Encourager - Marth x Reader

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"(Name)... I-I don't think I can do this..." Marth frantically walked back and forth again and again. Sweat slowly started developing on his forehead as he thought about the upcoming tournament that was being held at the stage. He has won all of the previous battles, and now he is in the finals.

"Oh Marth... Have some confidence and some determination!" You told him,"I know it's not going to be easy. But I believe-or know, that you can do it!"

"But you lost on the very first round." He told you in a dull tone,"How am I suppose to defeat Little Mac with his KO' meter constantly filling up? What if he knocks me out in the first two minutes?"

You heavily sighed and placed your arm on top of his upper shoulders,"Quit thinking like that Marth. I tried my very best at this tournament, and I got KO' on the first round. But then I realized that I lost because I wasn't good enough, just yet. So that meant that I needed to try much more harder next time, I still need to improve, to get better much more than before. So later on, I'm going to practice again and again, until I feel like I'm good enough to try again. Because there's still a lot of room for improvement."

Marth nodded his head and suddenly he felt energetic,"..You're right (Name!) I just need to do my absolute best and beat Little Mac! And even if I lose, that doesn't mean that I got worse or anything like that. I just need to practice and push myself more, so I can become the best as I can possibly be!"

You laughed lightly and patted his back,"That's the spirit Marth! Now, who's going to win this tournament!?"

"I am!"


"I AM! I'M GOING TO SHOW LITTLE MAC WHO'S BOSS AROUND HERE!" He jumped up and punched the air for no apparent reason. He felt much more confident than before.

You walked over to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek,"There we go Marth, now go. Go and show everybody who the Prince of Altea really is!"

He blushed lightly and walked onstage with such determination, you smiled to yourself and crossed your arms, thinking,'Wow, he must be really confident! There's probably no way he can lose! He's Marth!'

You laughed to yourself, with you helping him out just before the tournament started, he felt more valiant and self-sufficient. You walked over to one of the four walls that made the room, (A/N: Well duh...) and sat down on the cold ground with your back resting against the wall. And waited for Marth to return back with hopefully, a flawless victory.


"OH MY GOSH! IT'S A SUDDEN DEATH BATTLE!! WHO'S GOING TO WIN THIS TOURNAMENT?! BECAUSE I THINK I KNOW WHO IT MIGHT BE!" The announcer overly excitedly yelled into the microphone, he stood up in his chair and started cheering on both of the fighters like a complete idiot. As so for the audience too. One side started chanting Little Mac's name, and the other was cheering Marth's.

You opened your eyes and lazily stood up. You just realized that you have woken up from taking a quick little nap, it made you wonder how long the battle was going. It certainly wasn't a regular two minute brawl or a 3-stock battle, something much more longer was going on. And you haven't caught notice of it yet. You just heard the crowd yelling and screaming awhile countless noises and loud thumping crashes happen to the wall beside you.

You walked over to the side of the stage and right when that happened, you heard everybody cheer and the announcer yell,"UNBELIEVABLE! LITTLE MAC HAS GOTTEN KO' BY THE PRINCE OF ALTEA! MARTH IS THE WINNER OF THIS YEAR'S TOURNAMENT!"

You were yawning and stretching awhile the announcer was saying whatever he had to say, but you stopped in your tracks when you heard the name Marth. Suddenly you saw a bunch of colorful confetti fall from the ceiling and land onstage. Where the prince was standing. He had the biggest smile on his face awhile you saw Little Mac have a pouty face on. Then the announcer ran to the stage and held the microphone right in Marth's face.

"So how does it feel to win your very first tournament Marth? Any comments or tips you could perhaps tell everybody?" He wigged his eyebrows suggestively.

Marth gently grabbed the mic from the announcer's hand and calmly said,"I really don't have any tips or strategies I could tell you. But I can say that a little someone helped me out a whole lot before this happened."

The announcer looked at him and asked,"Oh really? Who helped you out exactly?"

Marth smirked at him and quickly walked offstage to where you were standing at. He winked at you before he picked you up bride-style and carried you onstage with the bright stage blaring in your eyes. It took you a few seconds to regain your vision and notice everybody staring at both you and Marth now.

"Ohhhhhh..." The announcer chuckled lightly,"So how did (Name) help you out milord?"

Someone from the audience threw a mic at Marth and he caught it just in time. Then he began speaking into it,"Well... I mean she didn't really help me out exactly... Well, I-I mean she did, but it's kind of complicated. I mean it's hard to explain-"

You elbowed Marth on his sides and interrupted him from embarrassing himself in front of all the fighters. He cleared his throat and continued talking,"...So this lovely lady right here, also known as (Name)..." You rolled your eyes,"She helped me out by encouraging me that I could do it. That I could beat Little Mac and win this tournament by having some confidence. Or-a lot of confidence."

Marth looked at you directly in the eye and said,"So thank you so very much (Name). You helped me obtain a trophy I wanted so very badly. Now..." He held the microphone away from him and whispered in your ear,"I'll make sure you get your trophy later on. If you know what I mean."

You blushed madly and looked away from him even though he was smirking at you quiescently. Then he placed his hand under you chin and forced you to look at him. You could feel the hotness of his breath come upon your face as he inched closer and closer. Until he placed his soft, moist lips onto yours as you both shared a kiss together. You heard most of the girls squeal and the guys groan as you both moved in sync. He pulled back when he ran out of breath, probably because he was still exhausted from the battle he won.

"And that's the winner of this year's tournament! Give another round of applause for Marth!" The announcer told everybody, they cheered and clapped for him. Awhile you were still standing there completely motionless, surprised at the action Marth just played. He winked at you one more time before he was pulled into the crowd, where he was signing autographs all night long.

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