Hard Choice For Hard Love

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In the morning, I was thinking about what I know and heard from two guys that are in love with me

' I had one guy that loved me and now I have two... what else.. a crazy mammal ' I thought and I hope that one of them will confess their love to me when they're ready.

More importantly for me to choose from the bottom of my heart and my heart will change in a way that both carnivore and herbivore are winning my heart for their own deeds.

Haru pov

' Oh here I am lost again in this solemn, quite, beautiful but cold forest, as I continued to walk. I beginning to understand that a harm place doesn't exist here... no matter how many branches I push aside there's no way out.. it's a forest of solitude. ' I thought, as I was grabbed accidentally to Rouise's fake antlers for us to make love to each other.

' This male deer... I can always see a deep sadness in his eyes that hasn't changed since the day we met. ' I thought sadly.

Haru's Flashback

It was spring semester during my freshman year, as I was about to leave.. until I saw a male red deer bleeding while holding his antlers and he said, " Oh I'm sorry to suprises you, my horns fall out earlier as they were expected... " I stay silent and yet confused.

" Are you in.. gardening club? " he ask, as I nod.

" Can you swear that you won't tell anyone. " He said, but I was confused.

" Swear that you see the horns fall out of the red deer Rouis. " He said, as he walked towards me and I said.

" Okay, but who's this Rouis fella? "

" Then you... you don't know?!... " His eyes widen up.

" Afraid not and anyway you're way to self-conscious y'know. I'm busy with some ghost members as you can see " I said.

" Hmm... alright then here take this I'm getting a fake set of horns. They've grow unless in ten days until then help rent this staff. " He said, as he offered me a money but I refused and said.

" Do I looked that desperate to except money from a bloody animal no way besides I don't care so just keep your money. But you can rent it under one condition. " I said, as I grabbed his hand by dragging him to the shed and he said, " What condition is that..?! " " You'll let me tend to your wounds. " I said.

In 2 days later, " Come on, you need to disinfect it. " I said, but he hard-headed on me and said, " I'll do it myself. " " You need to get over yourself. You got it you'll always gotta be a helpless little Bambi in my eyes. " I said, as I was trying to help him he grabbed both of my wrist, he put his left hand on my side face and he then tried to kiss me but he snap himself out, and knew what he was doing. I can tell he suspected to be perfect at all times... so clear, so sad as we both stared at each other and then kiss.

End of Flashback

' All of our precious memories... where did they go. ' I thought.

Rouis pov

" So you'll be working at the festival of the meteor as well. " I said, as she nodded.

" We're setting a booth to sell flowers the club needs funds. " " You know that I can take care of the funding. " I said, but she refused.

" I don't want your money just your love. " she smile, as she wrapped her arms around me.

" It's a young animal's duty to produce descendants. My family already arranged a wife for me so I can succeed the family name... you told me before that you understand. " I said, as I pat her head.

" Okay I'm going make sure you go back to the dorms at night. " I said, and she knows then saying bye to me.

As I was about to leave the shed there was Legoshi standing in front of the door.

' What's he doing here. ' I thought.

I took a deep breath and went outside, " What are you doing here...? " he ask.

" I could be asking you that. " I reply.

" oh I'm just looking for the girl in gardening club. " he said, and I told " Haru's not here, and I'm making sure that everyone in school is participated in the early festival Haru and I are friends."

" Um... Actually I'm here for Valerie. " he said.

' What..?! He's here for Valerie. ' I thought, as I realized that he has feelings for her too.

But I said " What is it with you having connection on herbivore and omnivores? So why are you interested of her. "

" Nothing much I just wanted to see her..." He smiled, as my eyes widen but I'll make sure that he stays away from her because she's my new bride for the family name.

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