Words To Fight With Blood

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Valerie pov

It's few days left, and I still have to keep confronting Riz to do the right thing for Tem's sake. I haven't heard from Rouis in days after the talk we had, I'm sure he'll be able to come back from the Shishigumi hideout eventually.

" I have to find Riz... it's not too late for him to make things right " I said to myself, as I went to class.

Riz pov

At Cooking Club, I'm preparing lunch for my bear friends in class.

People usually think of tomatoes as a summer fruit, but actually, they taste the best between autumn and the beginning of winter.

" Sorry "

" Hm? "

" What? "

" It's gonna take longer than I thought " I said.

" Oh, we'll wait! " He said.

" Don't worry about it! " He said.

Cooking is a hobby of mine, I love treating my roommates to are my home-made meals. I always feel at ease whenever I cook.

" Alright! Eat up! " I said.

" Oh, let's dig in! " they said, as we eat.

" Your food is always the best, Riz! "

" But... it tastes a little stronger than normal "

" Oh... too much seasoning again? "

" I'll be careful next time " I said.

For some reason... ever since that night, I began losing my sense of taste. I ate Tem, an alpaca, with his consent. I was able to establish a true friendship with a single herbivore. Just like the ingredients that entrust themselves to me. I delicately, and peacefully mixed us together. More... my memories with Tem must become even more beautiful! I must never forget Tem's flavor.

" We're best friends " Tem said.

" I'll accept every part of you, Riz "

End of Flashback

My memories of the night with Tem...... are what's keeping him alive. Eating is a celebration of life.

' Tem, when you were about to enter my mouth, you were smiling right? ' I thought, as I looked down to my palm hand.

I remember of what Legoshi said to me, and what Valerie wanting me to do the right thing. He's going to expose me... he'll ruin everything. He's going to defile my friendship with Tem! I have to silence them. I'll kill that annoying sheep, and that perverted wolf! I don't know about Valerie... but I think that there's something I want to talk with her alone.

Legoshi pov

This can't be happening... I finally found Rouis, and I'm supposed to be focusing on how I should deal with Riz, and yet...  last night, I... I had a dream about Saya! I'm a slave to my desires!

And this wasn't even the first time.

And the number of different scenarios in them keeps increasing... and it was so vivid... I'm a garbage heap of lust! Why!? Why was my brain built this way? Her body is nothing like mine... so soft...

" Hey! " a voice said, it was Valerie.

" Huh? "

" You're holding my hand in a lewd way, Legoshi "

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