Something Better - Ryu x Reader

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So today, there was news that spread around like wildfire, when someone mentioned that Roy and Ryu would join the battle. The problem was you definitely knew who Roy was, but you had no idea who Ryu was.

And honestly you didn't expect how he would look like too, he was a muscular fighter that wore white overalls with a red strap wrapped around his waist and he also wore a red headband. He walked bare foot and always looked like he meant business.

But despite his serious looks, he had a great personality, he would always be yelling all the time and crack a joke every here and there. He was indeed a nice person to talk to, and his lousy actions would sometimes leave him in the biggest of messes, but of course in a good way and most of the time a funny way.

But when it was fighting time, he would go into his serious yet polite mood, and always try his hardest at defeating all of the characters. Eventually he did, but unfortunately you were the last one he needed to defeat in order to reach his goal.

So, it started as a regular brawl, two minutes trying to knock out each other as many times as you possibly could. You remember knocking him out four times, and he knocked you out three times.

Everybody in the audience, that is saying all of the fighters, were sitting on the edges of their seat and half of them were chanting your name, and the other half Ryu's name.

There was ten seconds of the battle remaining, you were at a percentage of 153%, and Ryu was at 58%.

If you made one wrong move, then that would result in you getting KO'd and you both would go into a sudden death match. But unfortunately, that happened.

You tried running towards him and hitting him with your weapon, but he used a move called Hadoken and immediately knocked you out of the stage with only three seconds remanding.

All of the characters screamed and stood up from their seats, wondering who was going to win.

And when you spawned back onstage, the announcer grabbed his mic and yelled,"Sudden death! In 3, 2, 1... GO!"

Without any hesitation, Ryu charged towards you and tried using a side attack, but you dodged it just in time and hit him with a side attack. But it didn't knock him out, instead he ran towards you again and actually hit you this time, but of course you didn't get KO'd.

Then you both started hitting and kicking each other, only to find yourselves dodging at the last second and just making yourselves drained out from trying your hardest.

Unexpectedly, a smash ball appeared out of nowhere and started floating around aimlessly. You jumped up and tried hitting it, but it moved and started going a different direction, that is speaking Ryu's direction.

He jumped up and used his up attack and got the smash ball. Then he ran towards you with such a great speed and punched you in the stomach, and then he punched you again, but more harder and finally, he punched you as hard as he could and you flew skywards, offstage.

"And the winner is Ryu!!!" The announcer jumped out of his seat and smacked the table. All of the fighters cheered his name over and over again until Ryu showed off his victory pose.

On the other hand, you weakly stood up and watched Ryu from a distance, your body started aching from him hitting you so hard and smacking you onto the ground. But you were proud of him, not only did he defeat you, but he achieved his biggest goal that he was aiming for and he put up a good fight.

Right when you were about to walk away and head back to your room, you hear a familiar voice call your name. You turned around and were greeted by Ryu, again.

"Hey (Name!)" He yelled,"That was a darn good fight you put up! I would have probably broken a bone or two if you kept trying your hardest! Maybe even a rib! Wouldn't that have been cool?!"

"Uhhhhhh... Y-Yeah?... I guess so?" You laughed quietly,"Why do you always like breaking stuff Ryu?"

"Because its fun! You get to hear it break in two or more and it kind of relieves some stress!" He smiled,"It's a good way to get in shape!"

"Ummmm... More like a way to get in bad shape, but yeah... I-I guess it's fun." You giggled lightly and smiled back, then you notice that Ryu started blushing.

"......Well.... I-I better get going to bed Ryu, good night." You nodded your head at him and turned around. You were about to take a step until he finally spoke up and said,"(N-Name)... C-Can I tell you something?"

You froze for a second or two, but you made yourself look back at him,"What is it?"

Ryu looked at you and cracked a smile,"You are cute...."

Once you heard those words, you started blushing badly,"T-Thanks Ryu... I-I better get going..."

You were going to walk away again but Ryu placed his hand on your shoulder and said,"Not only cute... You're also funny... And creative... And beautiful... And honestly... Ummmm..." He smiled,"....Sexy..."

"R-Ryu!" You blushed more badly and noticeably,"D-Don't say it that loud! What if-"

"Shhhhhhh..." He put his finger on your lips,"It's alright... Everybody is out of the theater... It's just you and me... Besides... It's something better..."

You were confused at first, but you nodded your head and he still had his finger on your lips, he chuckled and said,"Your lips are cold... Would you like them to be warmed up?"

You thought about it for a few seconds and then you shyly nodded your head, Ryu chuckled again,"See what I told you?... You are so cute."

You couldn't help but let out a faint giggle and for some reason, you immediately covered your mouth, but Ryu prevented that from happening by holding both of your hands. You felt that pressure around your hands, and he was actually clutching them kind of hard, but not to hard.

And then you notice that Ryu was moving closer and closer until bam! Both of your lips were touching each others, Ryu first off started kissing you gently and slowly, and you were just kissing him back very shyly. Until he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, then he began kissing you passionately and you were kissing back lustfully, but still a bit shyly.

And when you both pulled back to catch your breath, Ryu smiled at you and asked,"(Name), would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You nodded your head excitedly and hugged him tightly,"Yes I would Ryu! I would be glad to!"

He chuckled and hugged you back saying,"That's good to hear from you, you know, I always did have feelings for you, but I held them in until now." He blushed and said,"I love you (Name), with all of my heart."

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