Strength To Face Your Demons

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Valerie pov

I was at the hospital healing up and staying healthy as usual, I get visits from my friends and family... but I haven't heard from Rouis today until I heard a knock from the door. It opened then reveal that it was Louis that came to visit me.

" Valerie " he said with a small smile.

" Hey, I hope you're doing well with the Shishigumi lately " I said.

" Here it's your favorite flowers " he giggle before handing them to me.

" Thanks you always know me too well Ru " I said happily with a chuckle.

" Um... Valerie... " he tried to say something as he pull out his hand from his pocket, and revealed a necklace that I drop after I was kidnapped.

" My necklace?! You... you hold on to it for all this time?!... " I said with widen eyes as he puts my necklace around my neck, and held my face with his hand.

" Because I love you Valerie, and I always will love you. " he said as he press his lips on mine.

" I love you too, Rouis " I said.

" So did Saya got mad at you again "

" Yeah, and I got hit for it... though I did deserve it for leaving you alone at school. " He said as he rub behind his neck and smiled.

" But... we talked things out and got along well. I just wish to be able to hangout with her nicely with you and your family. "

" Yeah " I chuckled.

" Though... she should've just listened instead of using her temper like she usually do all the time. "

" So.. how's your back and head? " he ask.

" Good, but.. I got a lot of stitches on me and I have to stay here for the doctors to remove them once I'm all healed up then good to go back to school. " I said.

" Y'know... everyone misses you back at school. I miss you too, and I'm guessing that... Juno is going to be the next beastar than me in the school. "

We smile until I notice that his face is pale by the looks of it as I place my hand on his cheek.

" You haven't been eating much... have you?... " his eye wide as he knows how much I was worried about him.

" Ibuki has been responsible for my health... though the meat is making me weak ever since " he said as he look down.

" Have you been sick this entire time? " I said as he went silent until my sister come to visit me.

" Hey, hope I'm not interrupting anything " she said.

" No not at all " I said.

" Good... about time you visit her otherwise I might be knocking some senses out of you " She said as she wrapped her arm around his neck.

" Well... I better get going, and I promise to visit you soon if I'm not busy " he said as he kissed me on the cheek, and left leaving me with my sister Saya alone.

" Hey Saya... " I said.

"Yeah, Valerie? " she said.

" I need a favor from you " I ask.

" I need your help with Legoshi... he's been fighting with his instincts for a hard long time now. So I need you to help him along with Gouhin in the Black Market. "

" What?! " she screamed.

" You've been to the market?! And you didn't say anything!? WHY!!?? "

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