary, he would get curious.
"I-It's... Ummmm..." Robin stood up,
"I-I'll be right back... I... I have to go do something real quick" You looked at him,

You watched Robin get up and quickly walk off. He disappeared around the corner. You opened your book and started writing again.

Gods, Robin is soooo dreamy... I wonder if

"Aha! Gotcha book (name!) What are you writing about?" You looked up and saw Dark Pit.
"Pitto! Give me back my book!" You tried to grab the book from Dark Pit's hand, but he jumped back.
"Not today (name!) I need to see what you are writing! It might hold secrets!"

Before you could try to take back the book, Pitto ran off. You clenched your hands and chased after him.
"Dark Pit! Give me back my book!" You yelled as you ran down the hallway, Pitto laughed, opened someone's door and jump in. You dashed into the room and Dark Pit waiting hiding behind a bed.

"Pitto! The book!" You started to walk behind the bed, until Dark Pit jumped out,
"Hahaha! Is that what you really think of Robin!?" You shook your hands,
"No! I didn't write that! Thats not even my handwriting!" Dark Pit smirked,
"Oh yeah? I don't think so!" Pitto jumped over the bed and threw your book at a desk. You were about to chase after him again, but he gave the book back, that's what mattered to you at the moment.

"Why do you have to act this way Pitto?" You asked yourself and walked over to where you saw Dark Pit throw the book. When you looked at the desk, there was piles of books, folded papers laying around everywhere, a lot of pencils and... What looked like... magic books?

"Oh no... I'm in Robin's room!" You told yourself, you looked around and saw that Robin's room was quite messy. So, you decided to do a helpful favor for him and clean up his room, quickly.

First, you started off by picking up all of the papers that were scattered everywhere and put them into a neat pile on a table. Next, you folded his bed sheets and straighten up his pillows. Then, you put all of the pencils in a can. Finally, you organized his books. There was this one book, that caught your attention, it said,
"A Diary, Don't Read It If You Are Not Robin!"

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