The Black Market

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" Wow spring break through a few days are great for my day. " Valerie smiled.

" Yeah at least for you, and all herbivores such as myself can't leave campus on spring break. " Haru sigh.

" Yeah, I know... but I think that we might be able to hangout next spring break someday. " Valerie said, and she nodded.

" Well I'm going to visit a friend of mine so I'll be back in 10 p.m. okay Haru. " Valerie said, and she replied " I'll see you soon." I waved, and left.

As Valerie was walking through the hallway to have a Stroll in the city she walk pass my friend Rouis again.

" Oh, hey Rouis what's up." Valerie said.

" Nothing much but, are you going out." He ask, as she nod my head.

" I'm going to hangout with a friend in the city. " Valerie smiled.

" Valerie can you promise me something. " He ask, as he grabbed her hand and I blush a little.

" Promise me that you wouldn't go to the Black Market. " " Okay I won't go there. " Valerie reply, " I'll come back to the school at 10 p.m., and hope to hangout next spring break. " I waved with the smile on my face, and left the school.

In 9 p.m. Valerie was visiting a friend of hers until she heard voices. She walked towards the voice, and Valerie noticed that it was Bill, Legoshi, and the other carnivores at the Black Market. The were arguing, and Legoshi was yelling at Bill, and ran off as she went after him.

' I know I made a promise to Louis... but I have to get Legoshi, and talk to him before he gets hurt.' Valerie thought, as Legoshi was getting scared, gasping, and panting as he was drilling down to the floor in the alley.

She ran towards Legoshi, and calming him down until a Panda came out of nowhere.

" Well I think that he's passed out in the alley. " He said, as Valerie asked " Who are you, and what do you want. " " My name is Gouhin, and I'm the guard of the Black Market but I'm also a doctor for carnivores with mental illness, and stuff like this one." He said, and she snapped " THIS one is scared, and he needs help. If you think of restraining him you got get through me first, and I may be young and fragile as a human but I might tell you this you're not going to restrain him because you think that he might attack someone like me. But he won't attack me because he needs help." " You remind me of that last human... and you must be Michael's kid Valerie right.?" He said, and Valerie replied " You know my Dad...? " " Yes but let's go before someone else sees us." He whispered, as he carried Legoshi on his back, and made it back to the hospital.

In 9:20 p.m. at the hospital they chat as Legoshi was resting.

" So how long do you know my dad...? " she ask.

" In 40 years, and he was my partner in the black market even helping carnivores with their hunting instincts problems. He was a good man, and you sound just like him. " He smiled, she was amazed at how her dad helped the carnivores with instincts situation like this... but she think that her dad, and him had a long history.

But she took a sip of his tea, and she like the taste of bamboo.

" Hehe, good right it's tea made of bamboo, and your father likes these stuff too. " He laughed, as she giggle a little until Legoshi woke up from his sleep.

As Valerie walked towards him to see of how he is, and hope he'll tell her what happened with the other carnivores

" Hey you okay..? " Valerie ask.

" I'm fine but where are we..? " He said.

" We're in the hospital for carnivores, and this is Gouhin.. one of my dad's friends, and he's the one that carry you here. " she said.

Legoshi pov

" Well I gotta go to the restroom and then we go okay. " She smiled, and it was just me and that panda guy.

" So you're friends with her right? " He ask.

" Yeah, so... are you friends with her dad..? " I questioned.

" More that you meaning a wolf or a human. " He responded.

' I didn't think that she had a human dad... ' I thought.

" Oh she didn't tell you did she... well I carried this just because he an old friend of mine. He was my partner in the black market and he helped other animals. " He said, as he showed me a picture of him and her dad.

" What's his name...? " I ask.

" His name is Michael and he was killed by an unknown carnivore but they've never arrested that person who did it. But don't tell her about this okay... she still needs time to herself toward her ways alright.. she still misses him dearly and never got the chance to grow up with him the day she was born. This will be our little secret alright, Valerie is still not ready to face the truth of her father's death. Until the right time of her graduation, tell her got it. " He grin as I nod, I felt guilty and sorry for him, and Valerie.

 " He grin as I nod, I felt guilty and sorry for him, and Valerie

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Valerie pov

I got out of the restroom and as I was about to open the door I heard them talking loudly, and what I heard is that Legoshi was in love with me and his hunting instincts is the one that was curious about my flavor. I think that he would never hurt me or anyone else as I come out the door and said, " Hey sorry it took so long... you ready. " " Y-yeah well thanks for your help. " We left the hospital and I ask him, " So... what happened to you and.. why were you in the black market?" He went silent and then he told me everything on the way to the train station.

I saw Aoba standing there and we walked towards him and I said, " Aoba...?! What are you doing here alone and where's the rest of them? " " Yeah about that I... couldn't actually do it. I couldn't eat the guy's fingers and because the herbivores are my friends. " He frown, I felt sorry for him and his honesty was so wonderful compared to mine.

" Well... at least your honest and a good friend. You always make a good deed for you, your family, and your friends. " I smiled with loyalty, as he was thankful of me for my words and we went our way to the school and rest.

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