Fighting And Surviving For Love

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Rouis pov

At the Shishigumi, we're having dinner with meat, and everyday, every night... I still consume every flesh of herbivores.. sin after sin I've commit. But... I hope that Valerie wakes up soon, I still don't know who tried to hurt her.. I swear that I will kill that mysterious carnivore for hurting her.

" This is some good alcohol! " the lion said.

" We got another offer to be bodyguard for someone again. " lion 2 said.

" That owner has a small body, but big connections, huh " lion 4 said.

" With the boss here, our influence will just keep growing! " lion 3 said.

" I knew it our plans was the right idea all along! "

" If I wasn't here, this group would've been destroyed already. " I said.

" That's pretty harsh! " lion 6 laughed.

" But man, it's been a while since we've had a meal this good! Right, boss? "

" It's not like I approve of eating meat " I said.

" But now that I'm here, I need to adapt to the environment. That's all." I bite the meat, and swallow it down.

" Now then... "

" Hm? You're done boss? " lion 4 ask.

" Don't compare the size of my stomach with all of yours " I said.

" Eat all you want... "

I entered my office, and knee to the trash bin to vomit.

' Dammit ' I thought.

' No matter what I do... I can't get my body to accept meat... I've managed to compensate with energy drinks up until now, but... '

I turned my head, and saw Ibuki enter as he walked towards me.

" Boss " he said.

" What is it Ibuki? And knock first " I said.

" Are you alright? Your face is pale " he said.

" I'm fine... what do you want? " I ask

" You've been getting thinner and thinner, haven't you... " he said.

' Dammit! Did he notice I'm getting weaker? ' I thought myself.

" I'm the one who came up with the plan to make you the boss " he said.

" I feel responsible for you..." he handed me a tray of herbivore food.

" Wh... what do you think you're doing? " I ask.

" This was my first time buying vegetables. I was pretty nervous..." he said.

" Are you making fun of me? " I said.

" I had a feeling you might say that... don't harm your body any further. " he worried.

" You've more than just the boss of the Shishigumi now it'd be a problem if you could die easily. And... it's because of us that you're getting weaker. To be honest, I can't stand to watch. Your health is top priority. Anyway, take some nutrition. "

" So you came here to see me drool over some vegetables.. and quietly sneer at me while you watch? Huh, you're mocking me! " I glare.

" No! Just how s- " he got cut off by the sound of a door open.

" Boss, a young wolf has approached us. They're demanding they meet the boss " the lion said.

" A wolf? "

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