Light Turns Dark

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Valerie pov

Its midnight and me and Haru were done setting up the flower shop as I said" Wow we got everything done for the festival." " Yup, and I think we should get a five minute break. " she smile.

" I wish I could but, I can't because I am about to help others with their designs and all for the festival. " I said.

" Do you really have to Valerie? " Haru said.

" Well when I'm done then I'll be back before you know it. " I smiled, and she nodded as I take my leave.

Until the lights went off and everyone and I was scared I couldn't see in the dark so I hide behind a tree in tears.

Legoshi pov

Me and Juno were about to join the other group in the blackout as I said,  " Hey is everyone safe?!" " Yeah everyone here..?! " Aoba said.

" Wait?! Where's Valerie...?! " Els said, I and everyone was shocked because Valerie was still in the night blackout, and I said, " Aoba I'll go look for Valerie the rest of you keep each other safe. " Aoba nodded as I took to look for Valerie.

" Valerie?!Valerie? " I called her.

' Come on, just focus... Sniff out for her. ' I thought, as I sniff to find her in the dark  top and bottom until I saw her hiding behind a tree.

" What a relief- " I sigh but cut off by her cries, " DAD!!! THANK GOD YOU CAME BACK!!!! " I was shocked of her calling me Dad... but, I wasn't her Dad until the lights came on.

She was still crying and sobbing as I spoke, " ...Valerie, you okay?... " " Oh L-Legoshi I... I'm sorry.. I-I couldn't see anything I w-was so scared I.... I thought... I'm so sorry.." She cried, and I hugged her gently by calming her " Shh its okay just calm down your safe... " I said, as she pressed her face to my chest though she called me Dad, she still missed him alot.

Juno pov

I saw Legoshi with a human he was hugging onto as I thought,

' So this is the human everyone else been talking about... but.. no way... a wolf and a human... there's no way.... What... Seriously!!! '

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