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Rouis pov


After Haru and Legoshi left, I killed the Shishigumi leader and the lions came up widen eyes towards me and their leader dead.

" Who the hell are you!? " he said as the other lion drop his gun down.

" I'm number 4... product ID number 4, I may be weak and small but I have good flavor. " I said.

" Don't leave them instead of my horns.. eat me and be grateful. If you're his underings, then hurry up and eat me! "

" Did that kid really do it? " he ask.

" Probably... " he answered.

" What's gonna happen to the Shishigumi? " he questioned.

" I guess somebody becomes the new leader? " he included.

" Or maybe we merge with another group? Or transfer? " he said.

" The Madaragumi is pretty strict.. " he said.

" And the lizard group, the Dokugumi... "

" Not a chance " he said.

" How about the Inarigumi? " he guessed.

" I don't wanna eat fried tofu " he argued.

" Hey! " I yelled.

" That brat told us to eat him " he said.

" It seems like he's talking down to us, but I sat we dig in. " he smiled.

" Then I want his thigh! " He said with hunger.

" Wait! " He said.

" You'll have your share! " He said.

" I thought he looked familiar " he laughed.

" Yeah, I'm sure it's you, don't eat him, I've come up with a great idea. " he said as he pull out a picture of me.

" Oh, its him... it say ' He's the hope for our future ' " he said.

" He doesn't have a future anymore " he said.

" You're the top Cherryton candidate for that ' Beastar ' or whatever position, aren't you? " he said.

" Why don't we take this young actor, and a herbivore at that, and put him at the top of the Shishigumi? "

" What?! " they gasp.

" The bosses death might be a blessing " he said as my eyes widen.

" If this guy becomes the face of our group, our image will change! "

" But he's a deer! " He said.

" I don't think that's a good idea, I'm definitely gonna want to eat him! "

' Hey, what are they talking about? ' I thought.

' I told them to eat me! '

" This is the only way for us to survive in the herbivore-dominated society. " he said.

" Have you conversation without me " I said as I raised a gun at my head.

" I'll narrow down your choices... "

' If these carnivores want to use me, I'd rather... ' I thought roughly as Valerie stopped me from pulling the trigger.

In the morning, we woke up and saw the lions surrounding us in our bed.

" We were having a meeting while you were sleeping last night as we waited for you to wake up. " he said.

" Don't talk as if I owe you anything. " I said.

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