Promise To Keep

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Valerie pov

After I left the Shishigumi's hideout, I was driven back to school and went to the office then explained to the Headmaster my stories. I didn't tell him about Louis... I told him about some stranger and stuff.

" Valerie is great to have you back at school! We're so worried that you were about to be devoured by the Shishigumi! " He said.

" Yes, I was shocked as you are sir and the stranger saved me from them as I continued to made it all the way here. " I lied.

" Well I think you should have a day off for today after what just happened. " he said as my eyes widen.

" Oh sir, please I would love to keep working on and hope to pass some grades. Surely you don't have to do that for me really your so kind to me like my mother is as well." I said with kindness smile.

" I insist my dear, you've been through a lot lately of your kidnapping incident. I think its best your your to stay at your dorm for than 2 weeks and I called your parents and told them about it. And they're coming to visit you and I have met your mother from my days and as well your father, Michael. " he said as I blinked.

" You know my father...?! " I ask.

" Yes... me and him were best friends since kindergarten and I miss him very well as you miss him too. " he said.

" Well I'm going to my dorm... have a good day sir. " I said as I left the office.

" Valerie?! " I heard made me flinched.

" Haru! " I said as I hugged her in embrace.

" I'm so sorry... I.. I couldn't protect you from the Shishigumi... *sob* I... I'm so glad you're okay! " I cry as Haru hugged me.

" It's okay Valerie, it's okay I'm just glad you're okay too. " She said.

" So how did you escape? " she asked.

" Some stranger save me...? I don't who or what he or she looks like but.. I just wish to thank them for saving me. " I lied.

" Well I should too, and I thank Legoshi for saving me. " She said as I raised a brow.

" Wait! Legoshi!!! " I said as she nodded.

" Where is he?! " I ask.

" He's in the nurse's office. " She said as I run up to see him.

' I hope he's alright... ' I thought.

Legoshi pov

I was on the bed in the nursing room all patch up from the fight.. I still thinking about Valerie... I-I wish she's here with even she was taken somewhere by the Shishigumi.

" Legoshi... " a voice said... its Valerie's voice!

" Valerie!? " I said with my eyes widen.

" But!? What?! How!?! " I ask.

" It's a long story.. but are you feeling alright? " She asked with a smile.

" I'm doing fine just my right sides hurts a little... but Valerie how did you escape? " I ask.

" Some stranger save me... but never got the chance to thank them. " she respond.

" Well I glad that person saved you... " I said

" Yeah, and thanks for saving Haru. " she smiled.

" Well she's my friend too... and so are you. " I said.

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me gently as I slowly did the same. I missed her, her voice, her smile, her laugh, and her touch but more importantly than ever... she is the bravest human I've ever seen in my life. But she was shaking and I can hear her sobbing as I felt a tear on my shoulder.

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