Wisdom And Heart

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Late at morning, they went outside with Rouis for the argument they're having.

" I'm very disappointed in you two! You're lucky both of you aren't expelled, and even Valerie had to do something from making everything a seen of two fight on stage." Rouis said.

" And be lucky that I didn't tell the teacher about you dopping blood from me Bill!" Valerie said in anger, Bill was about to say something as I pulled out a bottle towards Bill as he grabbed it with his hand.

" Be surprised if you need more than human blood to do your insanity but, unlike Legoshi you have a set of blood of herbivores and omnivores in your stupidity. " Valerie said in rage, as Bill was getting scared of me as Rouis said, " But the problem is that you two fighting for one drop of blood as if you owned it! If I or her wouldn't stop it would you both killed each other?!" He yelled, and Valerie hope that Legoshi would never drink my blood.

" You're both savages as far as I concerned... as actors team leader I'm spending you two from drama club." He said, but Legoshi didn't do anything unless beating the hell out of Bill for dopping human blood, and he was trying to protect me as a friend, and she know he wouldn't do something from dopping blood too.

As Rouis was talking she saw all those girls cheering for Rouis, and wanted to ask some questions from him. But, suddenly we were on the newspaper, and she was not happy about it.

Rouis pov

After what happened at the theater, and Valerie... I saw her looking at Bill with those eyes. Her eyes are beautiful, and her words are always wonderful though I couldn't stop thinking about her or stop looking at her but, I was dreaming about her every night of sleep.

Next morning I was checking on Valerie, and she wasn't happy about the newspaper.

" Valerie... how are you?" I ask.

" I'm fine but man, I hated when I was in the newspaper like this makes me feel like I am bad news. " She said.

" So I see your point of view of the newspaper, and it did good for your smile." "What?!" I blush, and she giggle.

" But, I was worried about you, and you couldn't been killed by Bill." I said, as I grabbed her hand.

" Promise me that you wouldn't do that again." "Rouis you know that I can handle a fight with words and skills right. So you don't have to worry about me, and just worry about the students that are in danger okay." She said, before heading to class.

Legoshi pov

I am glad that Valerie had saved me from Bill, and I was amazed by how she was quite bold of being an angel on stage, and I was also very impressed by her confidence of loyalty and kindness. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she was so wonderful at her own words as a human.

" I've been worrying about you lately. Is there any reason for that?" Jack ask.

" A reason...? I don't really know. " I reply.

" Could it be... you fail in love?" He said, and that made me stand up straight as Jack sings, and realized that I am in love.

" Are you serious?! Really you who's never had a girlfriend since the beginning! Wow you've really have changed! " Jack laughed.

" Let's hurry to class we're gonna be late. " I said, as I was speed walking through the hallway with Jack.

" Okay, okay if its a female then you might want her right? " Jack ask.

" Well that part is true." I said.

" Wait?! Are you saying that she's not a canine. " Jack said.

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