Forgiveness Of Friendship

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Rachel pov

I was in the hospital for hours for Valerie to wake up, and she still haven't.  But she is strong will of courage to be awake soon enough for me to know who attack her... who would hurt a innocent soul, and tried to devour her.

Its late at night as I hear the sound of the heart monitor beeps to the beating of her heart. As I still holding her hand to pray for her to be okay, and... I will sacrifice everything to protect my family, to protect Valerie.

But I heard someone coming from the door, and it was Legoshi.

" How's Valerie..? " He said.

" Sleeping I hope that she'll wake up sometime soon... " I frown.

" Uh... is your husband a cop..? " he ask.

" Yes... but he is doing the best to track the culprit with his other police officers. If he finds them faster for her... " I smiled sadly.

But I feel her hand as she was trying to wake up.

" M... Mom...? " she mumble.

" Valerie! Thank goodness you're awake! " I said as I place her hand on my face.

" I thought I'd lost you... oh, my baby girl! "

" Mom... Legoshi... how long have I been sleeping? " she questioned.

" You've woke up just in time " I said.

" Really?! Ow!? My head " she said.

" Valerie do you remember anything? " I ask as she shook her head.

Valerie pov

" Mom can you give me and Legoshi some privacy " I ask as she nod and left the room.

" Legoshi... what's with the new look...? " I ask awkwardly.

" With... Gouhin's help, and I... am training with him for me to get stronger  " he said.

" Well that's surprising though honestly you could've ask for me to help you right? " I smiled.

" Oh... sorry... " he frown.

" It's okay, so are you back at school now. " I said as he nod.

" Valerie... do you know who attack you?... " he said.

" ... No... I don't remember... " I lied.

" All I know is that... it was a big pitch black silhouette creature... and it attack me.. then nothing "

Suddenly he went silent, and he hold down my hand with a sad frown.

" Legoshi...? Is something a matter?... " I ask.

" Valerie.. I want to tell you something that I've shouldn't have for a long time before we met... " he looked down as he put his hand on my left arm.

" It was dark at night... and the sound of the fountain water, the mist fog surrounding like smoke. The beast that was holding a human... it was me. I was about to devour you... but I couldn't help myself with my instincts kicked in.  I gave you the mark of me... I'm sorry. "

" Actually... I have a feeling it was you that night " I said as his eyes widen.

" I don't blame you Legoshi... besides I have been waiting for you to tell the truth for a long time. Because I knew that you couldn't lie forever, and I forgive you for the night we met. And I glad that I've met you... I glad that you're my friend Legoshi "

His eyes filled with tears, and I wrap my arms around his neck as he holds me gently with a hug we shared.

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