The Beast Control

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Legoshi pov

At midnight, I was guarding the entrance to the theater as I was walking in circles by the door waiting for them to hurry up.

If we get caught the Drama Club is going to be canceled and I'll get... suspended.

' Come on you guys, the security guards have been patrolling ever since the incident ' I thought, as I heard a cricket sound.

" Hey, there little guy what are you doing here? " I said.

' Actually... I should be asking myself... ' I thought to myself, as I caught a scent of something.

I smell something by the foundation.

' A omnivore... ' I thought.

My blood vein is lighting up like fire burning through my body as my instincts awaken.

Valerie pov

I stop walking, as I heard breathing and panting.

Of course, the ones that are victorious... are those who is strong and fast. I don't know if that's true... for my life to end, for those to die for them. Fear is something to be scared of being devoured alive, and as I try to get away he caught me then hold me down in his arms.

Legoshi pov

' That sound... is it mine... or is it yours? ' I thought.

She feels so warm and soft... her breath is making my arm wet. My hands is moving slowly up to her arm as I grab on to it.

' No, stop! Her body... beneath her soft skin, beneath her clothes... My hands won't stop moving! '

That's how it should be...

I flinched as I looked at in front me was a silhouette figure.

You have struggled your whole life, and now you unleash your limits...

The silhouette walked towards us closer and closer slowly, I was scared so much my body is shaking in fear.

" G-go away!... " I said.

You've suppress your feelings.. ever since you were young... and you lived quitely in the darkness

" Stop it!... go away... " I said.

Is that sadness your feelings?.. or is it... frustration?...

" STOP! " I shout, as the girl flinch

It's neither... the feeling of flavor from the bottom of your heart... it's your chance to taste human blood.. and flesh...

" Stop please!... s-stop! " I stutter.

Look at me! You can't get away! I'm growing bigger... can't you see!?...

" I won't look! Go Away! " I shouted.

You've yearning for this day... all it takes is one bite!...

" Leave me alone! End my misery!... " I said.

" Give it to me! I'll eat you! I'LL EAT YOU! " we both said, as my claws pierce through her sleeve and skin.

" LEGOSHI! " Zoe yelling snapped me out of it, as I accidentally scratch her and she ran off through the fog of night.

Valerie pov

I ran as fast as I could to reach to my dorm through the night. Luckily I made it in time for me to patch my wounds from the carnivore.

" I might as well go to Gardening Club tomorrow " I said.

I don't blame the carnivore who attack me... they're just following their instincts that's all.

" I think its best for me to keep my mouth shut what happened tonight " I said, as I went to bed to sleep.

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