Lies Into Truth

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Legoshi pov

I was done with some homework for my lab exam today, and at sunset I met Saya at the park because I was about to hangout with her today after school, so I can go to her parent's house.

" Hey, Legoshi! " she waved.

" Hey, sorry I was late... I was in classes all day and I got done with it fast as I could. " I smiled.

" It's okay " she said.

" So you ready!? My mom is making some delicious dumplings and some good noodles for dinner tonight! "

" Okay... " I blush.

We made it to the train station as we chatted for our destination ride on the train, and we walked together to her house.

" Saya welcome back " her mom said.

" Oh Legoshi I'm sorry... I forgot you were coming to visit, I'll bring out an extra plate for you. "

" Oh its okay Miss... " I said.

" Please call me Rachel " she said.

" Honey I'm home " her dad said.

" Hey Dad! " Saya said as she hugged her Dad.

" Hey kiddo how's your day at school? " he ask, as he smiled.

" Great!!!! " she said with excitement.

" My baseball game is tomorrow and I will make it through a homerun!!! "

' She really loves her Dad a lot... a black wolf who is a police officer with a perfect hybrid daughter that's half human and half wolf. ' I thought.

" And who's this Saya, your friend? " he ask.

" Yup, this is Legoshi, Valerie's friend in Cherryton Academy " she said.

" Well... honestly, a grey wolf, white color doesn't suit you " he said as my eyes widen.

" Wait?! How did- " I asked as I was cut off by his laugh.

" I'm a cop, I know a grey wolf before because you have a grey and cream color. You can't hide it from me boy " he smiled.

" Well its... nice to meet you sir " I said.

" You can call me Edward, sonny " he said as he patted my shoulder.

" How about we get to the kitchen, I have more to tell while I was working "

" Okay!!! " she said in suprise.

We went to the kitchen, and the food was delicious as I took a bite of those sweet dumplings my eyes widen with delight.

" My Legoshi, you haven't been eating much lately? " Rachel said.

" Oh... I was but.. I got in a hurry to hangout with your daughter on visited " I shyly said.

" Hehe... yeah, I was at the hurry to the park and all the sudden the hyenas was messing with me as I punch them in the face really hard as they run off " Saito said.

" And~ don't forget that you have a canine fight with Eric the bulldog at our school then both of you got suspended for 2 days " she smirk.

" Look who's talking! " Saito said.

" Kids please " Edward said.

" But I have good news! "

" What is it!? " Saya jump to suprises.

" I got a call from the doctor saying that Valerie will be out of the hospital tomorrow and she'll be graduating soon at school " Edward said.

" AWESOME!!! " Saya gasp.

" Alright! " Saito smiled.

" That's amazing news Edward! " Rachel said.

" Yeah, I'll be graduating too! " I said.

" We're so proud of both you and Valerie! " Rachel said as the sound of my phone ring.

" Oh!? Sorry I gotta answer it... " I said as I got up to go outside.

" Hello? " I said.

" Legoshi... " Gouhin answered.

" Gouhin?... " I said.

" Listen... don't tell Valerie about her father... " Gouhin sigh.

" What?! Why!? " I ask.

" Because I said so... she's not ready to face the truth! " Gouhin yell.

" But she needs to know! " I shout.

" Know what?... " Rachel said.

" Legoshi... put it on speaker... " Gouhin said as I turn in on speaker.

Gouhin told Rachel everything and apologized as he hang up.

" Legoshi... I have to tell you something but.. promise me that you would not tell her anything " Rachel frown and I nod then we sat on the beach in the backyard as she explained.

" A long time ago, I was pregnant with Valerie... and Michael got ambush and then kidnapped by carnivores. He was a prisoner for a while after my water broke and I was rush to the hospital as my husband called... telling me that he's not going to be here. I was shocked as he told me that he's going to be devoured by a tiger named... Shizoku. With his final words... that he loved me very as much he loves his daughter Valerie and that's how she got her name by her father. " Rachel said as tears fudging out her eyes.

I was in tears too... I couldn't believe that her Dad sacrifice himself to save his family from being devoured by a tiger, a carnivore that Valerie thought of him died by a mysterious illness was to protect her from the real truth of her father's death.

" I beg you to keep this as a secret for me to tell her about her father.. I need you to protect Valerie from anything danger... even from the truth " Rachel said as I nod.

We hugged and went inside the house.

I will protect Valerie with all my strength.

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