5 Days of Sickness - (Male) Robin x Reader

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Warning: Might hurt or break your feeling...

Day 1:

You opened your eyes and blinked a few times before realizing you just woke up from sleeping. You slowly sat up and looked to you left, where you saw a digital alarm clock, that read, 11:28A.M

Then you let out a loud yawn and looked to your right, you gasped when you saw that the tactation magician was...

Sleeping soundly right next to you.

"Oh gods.. What happened last night?..." You rubbed your nose, which felt stuffy and then out of nowhere, both of your ears started hurting whenever you heard a soft sound, and then you felt a sneeze coming.

"....*ACHOO!*" You covered up your nose with your arm, to prevent any snot from shooting out and your ears started ringing for no reason. A few seconds after you thought no snot would be dripping out, you removed your arm from your nose and take a sniff.

Then you ears finally stopped ringing, but they continued again when you heard someone sit up on your bed. You take your attention to the tactation, who just woke up.

"R-Robin?...... W-What happened last night?" You gazed at him, blinking your eyes a bit.

"What do you mean- *ACHOO!*" Robin covered up his nose with his hand and he wiped it a few seconds later.

"Oh.... Sorry (Name), I didn't mean to alarm you." He examined you and you shielded yourself with the blanket you slept with, just in case he sneezed on you.

"I-It's alright Robin... Just... D-Don't sneeze on me." You threw the blanket off you and stood up from your bed, walking to the bathroom.

Without hesitation, Robin did the same thing you did and went into the bathroom. He saw that you were looking at yourself in the mirror in front of the sinks.

"(N-Name?).... Did you... C-Cry?..." He walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

You nodded your head in disagreement,
"N-No.... My eyes are red... They kind of look bloodshot.... B-But I swear, I didn't cry at all!"

He gently patted your back and looked at himself in the mirror,
"Oh gods! M-My eyes are bloodshot too!"

You immediately gazed at him surprised,
"W-What?! Lemme see!"

Robin blinked his eyes a few times before he stared at you with his hazel-colored eyes and it was confirmed that his eyes were red, he also saw the same thing happening to your eyes.

"W-What going on with us-*ACHOO!*" You covered up your nose before any snot would come out and sniffed afterwards. Robin hastily covered his ears and heard a ringing sound.

"I'm so sorry Robin... It came out of nowhere." You told him in a low mutter and felt your voice fading away, like if it didn't want to function anymore.

But that problem was solved when you cleared your throat.

"(Name?) W-Why don't we go see Dr. Mario?" Robin walked out of the bathroom and sat on your bed.

Then you walked out of the bathroom,
"Robin, remember he lefted Smash Mansion yesterday? He had to go to some kind of meeting thing."

"Well.... We can't get any medicine then... D-Do you have anything we can take so we can at least, feel better?" Robin asked and looked at you, hoping for an answer.

"I-I do have.... Cough drops... That's all." You answered him and begin looked around. Robin sat there, almost half asleep, awhile you were searching for the cough drops.

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