The Sunset On This Very Day

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Legoshi pov

Rouis was taken to the hospital with Valerie and her siblings. Me and Riz were arrested then was taken to the police station but luckily, Edward help me out and so did everyone else for me to be free to go. I'm glad that I've met Valerie, and Rouis. And I'm glad that I've met Saya as we sat down to see the sunset.

" Hey, Saya... " I said.

" Yeah " she said.

" I going to drop off school tomorrow " I said.

" Why?! " Saya ask.

" Uuh... some stuff just came up " I said.

" Hm... well, maybe I would agree with you on that " Saya said as my eyes widen.

" What?! " I said.

" Come on, after everything we've been through, and fight through. I think we should get a break from a lot of old things we've done, and do new things for this year... because whatever happens we'll keep on protecting the city together " she said.

" Are... you sure want to do this... with me?... " I ask as she nod.

" Because I love you silly, ever since we've met " she said.

" Where ever you go, run, fight, and if you ever die on me I'll die with you. Because I won't forget you, and you won't forget me. We'll always go through the hardest and the easiest way we take on "

' Her word are so strong and confident ' I thought to myself.

' Saya was a determined hybrid I've ever seen in my life... I love everything about her so much, I love her.. more than anything in the world '

" Saya... " I said as I hold her hand.

" Will you marry me? "

She went silent as she give me a butterfly kiss, then giggle.

" After we date silly " she said.

" Wait!? Does it mean you'll- "

" Yes! " She said as we hug in embrace.

 (🦌, 🐺, 🐇 X OcFem! Human, Hybrid Girl, Hybrid Boy Reader)Where stories live. Discover now