Fear Of Losing You

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Rouis pov





I woke up from my dream as I heard people from outside saying number 4.

' The number from Hell, that was 13 years ago. The past that deeply scared... so be it, and its going to keep following me around I'll just have to keep on fighting it.. that's what I've been doing ever since that day. ' I thought and I was remembering my childhood.

Number 4 was my product ID number, I was 5 years old at the time being sold as carnivore food at the Black Market. I didn't know how to speak or read but I know getting out of the cell meant death. Until I met a herbivore deer, he was the first adult herbivore deer I ever met but I was desperate to escape inorder to survive. But now I realize he save me from that horrible place and took me in as his biological son.

I visited Tem's resting place telling him that I refused to let him die in vain and to change the world, to protect Valerie from anything danger.

Legoshi pov

Its been 3 months since Tem's incident no report on memorizing anyone.


" Putting it back on the dorm.. " I said.

" It's just not the right time but don't worry, I'll wait for the perfect moment to tell her my feelings. " he said.

End Flashback

True feelings... Valerie's true feelings are apparently was from yesterday... I'm sure Rouis and Valerie known each other since.. long before I met her. ' What am I supposed to do?!.. come on help me out Tem. ' I thought, as I saw Rouis and hide inside of a empty classroom. Since everyone tends to stay away from that area, I bet everyone knows that Rouis still brings flowers for him... to Tem.

Until a jaguar was about to pounce on Louis, I grabbed him and not let him see us as he walked away.

'He tried to attack Rouis but why...?' I thought as the jaguar said " Dammit when did Rouis hired a bodyguard?! " " I'm not a bodyguard, I'm just a student why were you about to attack Rouis?! " I said, as he laughed " If you just assumed I tell you. Just go and do tricks for Rouis. "

I pin him down on the ground as he started talking " DAMMIT OKAY, OKAY I'LL TALK!!! Come on you're a carnivore you should know there's a lot of us out there who trying to kill Rouis and Valerie right now. After the festival it's pretty much that both of them are going to be beastars which that happens it means of them to weakened all of the carnivore. So I thought of putting my name in the line. " he chuckle, I was shocked of what he said of her becoming a beastar.

' She breaks a fight between a wolf and a tiger, he steals the best girl, and take time to remember on late night student. On the other hand I lose control whenever I try to solve anything I'm a total failure. I don't have the right to destroy Rouis and Valerie's relationship plus I'm realizing that what it is... what it is I should be doing right now. No one is worthy to becoming a beastar if carnivore is his enemies then I'll do whatever it takes to protect them. I have to give up on love because since the beginning- ' I thought as I got cut off by a leopard headbutt me in the nose and said, " Theirs no way you can protect them by yourself you idiot!!! " ' Things are serious then I thought I need to hurry up, and make the decision already to protect Valerie and Rouis to do that- ' I cut by my blood that's coming from my nose.

Valerie pov

In the festival I was helping Haru setting up the flower shop until I heard someone called my name, " Valerie " it was Legoshi, and to be honest this is awkward for me to do right now...

" Hey Legoshi uh... oh what happened did you get into a fight or something?! " I said, but he's been quite by looking at me as he was about to say something... but maybe he was trying to tell me his feelings " Valerie... I think I'm in- " I cut him off by putting my hand on his face and said, " Hey I know what you're saying and.. I'm sorry I can't... I am with someone else but I will say that I love you too as a friend.. so do you... understand Legoshi.. " he nodded, and I hugged him as he hugged me back.

As I lay back on a tree with Haru, as I said " I don't know what to do Haru... I was in love with Rouis now but.. Legoshi isn't giving up on me so... what should I do about it?! " she lay her head on my shoulder and said to me, " Well I think that he's just a guy that is very kind and very friendly to me, and all I know is this Legoshi sees you as a person and I think that he's not going through the same thing as you right now. " " Well maybe I should help him out with this situation like this and hopefully he'll be able to understand. "

Suddenly a large hand grabbed me and Haru, I tried to scream for help but I took my necklace off and dropped it as Haru drop her shoe and were taken way by the kidnappers.

Ps: that's not my design

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Ps: that's not my design

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