Believing and Forgive them

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Edward pov

" Alright everyone listen up! " I shout, as the other officers sat down in their seats.

" The suspect is Riz a male brown bear in Cherryton Academy High, and was behind the devouring incident from last night. Now be on the lookout for the culprit, and bring him in to justice by any means necessary. We don't know  of what or who will be the victim but, sniff him out and find him now "

Saito pov

At home, I got everything ready for tonight as I sneak out of the house.

" I got the first aid-kit and my phone... now to find my sisters and friends fast before it's too late. " I said as I ran.

Rouis pov

We drive through the tunnel as Ibuki turns the lights off, and now its all in darkness.

" Boss... I said that days with you and her were relaxing but it's more than that " Ibuki said as I hold my gun in my jacket.

The truth is, I was happy.

" Rouis... you and Valerie saved me "

I pull out my gun and aimed it to his head.

" If you don't finish me off here, I'll eat you. Aim in the direction of my voice, and shoot " Ibuki said.

" I... I can't, Ibuki. I can't shoot you! " I said fearly.

" Is that so... then... " Ibuki roared as the sound of a gun shot from his back, and land on my lap.

" Ibuki? " I said.

" Ibuki! Hey! Open your eyes! Aren't you a lion? Don't die on me! Ibuki! " I yelled as the light shine through the broken window.

" I, Free, made it in time to save the Boss! " Free said victoryously.

" Why did you?... " I ask.

" Ibuki. I don't regret shooting you. I did what promised " Free said.

" Promised? " I mumbled.

" He told me to shoot him without hesitation if he ever went insane and tried to eat you " Free exclaimed.

" He didn't try to eat me out of insanity! It's all because I said I was leaving... " I explained.

" He must've felt he had no choice but to face you, and his end, as a lion of the Shishigumi. Don't ever come back to the Black Market. If you end up getting killed here, Ibuki's death would have been a waste. Now go back to your girlfriend and save her before it's too late " Free said.

Legoshi pov

" What are you gonna do, Legoshi? That pretty boy is inside my stomach now " Riz said.

" That's a lie " I said as I smell the scent.

" He's near a garbage dump under the bridge, about 2 kilometers from here. You cut open a wound on his left arm. You covered yourself in Pina's blood to try, and provoke me, but... you wasted your time. I have an internal vault of scents so I can protect those dear to me "

I'm in my fighting position ready to strike.

" So we're both crazy when it comes to herbivores. We're the same " Riz said.

" Don't lump me with you! " I yelled as I charged at him, and the fight has  started.

Saya pov

Legoshi and Riz fighting with all their strength to win, and Riz is too strong as Legoshi is to fast though he hasn't been eating meat in a while now.

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