The Choices In Our Eyes

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Legoshi pov

At midnight, I can smell the scent of life, coming from this patch of dirt... walking in the woods with Saya to find larva in the search. Saya's scent of smell is much stronger than mine.

' Please talk to me, little insects, I need your help! ' I thought to myself.

" Do you think that the last of them? " Saya ask.

" Yeah... come on, let's back to Gouhin " I said as we walked through the forest.

" The forest is so beautiful " Saya said.

" It is.. even in blue " I said.

" Yeah... " Saya said.

- At Gouhin's place -

" Are you ready? " Gouhin said.

" Yes " I reply.

" I'm going to eat them alive. I'm so nervous. Gouhin, have you ever eaten insects before? "

" No, I haven't " Gouhin said.

" Pandas don't have any interest in protein. Eating insectsis illegal, but most people don't eat them alive. Nobody wants to feel the guilt of taking a life. "

" That's... messed up " Saya said, as I picked up the insect.

" I have no idea that.. eating insects is illegal "

The guilt... of taking a life... I'm so arrogant.

" It desperately wants to live, yet I think its okay to eat it just because it's a bug " I said.

" Why do I think that way? "

" Huh? You rejust realizing this now! " Gouhin said.

" You're always been an arrogant little shit. You beat the crap out of males you don't like even though you're a virgin, you force your morals on everyone around you, and you've spent the last year chasing this hybrid girl. But that's okay. The fighting spirit you possess as a carnivore is growing, all because you fight to protect others "

" Wow! Your giving great speech of words~ " Saya giggle.

' In other words, I'm kind of a loser. Right, I have to do this. Please forgive me. Teach me what it means to take a life ' I thought to myself, .

" Here I go " I said, as I ate it whole worm down.

' It's squisher than I thought... this part is... the skin? Ah, the legs are wiggling on my tongue! It's better... and salty? The taste of grass, the aroma of dirt... and the smell of wind... it's thick, and complex... I see, so this is... the flavor of life! ' thought to myself, as the colorful glow turns into the field of grass then reveal the blue sky and clouds, and I heard a voice.

I turn my head, and see a giant moth next to me.

" Wait! " the moth said.

" Do you intend to spit me out? "

" A... moth!? " I said.

" Because of you, I'll never be able to develop into this form " the moth said, as I back up and bow my head.

" I... I'm so sorry! " I apologize.

" I'm sure... I didn't value your life! I discriminated against your life, because I wanted to get stronger! Please, reprimand me! I'll accept any punishment you want. Even though I don't deserve forgiveness "

" Reprimand, discrimination, punishment, forgiveness... those words are meaningless to us insects " the moth said.

" We have no earthly desire like you do. There is only one thing we all need. A respect for life. "

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