I'm glad we had a fight! - (Male) Robin x Reader - (SSB One-Shots)

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You were sitting in the theater watching Link and Zelda fight. It was training day and on that day, everyone who was living in the Smash Mansion had to fight each other. Today, it was Link and Zelda, Toon Link and Sonic, Marth and Lucina, Ike and Samus, and so one and so forth. You didn't know who you were going to fight against. Then the fight ended and the announcer said,

"And the winner is....Link!"

Everyone who watching cheered for Link. Some people patted him on the back, saying that he did a good job and wanted to fight him.

"Thanks guys! You guys make me feel better and stronger after every battle!" Link said as he sat down on a chair.

"And the next two fighters will be... (Name!) and Robin!"

You knew who Robin was. He was the guy that had a magic book and a lighting sword. Every time you went by him to say hi, he would start to get real nervous. He would either turn around and walk the other direction or he would just stop and stare at you. You had a conversation with him yesterday evening and you talked about was he called his lightning sword:

"What do you call your lighting sword?"

"I-un c-call it the L-Levin Sword! T-Thats is what i-its called!"

"The Levin Sword.... That's a interesting name. Where did you get the name from?"

"Ummm, I-I don't really k-know..."

"Ok, well what are the different colored books you have? Does it mean something?"

"Yeah, it d-does! The green one is E-Elwind..The r-red one is Arcfire. The purple one c-called Nosferatu and the y-yellow is T-Thunder"

"Wow! Did you come up with these names too?"


"Ok, well I'll see you later Robin!" She said as she walked off.

Robin waved at (name) at the last second.

"Bye (name)"

As you got up from your chair, you saw Robin staring at you. When you looked back at him, he quickly looked the other way. Before you went on stage, you got your (favorite color) sword and got up on stage.

A minute later, Robin finally came on stage. He held a yellow book and the Levin Sword.

"Good luck Robin!" you told him.

He turned around, "Good luck to you too!"

Robin went to the opposite side of the stage.

"Go Robin!" His friends said.

"You can do it (name!)" Link yelled.

As you were getting ready to fight, the announcer had to go do something real quick.

You were swinging your (favorite color) sword around and you saw Robin flipping pages though his book. You did one of your special moves and he looked at you. Again, when you looked at him, he looked at his Levin Sword. Swinging it back and forth. You just started swinging your sword again. 3 minutes later, the announcer came back with a bottle of water. Then he sat in his chair.

"Ok, I'm back. Now, where were we? Oh yes!"

You looked back at Robin and he had his hand on his chest. He took a deep breath and went in his fighting stance. You also took a deep breath and got in your fighting stance.

(Name's) mind: Ok, watch out for his thunder when I am far away. Arcfire hurts! Watch out for that! Elwind isn't too bad, I guess. Nosferatu is bad! Gives me his health and he regains his health. Levin Sword really hurts! Bronze sword is ok. His final smash! Ok now I gotta watch out for that!

Robin's mind: Alright, got to take it easy on (name), don't want to hurt her too bad. Her (favorite color) sword really hurts! I can shoot her with thunder from far away. I wonder what her final smash is?....


Robin charged forward to try to hit (name) with his Levin Sword. (name) dodged just in time and hit Robin with her sword. Robin flew back and landed on the ground.


Robin got up and charged up his Thunder. (name) ran towards Robin and hit him just in time before his Thunder turned into Thoron. Robin landed on the ground and (name) was running toward him again. Robin pulled out his red book and used Arcfire. (name) burned in the fire for a few seconds and ran toward Robin once again. Robin dodged (name's) running dash and counter her back with a side smash. (name) almost flew off the stage and she jumped up towards the sky and Robin jumped up to hit her. But, she air dodged it and did a down attack on Robin. He fell to the floor and layed on the floor for a few seconds. Then, he got up and did a powerful up smash and almost KO (name!) Luckily, (name) managed to somehow survive. Robin though he KO (name) but she landed on top of him! Robin was laying on the ground...with (name) right above him! Robin later there and looked into (name's) blue/green/brown eyes. (name) quickly moved off of Robin and he rolled backwards. Robin rushed towards (name), but she did a side smash and Robin flew off the stage!

"And winner is.....(name!)"

Everyone cheered for (name!)

"Good job (name!)!" Her friends told her.

"Thanks!" But then she realized she won! Not Robin!

"Oh shoot!"

"What happened (name)?" Link asked.

(Name) walked off the stage, opened the front stage doors and tried too look for Robin. She went to the front stage doors and saw Robin walking out the front doors that led into the garden. She followed him. Robin started picking up flowers. There were many different kinds of colored roses! Robin knew that your favorite color was the color of your sword. (Name) walked out of the doors and Robin turned around. At first he was surprised to see you! But then he thoughed, Maybe she's here to get some fresh air...

(Name) walked up to Robin.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I-I'm getting flowers!"

"For who?"

Robin signed and thoughed, Its now or never.

"....I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"I-I.... I love you!"


"(Panting) I love you (name!) I always loved you! Whatever I'm having a bad day and I see your beautiful face, it makes me forget about all the bad things that happened in my life! When I see you in the hallway, I get real nervous to talk to you! Its just whenever I see you, I have this strange feeling in my chest telling me that your the one I love! And I will always love!"

"You love me?"

"Yes! I really do! I love you!"

Robin stopped panting. (name) couldn't believe what she just heard! It got quiet for a minute, (name) could hear Robin's heart pounding hard.

"....I love you too Robin! I always did! I was too scared to tell you! I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner!"

(Name) started crying. Robin walked over to her and hugged her.

"Its ok (name!) At least your here!"

(name) looked at Robin. Robin couldn't resist it but he went closer to (name's) face and kissed her! (name) didn't want to at first, but she pushed her lips against his. They bothed shared a kiss. Until this thing called oxygen came in and hit Robin in the face. Robin pulled back and they were both panting. Robin still holding the (favorite color) rose in his hand. Robin gave it to you! (Name) looked at the rose.

"I love you Robin!"

"I love you too (name!)"

"I'm glad we had a fight today!"

"I'm glad too, (name!)"


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